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“Okay, can you remind me what I’ve got to do again?!”

John shouted as he stood in his underwear in a semi-spacious but dimly lit tube.

“Yes sir, just stand there with your legs spread a little more than shoulder-width apart and hold your arms out in a T-pose if you’d be so kind.”

Instruction from The Boss came out from a speaker just above John’s head as John followed the instructions, spreading his legs and holding his arms out.

“If I’m being honest, when I was hired, I didn’t think I’d have to get spray painted with fake tattoos to do my job,” John said with a little annoyance as the machine began to whir to life.

“Haha, yes, really sorry, but we’re trying to diversify here at E.GIRL, and we need a streamer with lots of tattoos,” The Boss responded positively over the speaker.

“I mean… Cinnanoe has tattoos, doesn’t she?” John said as he was put on high alert at the sudden descent of two mechanical arms on either side of him equipped with spray attachments.

“She does, but not nearly enough. You’ll have much, much more.”

“Fantastic…” John said sarcastically while the machines oriented themselves and began to spray his body.

The spray was cold, making John gasp as a machine meticulously sprayed up and down his left arm, inking it completely black. John scoffed at the rather dumb tattoo until the machine made finer details on his hand in a sort of butterfly accompanied by runes just above his knuckles and dots just below his fingernails.

 Though the butterfly was rather girly, he was even more thrown off by the connected flower-like pattern the machine sprayed him with on the underside of his arm closest to his armpit.

“Boss, I hate these tattoos… Can’t I get some skulls or something?”

“Just wait until it’s done, John. I think they’ll grow on you…”

“I doubt it,”

John huffed as the second mechanical arm quickly sprayed a detailed image of Futaba from Persona 5 on his right forearm, complete with colors.

“Video game girls too?... Ugh,”

John groaned as the sprayer made his right hand match his left. The sprayers ignored his irritated comments and continued to spray unrestrained as one hovered over his chest and inked a fierce black owl across it, which John was less upset about since it was a bit more acceptable. 

It was only when he looked down to observe it that he also realized that the sprayer was somehow removing his body hair as well, his spattering of chest hair erased like it never existed. His head darted from his chest to his arms to confirm that both arms had been made smooth, just like his chest.

John just growled at the realization, figuring the sprayers had to remove hair to properly ink his skin as the second sprayer inked a ferocious tiger on his stomach that looked like it had wings for eyebrows and scales that made up its head, another acceptable-looking tattoo…

But the sprayer wasn’t quite done with John’s midsection: Two half Cogs were added to act like the tiger’s ears, sprayed a couple of inches under his pecs while some others that he couldn’t quite glimpse were sprayed onto his back.

John was nearly seething at the number of tattoos that were being sprayed onto his body, and the sprayers weren’t done as they tag-teamed both his legs, quickly spraying the head of a regular ol cat on his left thigh, and a snake wrapped around a sword onto the full length of his left shin while the other sprayed a rose on his right thigh that was parallel with the stupid cat head on his left and a mess of other tattoos around his right shin. He could barely make them out, but he could kind of identify an eagle, a flower, a mail symbol, and a realistic eye?! What a ridiculous hodgepodge of tattoos! And to top it all off, the sprayer on his right leg finished with a flower on his foot.

Figuring it was over, John sighed and stood straight only to be assaulted by one of the arms lifting up his underwear while the other sprayed up and down his back leg onto his ass cheek!

John looked back to see a very girly vine of inky flowers that bloomed to a head right on his butt.

“Spraying complete. Stand by for piercings, ” The machine notified.

“Whoa, hold on! Piercings?!” John shouted as the arms very accurately snapped something onto both his earlobes. A quick feel confirmed the existence of large gauges that were adhered to his ears rather painlessly.

John’s face burned red as he was forced to walk out of the tube with a plethora of ridiculous tattoos adorning his body as well as his newly pierced ears in order to face “The Boss,” whom John completely avoided making eye contact with,  and instead went directly for his discarded clothes he’d left just outside the tube.

“So what do you think, John? Look pretty nice, don’t they?” The boss said smugly.

John grumbled as he quickly got dressed in his blue jeans and his black long-sleeve shirt.

“C’mon, tell me what you think,” The boss begged with a smile.

John’s body shuddered after he was fully dressed. He suddenly felt so uncomfortable about the tattoos lurking under his clothes… some were so girly it made him squirm! Even worse was that it seemed the removal of his body hair made his skin tingle with surprising sensitivity. Each brush of fabric was like a sensual caress as he moved around in his clothes. It made John agonizingly aroused as he struggled to face his boss.

“T-truthfully, I hate them…” John said, studdering a bit as his dick began to straighten. With a swift, inconspicuous motion, John moved his hands in front of his crotch to hide the growing bulge that was soon to become all too prominent from the constant braze of his clothes.

“Wow, you hate them? I’m surprised. Though, I guess I can tell by the red on your face that you must be telling the truth.” The Boss said, acknowledging John’s blushing red cheeks.

“Ahhhh~ yeah… I j-just think they’re too girly is all, mmmnnn~” John answered, his knees buckling slightly as his cock strained the front of his trousers, his chest feeling more sensitive as he reached up and massaged one of his pectorals which caused an involuntary moan to slip his lips.

“John… are you okay…?” The Boss asked, concerned.

“Nughhhh~ fuhhhk~ what is going on with me?” John moaned effeminately, bringing both hands up to squeeze his chest only to push back down on his crotch from the immense stimulation the action brought. John’s entire body was on fire. Butterflies filled his stomach while his cock was nearly bursting from his trousers.

Seeing John’s onset horniness was more than enough for The Boss to realize that someone had tampered with the machine. The transformations were never supposed to happen like this…

“John, I’ll be right back.” The Boss said, hurrying out of the room.

John only kind of heard what the boss said as he continued to grope himself, his chest feeling more soft and malleable than the first time he’d reached up and grabbed it, his nipples stiff as they began to jut into his shirt. John didn’t understand what was happening. He writhed and clenched his legs together as his hands moved from his chest down to his legs, then up an over his ass. Every part of him felt sensitive, and he felt so… girly.

John brought his hands up to his face, his hands shaking from pure arousal. The tattooed things, not able to sit still as his nails began to extend over his fingers, curving themselves to sharp points as if sculpted by an unseen hand, all blurring to a milky white while tendrils of black etched themselves on the ring and pointer finger of each hand.

“Mnuhhh~” John whimpered upon seeing such girly fingernails on his hands as he moved his fingers and clicked them together to make sure they were real. The nails wouldn’t be the last of the changes as John could see the tendons wiggling under the skin of his fingers and hands, gently being pulled as his entire hand, fingers included, began to shrink and slim down. As his palms softened and narrowed, they quickly found themselves undoing his pants, a new soft hand slipping into his boxers and wrapping around his dick.

John moaned loudly, the experience familiar but entirely different at the same time. Each slow stroke like velvet, soft and gentle across his member, his grip less strong and far more sensual.

“Uhhhhnnn mmmnn~”


John’s entire body was reacting to his building orgasm, his arms deflating and slimming, his shoulders cracking, narrowing, rounding.

“I can’t mnnnn~ stopmnn~”


John’s lower back thrust forward violently, curving and pushing his ass and chest out in a decidedly feminine curve, but it was all but painful. The crunch and shift of bones resonated pleasure throughout his body, making an absentminded smile creep onto John’s face as he continued to work himself slowly.

His free hand found its way under his shirt, his long nails gently scraping across his stomach and the scaled tiger that adorned it as they reacted by convulsing under the gentle tickle of his nails, flattening themselves while the skin gained added plush with the bubbling conversion of muscle to a layer of fat, the corners of his waist slowly cinching like bows that had just been strung.

“Ahhhn~ fuck, me. I’m gonna~”

John inhaled deeply, his stroking intensifying as he continued to caress his waist. The orgasm was rapidly approaching as he felt the pleasure peak, his body reacting as his pecs suddenly blubbed out with added mass, leaving two identifiable bumps while his chest and back cracked and crunched into lithe femininity. John’s voice caught in his throat as he orgasmed, thick spurts of seed splattering onto the floor, coaxed out by his long-nailed feminine hand while his other gripped onto and jostled one of the small booblets that sat on his chest.

John’s body shivered as his dick grew flaccid and spent, turning soft in his hand as his balls tightened against his groin. Even spent his genitals still felt sensitive as he tried to encourage his cock back to stiffness by pulling at it with two of his fingers while his other pulled at his breast.

“Why… am Istillsohorny nuuuhhh~

John struggled to speak as his neck tightened and shrank, each pause inching up in octaves until his voice had climbed into a girlish whine.

Cmon, just one more time~ nuhhhh~

John begged for his dick to get hard just once more, his small strokes with his fingers eliciting less and less pleasure as he just decided to cup his crotch to rub, tease, and push on the entirety of it with the palm of his hand to find that it worked much better than his stroking.

Oh fuck yeah, that’s it hehe~

John giggled as he leaned forward and cocked his hips back, really pushing on his crotch roughly, his face twisting and his eyes fluttering as he felt his jaw begin to click like an irritating clock until, with a loud crunch, his manly jaw rounded and narrowed, making his cheekbones rise, and his cheeks swell.


John’s face was rapidly feminizing as his pushing continued. John’s small lips pressed together as he felt them grow big and pillowy, naturally settling into a pout, the bridge of his nose sounding out loud pops as it shrank small, the weight of his eyelashes growing exponentially as each blink grew them longer. John couldn’t help but relish the feeling as his eyes grew and widened, his brown eyes tinting and lightening until they became gray-blue.



The pop echoed through John’s body, the feeling enough to get him to pause as he felt something snake through his abdomen, his breasts suddenly growing as more weight was added to them, the bumps starting to hang off his chest with their development to small orbs. Pressure built in his hips, making John gyrate uncomfortably as, with a small singular crunch, his hips jutted a little wider.

That was nuhhh… one of my…”

John whimpered as his hand danced across his tightened sac, only to find one testicle where there should have been two. For the first time since his onset horniness began, John realized his body wasn’t what it should be as he straightened out, shocked.

What happened to me?! HUH! My voice!

John’s feminine hands darted to different parts of his body, his neck, his thin arms, his face… his waist… his tits. John cupped the two average-sized breasts in his hands, feeling how squeezing them prickled his skin and felt like it gave life to his flaccid cock. As wrong as he thought it was, it felt so good. His brain fuzzed over with pleasure as he started to wonder what his body looked like before he had tits… What was he?... John’s mental image of himself was blurry, but it was growing clearer the more he massaged bounced the squishy masses.

‘I can’t be a man can I?’


He bit his juicy lip as his brown hair started to blacken from the roots out, washing over the strands slowly as the texture of his hair gained a bit of wave. His bushy eyebrows thinning to tapered lines over his glazed-over and alluring eyes.

‘No, not a man…’

John bent over, once again cocking his hips before he slowly pushed his hands below his waist onto his crotch. John’s blackened hair crawled down his forehead and down the sides and back of his head; feeling it crest over his ears, he felt it pour down to the base of his neck.

John’s hands teased his flaccid groin and sac as he began to push…

John’s toes popped under him as his feet spasmed and shrank, his calves plumping and rounding behind his shins as his knees grew rounder and less skinny.


John let out a pleasured sigh as he pressed hard and felt his other testicle pop into him his dick feeling like it was retreating into itself as his hips popped out a little wider and his breasts grew heavier, hanging off his chest like teardrops.

The image in John’s mind was becoming clearer. Long black hair, cute face, tight little body with big breasts and tattoos…


John’s fingers found a moist little cavern, his dick tiny as it began to tuck itself inside, slick lubricant finding its way onto her fingers from the moistness of her pussy.

With a final pop, John’s hips grew wider, her breasts bouncing into each other like a newtons cradle as they jiggled out fully, her body undeniably curvy as her knees knocked together and her hips gyrated.

The image was so clear now: waspish waist, wide hips, a cute little pussy, and…

Runa held her breath as her ass and thighs swelled, the soft flesh bubbling around her hands and on her backside, easily filling her boxers as she teased her pussy.

She sighed loudly as she looked over her shoulder and wiggled her ass. Her boxers grew tighter as they turned black and wedged between her ass. Her black shirt also tightened, suction cupping to her torso as the fabric became much firmer, the center tearing away only to reform as strings that looped themselves through holes in a faux leather corset that showed her ample cleavage.

Oh, what am I doing?!

It suddenly clicked for Runa that she shouldn’t be sitting alone masturbating! She needed to get to the Onlyfans wing and at least record it.


The steps of The Boss echoed through the halls of E.GIRL as he made his way to the security room. The man was furious that someone had the gall to tamper with one of the machines and transform a decent recruit into a horny Onlyfans girl! The culprit had to be caught.



Drey putting out banger’s constantly.