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*I plan on doing the Game Show Tg tomorrow, kind of a tall order for me, but I think I can get it done. For now, please enjoy some fully illustrated buff Tiefling TG*

“Please, Alex, c’mon, I need to take a break. It’s too hot,” You whined, finding a seat on a rock under the shade of a tree. You were so warm. Ever since you got dragged inside this place with your friend Alex, it’d only gotten hotter and hotter the longer you two aimlessly walked around.

“It’s not that hot, dude. Stop your whining…” Alex said with his hands on his hips while gazing out across the expansive coast you found yourselves on.

Alex sighed before he looked at you.

You could feel his eyes look you over, either trying to tell if you were faking or if there was indeed something wrong with you.

“You don’t look that hot to me. You’re not even sweating,” He told you, concluding his scan.

You exhaled sharply, as your face felt like it was baking in the hot sun. You guess he was right… you weren’t sweating. You had to focus and describe how you were feeling a bit better.

“Listen, I don’t know how to describe it. It feels like the heat is just coming out of me. Every inch of my body is just so fuckin hot right now.”

“Hmm… Fine, we’ll take a break then,” he said, sitting beside you. “Honestly, I don’t know how long it’s gonna take us to get out of here, so we might as well break when we can.”

“Thank you,”

It wasn’t five seconds before you suddenly felt refreshed, the heat inside you dissipating as you looked at Alex, and he strangely looked at you.

“Ummm, I suddenly feel much better,” You laughed in relief.

Alex’s laugh matched yours as he admitted that he felt good, too.

“Super weird, huh? Thank the goddess,” Alex said.

“Huh?” you asked, raising your eyebrow, a little surprised that Alex decided to say goddess instead of… well… anything else. “Thank the goddess?” you repeated.

Alex seemed to be as surprised as you were, “I don’t know why I said that. I meant, thank god, haha. Well… I’m ready to keep moving. How bout you?”

“Yeeeah…” You said, getting up and stretching, “Let’s go.”

Reinvigorated, you both decided to continue your trek along the coast, looking for signs of life besides the birds that flew through the sky and the fish that swam through the shallow water. You found very little in your search, but there was some evidence of people existing: A fishing pole here, some crates there. You even searched the crates in case there was something useful inside, but to your disappointment only found one jug of water per crate, all while the heat inside you was building again…

You huffed as you climbed a rather steep hill to move further inland. Alex was leading the way, scampering up quickly while you trudged due to the proverbial fire you had brewing inside you.

“Alex, I think I’m going to need another one of those breaks,” You said as you reached the top. Alex turned and performed another one of his scans, his green eyes looking over you until he very quickly agreed.

“Yeah, maybe we should. You’re looking a little sunburnt…”

You hadn’t even noticed until his words dragged your eyes down to the hotly irritated pink skin on your hands and arms.

“Shit! No way!”

You touched it to find it stung very little; it was no wonder you hardly noticed it.

“Hey,” Alex said, getting your attention you looked up to see him pull at the collar of his shirt, his eyes locked on your chest as you got the hint and looked down your collar to see that the sunburn had impossibly found your chest as well.

“What the fuck! That’s not possible, right!?” You hurriedly undid your pants and pulled them down only slightly to find your legs were the same story: pink like they’d been in the sun for too long. “Holy shit, man! What’s happening?!”

You looked up, panicked, and found Alex’s puzzled gaze as he scratched his… elongated ear?

“Alex, y-your fuckin ears, dude!”

Alex’s hand darted back to his ear and felt the shape, long and pointed at the tip as his face cracked into panic, and his other hand grabbed his other long ear.

“Godde- I mean, god! What happened to my ears!” Alex yelled.

“Fuck, man,” You said, buttoning your pants back up, taking the smallest solace in knowing that it wasn’t just you that had something weird going on. “Let’s just take a break. That seemed to do something last time,” You said, unsure.

“U-um, sure. Let’s try that,” Alex responded.

You could tell Alex was freaked out as you both sat down, your friend still playing with the tips of his elongated ears while you silently hoped the short rest would cure you of your sunburned color and the heat that still radiated from every pore of your body. A couple minutes passed, and the familiar sensation of rejuvenation quelled the heat within you. You exhaled shakily as you held up your arms, expecting your sunburned-looking skin to fade away… only… that wasn’t what happened….

“Ahhhhh! Ahhh! What’s fucking happening to me!!” You yelled. Your arms were turning even more red, going from the pink hue of sunburn to a pure crimson red that ignited the hair that grew atop it, frying your unsightly body hair to a crisp. “What’s! Hughhh happeningghhh?!”

 You gritted your teeth as sharp stabbing pain in your nail beds made your hands shake. Even your nails had turned red! And they were growing?! You watched each of your fingernails go from ordinary crescents to sharp points, reshaped as if by magic as they pushed sharply over your fingertips.

“Goddess… help us.” You heard Alex say as you glanced over to see a scar etch itself high on his cheek and stretch across his face. At only a glance, you could tell more was wrong with him, his face looking softer and different, but you could hardly pay attention as something wrenched at the base of your spine, pushing from it.

“Oh, gods! That fucking hurts! Ahhhghh!” You took sharp breaths as whatever was being born from your lower back pushed out, your entire body tense as this extra extremity swung from side to side, your body feeling its weight grow with its length.

“Nughhh uhhh!” You gasped as you felt the pushing at your spine stop and a new one begin inside your mouth and on your forehead. It was brief, but it felt like your teeth jumped in your mouth, their entirety lengthening slightly as you ran your tongue over their new sharpened points.

The pressure and tenderness on the top of your forehead stayed as the sensations everywhere else faded. Your skin was crimson now as well as hairless. Your nails sharpened to points. And behind you was… something moving around. The bottom hem of your shirt shifting around on your midsection and even more prominently raised behind you as you looked to see a thick red tail wiggling around over your shoulder.

“What in the nine hells is this?! Ahh!” You reached behind you and strangled the thing, able to bring it most of the way in front of you before it finally tugged at your back.

If there was any doubt that you’d not actually just grown a tail, it had been completely erased with the very real feeling of the pain that your tugging was producing.

The sights and sensations you were feeling were all foreign. The look of your skin and hands, the sharpness of your teeth, and the tail! The goddamn tail!

“I turned into a demon! A fucking demon, Alex!” You screamed.

Ahem, well… you’re a tiefling, actually,” said a delightfully feminine voice.


You turned to see… Alex? Or what had become of Alex… the short blonde-haired boy’s hair was blonde no longer… or short. It had become black as the night sky and was draped around his face in a loose bob that came down to his chin. Even the face that it framed didn’t look the same, his eyes were large and doe-like, his eyebrows shaped thin, and his lips large and soft looking in contrast to his nose, which was small and sharp. His face had become the essence of femininity besides the small scar that scorned his face.  If Alex’s body looked any different, you’d not think he was a he from how beautiful his face and hair looked.

“Alex… oh my god… Your face looks like a girl’s.”

Riiiiight… and sound like one too… ahem” Alex tried to clear his throat, maybe in an effort to return it back to normal, but only succeeded in sounding cute.

You grunted and looked at your clawed red hands again. “What happened to us?” you asked in lament, your face stretched in disgust at their sight.

It’s just a guess, but I think the game is adjusting us…

“Adjusting us!? What the fuck does that mean?!”

Is it not obvious? I’m an elf, and you’re a…

“Demon,” you answered.

Tiefling…” Alex corrected.

“Rgghh, gods, my head…” The slight pain had finally become constant enough for you to acknowledge as you reached up gingerly with a hand and felt two scaly bumps protruding from your hairline. “Ahhh! I have fucking horns growing out of my head too?!”

Tieflings have horns… but it doesn’t seem like you’ve transformed all the way… judging by your ears and the fact you only have nubs for horns at the moment

“Gods! So we’re going to change more!? Rghhh! Gods…!? Why do I keep saying gods!?”

The game must be doing something to our minds too… I have to admit that I feel something inside me… An undying devotion to someone called Shar. Someone who’s always watching over me…” Alex held his hands softly to his heart as you unsettlingly watched him bask in whatever he was feeling at the moment before shoving his shoulder roughly to snap him out of it.

“Hey! Will you snap out of it? We need to figure out how to get out of here!”

Right. We should… but I have to admit that I don’t know the slightest idea how. Maybe we’re doomed, and we should just accept our fate… Uhhhhnnn!!!”

With those words, Alex suddenly clenched his body, his arms and shoulders trembling and his lips twitching into a frightened frown.

“Alex, what’s wrong!?” You yelled at him.

Alex didn’t have to say anything for you to see his shoulders crack and narrow and his rather burly arms deflate. Even his hands that were wrapped tightly around his narrow shoulders lost their tough demeanor as they glistened with soft and pristine skin and shrank to delicacy.

Alex whimpered as he looked up at you, his soft green eyes showing relief as his lips turned lightly into a smile.

Ahhhn~ Lady Shar has taken a liking to me. She said my words were true and is making me perfect… mnnnuhh~ look…

Alex uncrossed his shaking arms from around his body, revealing two budding bumps that were thrusting from under his shirt and visibly growing.

“Alex, you’re growing tits!” You yelled at him.

Alex’s hands gripped onto the budding bumps and massaged them, his height dropping all the while and his body becoming evermore lithe and curvy. Alex breathed a breath of pleasure as his lumps pressed more tightly against his shirt, their volume growing in his hands while you watched him work them around and slide a hand into his pants.

“Alex, stop! What’re you doing!?”

Lady Shar is bestowing ahhhhnn~ blessing… upon me… one that ohhhnn~ feels so good mmmnn~

You couldn’t find the words as you watched your friend transform in front of your eyes, a strange lust making your dick rise as you watched him play with his growing breasts, his body shrink, and his hair lengthen immensely.

“F-fuck…” you muttered, your loins feeling hot as your dick strained against them.

Alex’s hips cracked out wide, another shudder slipping from his lips as he started to moan loudly and look down at his body. The hand down his pants moving rapidly…


Alex’s loud feminine moan made you realize that HE had most likely become a she at that moment, the beautiful elf woman cocking her hips back as she came and fell to the ground on her hands and knees.

“Gods, Al…uh-Shadow- um-heart, I never realized… you were so depraved…?” You spoke slowly, almost confused by your own words as you just corrected yourself and called your friend Shadowheart, for some reason?

Shadowheart lit up with joy, her happy face looking up at you as she crawled to your feet,

“Hold on…no, that’s not your name.”

My goddess whispers my name to you. I’m so happy.” Shadowheart says, undoing your pants.

“Hold on! What’re you doing? Stop. Uhhhnnn~”

Shadowheart had very quickly fished your dick from your pants and handled it gently, her soft hand gripping it while she caressed your sac with the dexterous fingers of another…

I see it is as crimson as the rest of your body…Mmmnn~

“Please…Shadowheart…” You begged her to stop, but your shuddering body told another story, your cock throbbing in her soft hand while she began to stroke gently.

Why resist? That fire you were feeling was the real you scratching to be free… All you have to do is let me release it for you…

You gasped as you felt your member slip past her lips and into her mouth, untold pleasure coursing into you as she started to bob on your dick.

“Uhhhnnn~, gods damn it…Heh heh…” You laughed weakly as you put your hands on her head and worked your clawed fingers through her silky hair, helping steady yourself while you thrust rhythmically in and out of her tightly sealed mouth. What were you even worried about? If she wanted to pleasure you why not let her?

““Mmmm~ Mmmmn~””

Both of you moaned almost in unison, her wet tongue swirling around your cock that you were thrusting into her throat, your balls tensing as you prepared to cum your fucking brains out.

“Uhhhnnnn ohhhh gods”


The pleasurable burst of your seed into Shadowheart's mouth was met with coos of satisfaction from both of you as she slurped and swallowed it up.

Your belly filled with warmth and more after the orgasm, the heat dispersing through your body in a wave of fire that left every inch of you feeling hot and your crotch tight as you felt your hard member start to slink out of Shadowheart’s mouth.

“H-hey, what’s happening?!”

You looked in horror as your balls puckered against your groin tightly, your retreating member leaving Shadowheart’s mouth with a wet pop from her tightly sealed lips as everything between your legs writhed and inverted into you, leaving a flat and smooth crotch.

You reached between your legs immediately, shoving your hands against your groin, and only finding the moist slit that had taken its place.

“Uhhhnn~ you bitch, what did you do?! Uhhhnn!”

The heat from your body suddenly concentrated in your hips and legs. Your hips widened painlessly, your bones like molten steel under your skin, their shape easily altered by whatever forces were at work as your growing legs and ass stretched and tore the fabric of your jeans with a compounding mass of muscle and fat.


You ran your clawed hands over your meaty thighs and ass, your entire body starting to grow and strengthen, your legs stretching with your torso as your biceps and forearms swelled and bulged with toned muscle.

“What the fuckin hell is happening!? I’m–! Aghhhh my head!” you screamed.

The small bumps for horns that you had throbbed, the one on the left far more than the other as you felt it pushing from your skull, growing tall as the other stayed small and broken-looking, your ears being pulled from the tops as you felt them stretch out into long points.

Your mind was muddled, your eyes fluttering as they grew wider.

‘I don’t want to be like Shadowheart! I’m not some fucking tiefling woman!’

You fought a mental battle as your hair turned black, the strands thickening and growing over your fingers on the left side while the ones on your right pulled back into your skin to leave it decidedly fuzzy and shaved feeling while your throat tightened and changed.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’

It was all too much, your mind grasping to hang onto your previous life while your face shifted around, your lips plumping, your nose shrinking as your jaw cracked and reshaped to stronger and sharper angles, all while your hair grew ever longer.

‘Focus Karlach! You’re not a woman you don’t have…!’

The sudden activity in your chest sounded alarms as you felt your burly chest soften and distend forward into small breasts,

‘...Fuckin tits!’

Your hands shot down to your chest to feel the soft and arousing squish of sensitive flesh between your strong clawed fingers while your black, voluminous hair tumbled down the left side of your head.

Please, no, no! Fucking stop growing,” you said desperately.

To anyone watching, they might’ve needed clarification on what parts you wanted to stop growing as much was growing in tandem. Your soft chest bubbling up to C- cups in your fingers while your ass and legs continued to stretch the tears in your pants as the popping of seams sounded out plentifully, your hair pouring long over your shoulder and around your chest. Your distracted attention left your mind vulnerable as many of your memories and thoughts were replaced with ones that weren’t your own, though you wouldn’t know otherwise…

Erghh uhhhh…! Why… am I fondling myself?” You suddenly asked as your panic faded, dropping your heavy breasts with a bounce, while only confusion remained.

It didn’t take you long to notice the burning heat in your loins, your hot slit soaking your underwear as you confusedly placed a hand just above it.

Oh, my dear Karlach, we were about to have a romp, don’t remember?” Shadowheart said seductively, standing up from the ground and pressing her small body into yours, her head only just above your chest as she pressed her hand into one of your breasts.

Oh, cheekyyy Shadowheart… And some people call me a devil... Guess they never met you, huh? heh heh.”


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