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Killing royalty was easy…


They mainly stayed in one spot, so finding them was never difficult…


They even held parties and events, which often left them exposed…


The only problem was the number of guards they had at their disposal and the layout of the castle they lived in…


But that could be turned into a non-problem with a little disguise and some orders from the commander of the guard…


You smiled as you rounded a corner of one of the corridors into an almost identical one. If you’d snuck in traditionally, you would have never found the princess' quarters, but right now, you knew you were only moments away from your post right outside her door, with your cohort Randolf in tow.

“This is it.” You said, finding the plain wooden door you’d be guarding and taking your position next to it.

Randolf just sighed and took his position on the opposite side of you.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just wish we were assigned to guard duty at the party. I always wanted to attend a royal party at least once,” Randolf responded.

“I’m sure there’ll be more,” you said gruffly.

“I guess…” Randolf sighed again.

There was silence for a minute. You’d played the guard before, and the plan was always to wait for some time before making your move. Unfortunately, that always included fraternizing with someone you didn’t really give a damn about. You understood, of course. If your job were to stand around and make sure that no one entered a place, you’d make idle conversation too, but the fact that you had to talk to someone who you were most certainly going to kill pinched a nerve.

It was silent for now, but you knew better…

“Have you ever met the princess before?”


“You’ve seen her, though, right?”


“Pretty hot, huh?”

“I suppose…”

“I think she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’d never seen a woman with such golden hair before.”


“C’mon, Ephram, you can’t tell me she isn’t the most beautiful thing you’d ever laid your eyes on.”

Your fake name was from the last guard partner you killed… He acted very similarly to Randolf.

“It’s best not to fall for royalty. It’s unrealistic.”

“So… a guy can hope, right?”

Your eyes nearly rolled out of your head from his words. What a delusion to have.

“Let’s not chat too much. Gotta be on guard,” you warned, inconspicuously drawing your dagger.

“Ha, right, like anyone is going to try…Gluhkk!”

You moved quickly, closing the distance between you and Randolf as you slipped your dagger between the plates of his armor into his neck and then into his lungs. Randolf made no noise beyond his initial gasp from your first stab, and you made sure to catch him before he clanged to the ground.

There was no time to waste as you pulled out your lockpick and got to work on the Princess’ chamber door. The easy lock took only a second to release as you dragged Randolf's body inside and placed the two hologram chips on the spots where you and Randolf had been standing guard earlier. The chips sprang to life in the lifelike image of the two of you as you slid into and shut the doors to the chamber.

Randolf’s body was already disintegrating thanks to the enchantment on your dagger, the little wisps of dust eeking from his armor until it and his clothes lay in a flat empty heap on the very fancy wooden floor.

You stripped out of the heavy plate armor and down your light clothes: a plain black long sleeve and leather vest with matching brown trousers and lightweight cloth shoes. You rolled your shoulders and stretched out before collecting the pile of armor on the ground and hiding it in the corner of the room. It wasn’t completely out of sight, but you were sure the princess wouldn’t be the wiser before it was too late.

You groaned as you ran your hands through your hair and locked the door. The only thing left to do was to wait patiently for the princess to arrive…

Standing in the center of the room, you couldn’t help but eye the place. It was… too pink for your liking… maybe tasteful for the young princess and not overly gaudy, but it didn’t appeal to you in the slightest. You walked over to her bed and put a hand on the covers, feeling how the soft material slid under your rough palms. You’d paid a visit to a few royal rooms in the past, each one containing the finest things: the softest blankets, clothes, and most well-made items. You figured that’s why they were so easy to kill. The lap of luxury made them forget that they were actually just one big coin purse waiting to be collected if anyone thought ill of them.

“Fools…” You grumbled as your eyes drifted from the bed across the room…

Your eyes were sharp, so you noticed the billow of golden hair and a face that wasn’t yours suddenly show itself across the room, startling you enough to draw your dagger and brace your legs to move!

You sighed upon noticing the image lay in a mirror, but narrowed your eyes to see that this person certainly wasn’t you. It was a woman—a woman with long golden blonde hair.

“What the hell is this…” You whispered, sheathing your dagger and walking to the mirror. It was clear to see that this woman was the princess you were sent to kill, her body following your movements with each step you took. It was completely bizarre to see yourself as a woman a whole head shorter than you, your bewildered expression showing itself on her face as you turned your head slowly to the left and right.

“Hmmm… this is too weird…” you said, touching your rough and stubbled face. 

Reality didn’t match the image. Her face was clear and soft, while the feeling of your own contrasted the look greatly. Her breasts bulged from your leather vest as you made her fingers sink into them, but you only felt your muscled pecs. You made her brush her long, silky blonde hair over her shoulders, but only felt air.

It wasn’t an enchantment you’d ever seen before, and it didn’t make much sense why the princess would even need a mirror that only displayed her image inside it. Did one of her maids want to see themselves as her and forget to release the spell? Ehhh, a maid probably wouldn’t have the talent…

You moved closer to the mirror and reached a finger out. The girl followed your movement as her small pampered finger copied yours until they converged, your finger hitting the solid glass but sending a water-like ripple across the reflection that reverberated the girl until it exchanged into your actual reflection instead.

“Hmph?” After seeing the weird event, you put a hand on your chin, but it seemed that was it. Poking the mirror no longer made it ripple, and the princess’ reflection didn’t return. You were moments from walking away until you felt the cool air from the room hit your feet and the sudden feeling of carpet on your bare soles.

One look down told you everything you needed to know as you felt your legs start to be exposed to the air like your feet.

“Oh, shit. Not good.”

You tried to stay as calm as possible as your trousers started to disintegrate in front of your eyes. “Magic,” you growled as your pants completely disintegrated off your body, your cloth underwear suddenly feeling softer as it tightened on your hips and around your groin. You’d had a run-in with magic on previous assassination missions, and hell… you used enchanted and magic items yourself, so you knew better than most… Once the magic started working, there was nothing you could do but let it run its course. You grit your teeth as your vest deteriorated and fell off in tatters while your black long-sleeve started to lose its color and roughness. In tandem, the bottom hem of your shirt stretched just past your groin, and the sleeves started to slide up your arms.

“Grrr, fuck…” Your black shirt rapidly turned pink while your retreating sleeves turned to straps on your shoulders that made the neckline of the shirt plummet and tighten around your chest…

A pink nightgown… really? And you were pretty sure you were wearing lady’s undergarments as well, judging by how softly and barely they held your man bits within them.

You were filled with shame seeing your reflection, your manly body stuffed into something so girly… Whatever, it was fine. You supposed you were fortunate enough that the magic only altered your clothes, especially since there was Randolf’s old clothing was on the other side of the… room?!

You looked across the room, and where you expected to see armor and clothes piled up, you saw nothing at all. They were gone!

A feeling of dread washed over you, physically weighing on your shoulders… or was that something else? Your eyes drifted back toward the mirror, your entire body feeling weak as you began to sink toward the floor… Your limbs felt like jelly, your shoulders drooping as you watched your hardened muscles atrophy, your arms and most of your body popping and cracking gently as they were pulled smaller. In all your years of assassinating you never believed you’d see your body reduce like it was. Tough arms became skinny, hairless twigs, your rough and calloused hands, and fingers slendering to dainty and soft hands that you hesitantly moved in front of your face.

You groaned as your shoulders pulled in one of the straps of the gown falling off your little round shoulder as they narrowed with your chest, your ribs squeezing in tightly.

Your eyes were drawn down the mirror with your shrinking spine as your bare feet and legs jittered themselves smaller.

“Whoever did this is gonna pay…” you said, balling your small hands into fists, semi-recognizing the small body that yours had been altered into, though it looked completely off with your he–


The sound echoed through your skull, your train of thought stopping instantly as your face started to tremble, a terrible pressure radiating through it like it was about to crack, just like your skull just did.

“Ehhh…” you groaned, closing your eyes tight.

There was no question about it. The pressure was building to tremendous levels in your jaw, nose, cheeks, and eyes. They were definitely about to–!

It hit your jaw first, the thing rounding tremendously in a multitude of pops as it narrowed itself. You grunted loudly in response to the shock, feeling it spark onto your lips as they swelled big and pink. The spark traveled your face, sending your cheekbones jumping higher while the skin over them puffed up cutely.


You grabbed onto your softened cheeks with both your small hands while your scream sharply rose from manly to girlish as you were forced to watch your nose wiggle down small and perfect. Your eyes, already stretched out wide in shock, seemed to grow wider, darting from side to side as you witnessed your brown hair trickle down your head and sides of your face until it hung just above your shoulders.

No way…” You gulped, looking at your changed body. Your hands fidgeting at your sides as you stared at yourself. “This looks so wrong. I sound so… wrong… *Cough*”

You coughed with the subconscious hope that it would return your voice to normal, but there was hardly an ounce of roughness to your voice at all… Your femininity was undeniable. You even had to check your crotch to make sure you were still a man where it counted, finding the familiar bulge that you’d had all your life, thank god…

You breathed a sigh of relief, your eyes opening to catch what looked to be a hint of something off in your iris. A color unlike its surroundings as you quickly moved closer to the mirror to confirm. “Oh, no, no… no more.” You were powerless to stop the clear blue from completely eating away the brown, each blink making the blue more and more prominent. The sudden tickle on your shoulders made you gasp as your nearly completely blue eyes darted there to see that your hair was still growing, falling passed your shoulders in waves of bro–! Blonde?! Your hair was turning blonde now!?

Ughhhnnn,” You groaned, realizing your fate to come, the reflection you’d seen initially gradually manifesting itself again slowly but surely as you stretched your girly face with your hands. You were turning into the goddamn princess! The small body, bright eyes, and long blonde hair! It was undeniable, and and–

Nuh?!” your eyes flew down to your chest as you felt the sensation far before anything was noticeable. Your chest had suddenly become sensitive, the flesh stirring, making you squirm slightly as you felt your areola stretch and stiffen, the smallest amount of weight behind them, making them just barely jut from your chest. You were stunned… you just… grew tits? Tiny… tits? 

You felt them wiggle before they started to swell more, the small bumps gaining heft as they grew before pleasurably drooping slightly with their added growth. 

Mmmmnuhh~ Oh gosh, they’re stiiiiill ahhhnn~ growing!” Your hands gripped your squishy bosom, feeling how it sent your cock stiffening at your own touch. You’d grabbed plenty of breasts before, but having your own grabbed by such soft hands made your crotch twinge up in confused excitement.

I can’t seriously beeeee mphhh~ ah~ liking this?!” You moaned as you bent forward, your face twisted in a mix of confused pleasure as you let your breasts bubble and hang in a full teardrop shape from your loose nightgown, the cleavage they were forming alluring even if it was your own. 

Hoooly~ shi–!” You yipped sharply as your waist pinched inward, your skinny hips widening with gentle popping in a curve one could mistake for the bottom of an hourglass.

With a couple more pops from your widening hips, your eyes locked on your lower body, you could see how your cock bulged from under the nightgown, the stiff rod unmissable poking strongly against the fabric as your hands drifted toward it. The lewd thoughts you were having were hardly befitting an assassin of your caliber, but you just knew that if you grabbed hold of your dick with your small, pampered princess hands, it would feel soooo good~

With a lewd smirk and deft hands, they found their way under your nightgown and wrapped around your cock. You shuddered at the sensation, the feeling of your soft hands sliding across your shaft intensely amazing as your plump bottom lip pulled under your teeth. You felt your lower half gurgle as you stroked yourself, your bottom starting to push from the back of the dress while you felt your thighs starting to jiggle with each stroke you made to your dick.

Uhhhnn~!” You closed your eyes and just focused on your stroking, trying to ignore your ass that was growing heavier on your backside and the soft touch of your thighs that were starting to close around your balls, the feeling culminating into orgasmic pleasure with how wide you felt your lower half expanding. God did you sound like a little whore, small girly pant’s slipping from your lips as your curves wobbled around, your tits knocking into each other with each pump of your arm, your ass jiggling while your balls were submerged in the soft flesh of your shifting thighs.

Nuhhhhhhnn~!… ha… ha…” You could hear the soft dribble of cum hit the floor below you. All things considered, your orgasm was disappointingly weak with how pleasurable it all felt, the peak of your pleasure tapering off in weak release as you felt your balls squeeze against your groin, making you wince while your dick turned pitifully soft in your hand.


Ahhn! N-no, c’mon, I’m still a man, damn it! I’m still–



Counter to your protest, both of your testicles slipped into your body anyway, the loose flap that held them pulling in tight before splitting, the slimy feeling making you clench your thighs together at their departure while your dick started to invert into your crotch. The reverse penetration made you press tightly against your groin feeling your male genitalia adapting to the new body the only way it knew how– by shrinking down and slipping between the lips of your blossoming pussy.

Uhhhhnnn~” The feeling made you a bit sick, your pussy tingling… or it could also be the developing womb and ovaries… you weren’t quite sure, but eventually you were able to straighten out to a straight standing position.

Looking at your heavily transformed body in the mirror, your mind raced for a solution to your predicament as you turned around and grabbed handfuls of your massive ass… 

Maybe you could visit Morgan, and he could undo whatever curse or spell you’d been afflicted with… but you’d have to escape the castle first… Looking identical to the princess made you think you could probably walk around without much worry so long as you weren’t caught in the same location as the original…

I would think less about escaping and more about the spell itself. Oh, great assassin.

The woman’s taunting voice bounced off the walls around you like an echo chamber as your head swiveled around to find its location.

Who’s there?!” you cried out.

Oh, just the royal magister doing her job of protecting the royal family is all… and the one who trapped you in your cute little body.

Magister?! Why were you not told?! Even the guards never spoke a word about there being a mage involved in the family!

So silent, great assassin…–

Why did you do this to me?! Why turn me into the princess!?” You yelled out.

One, to prevent you from killing the princess, and two, I do so love experiments…

And what experiment is that? Turning a man into a woman?

Kind of… What I really want to see is if the roles were flipped, could YOU survive an attempt on your life if you were royalty?

Of course,” you answered plainly, your girlish voice confident.

I’m not so sure… Are you aware that the princess usually wakes up rather horny and pleasures herself every morning?

Your pussy was instantly racked with foreign pleasure as the woman said the words, the lips tingling and moistening as you clenched your thighs together in resistance, a sudden moan slipping from your mouth as your face started to boil and nipples stiffen.

W-what did you uhhnn~ doooo-uhhn ohhhnn~

Your body pinched and pulled at one of your nipples jutting from the nightgown your pussy aching to be filled as it soaked your panties.

I didn’t do anything, assassin. This is just the start of your day. Hope you don’t get killed while you’re getting off…”

You moaned loudly as you reached your hands under your nightgown and into the damp cotton feeling the slimy lips of your vagina below. It was like your body was autopilot as you fell to the ground, your face on the hardwood floor, your blonde hair scattered around you while your ass was up in the air, your dainty fingers slipping into your crotch. “Ahhnn~ Ahhn~ Ahnnn~” It was so hard to focus on anything but the two fingers that plunged in and out of your vagina the pleasure dulling every sense but the heat in your crotch as you masturbated in the center of the room.

You tried to be attentive… you didn’t uhhhnnn~ wanna die uhnnnn~. It was impossible to focus, you just, wanted… wanted… to be fucked right now! A flash of cock penetrating your moist folds sent you over the edge as your legs spasmed and your pussy gushed, completely covering the fingers that slowly pulled out of it as you collapsed prone onto the floor. Your pant’s of of feminine pleasure slowly tapering off as you lay on the floor in the afterglow of your first-ever female orgasm.

Wow, assassin, you didn’t hold back. Good for you. Now get up. It’s time for you to continue your day as the princess…

(to be continued?)



Would love to see this continued! Princess themes are always great, and I love the gradual behavior shift too.


I’m with ya. I think a part two could be very interesting. We’ll have to put it in the next poll!


Subbed for this one, worth it.


This one is definitely solid, but now you get ALL the stories! Super worth!