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“Agh-oooo” Andy groaned, nursing his head as he leaned up from the tall grass he’d landed in. 

“There he is! The one that fell from the sky, get him!” The shout of a man echoed across the open field Andy had landed in, and one decent look at him told Andy all he needed to know. Brandishing a sword and waving over to a few other armed men, Andy’s throbbing head would have to wait. 

Andy’s head darted around as he looked for some sort of escape plan, of which there seemed to be only one. With a lush treeline behind him and the men still a decent distance away, he scrambled to his feet and stumbled as he raced toward the thick forest. 

“Grr, this. Is so. Stupid!” Andy panted as the tall grass slapped against his legs and he neared the treeline. To go from landing in a foreign place to instantly being chased by men with swords wasn’t exactly on his bucket list, and as he tore through the tall foliage of the forest with little knowledge of what could be inside, he willed himself to ignore that fact as he galloped over a downed tree and suffered miserable smacks from branches that he burned past.

Sweat glistened on Andy’s face as he began to tire, his skin red from the hits of the branches. How long had he been running?! It couldn’t have been for very long, but he convinced himself that his tiring was because of the thick forest and not all the time he’d spent gaming before now. He had to rest and quickly hid behind a large tree that obscured his entire body from anyone who would be following behind him. Andy’s heart beat loudly in his ears as he breathed deeply to settle himself. He wasn’t even sure if the men had followed, but if they did, they would surely hear him gasping for breath, so he did his best to remedy that.  

The silence that followed was a welcome respite, a brief moment of relief in the midst of panic, but that’s when he heard them: shouts from the armed men. At first there was nerves as Andy considered running again, but the shouts didn’t sound like ones of pursuit. They were more guttural and intense… they were shouts of fear. The yells abruptly came to a stop as Andy’s heart started to beat quickly again. Hearing the rustle of branches all around him, he only caught glimpses of gold and red amongst the green, his eyes struggling to follow the quick movements of whatever was darting around as he turned to run, but suddenly found a hand on his shoulder and something sharp held firmly into the center of his back. 

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t skewer you right here and now, mortal.”

The voice was a man’s. It sounded familiar and less threatening than the situation demanded, but assuming there was a sword only a thrust away from running him through, Andy answered quickly with his hands up. 

“I was running away from some guys with swords, and the forest here seemed like the best bet. I’m very sorry if I intruded on your territory!” 

“And why were they chasing you?”

There was a slight jab as the man probed Andy for answers though it wasn’t really necessary… 

“ I- I don’t know?! I fell from the sky after being sucked into my computer screen and then was chased about as soon as I landed!” 

Andy could feel the confusion of his threatener as the stranger grumbled some things to themselves before Andy felt the sharp point of the sword remove itself from his back, and the hand on his shoulder shove him forward. Andy spun around to see a familiar face, one that he never thought he’d see in person, literally ever. It was Rakan from League of Legends: a video game character in the flesh.

“Wow…” Andy couldn’t help but admire the details the game could only show as pixels on his screen. Rakan was a Vastaya: a mix of human and beast that showed its presence on him in the form of his clawed digitigrade feet that hardly left an imprint in the soft dirt and a feathery head and forearms. 

For some reason, Andy had expected Rakan to be a bit taller, but the legendary video game character didn’t even surpass his 5’11 stature. However, the otherworldly powers and agility probably made up for what few inches in height he lacked. 

Rakan looked at Andy with a degree of intrigue and stuck the small sword he held into the soft fertile ground. “From the heavens, you fell, huh?... You look like an ordinary human to me, though your story leads me to think that you’re a celestial of some sort.”

Andy was quick to correct him “No, no. Just a guy from another world, haha.” 

“Interesting.” Rakan paced around Andy and took in every detail of Andy’s appearance before asking his next question. 

“So what’re you doing here… uh…” 

“Andy,” Andy finished, knowing what Rakan was getting at. 

“Andy… strange name. Rakan, by the way.” 

Andy hardly realized Rakan had extended his hand out for him to shake, the Vastaya’s movements so quick that he’d missed it. 

“Haha, you’re fast.” Andy laughed, shaking the Vastaya’s hand… SHOCK  “OW!” Andy yanked away as an immense shock left his hand tingling. 

“Oh, Sorry! Did I quill you somehow?!” 

It was clear Rakan didn’t experience the same shock as he did, and it left Andy worried as he nursed his numbed right hand close to his body. If he really inspected it, he would’ve noticed purple oozing up from his cuticles, the color starting to coat his nails in violet, while the shape of the keratin-rich fingernails started to nick themselves to sharper points, already slowly growing over the tips of his fingers. 

Rakan wasn’t so oblivious. With his sharp eyes, he could see the changes in Andy’s hand and flitted back to grab his sword from the ground. 

“You’re a shapeshifter trying to trick me!” Rakan yelled, pointing the weapon toward Andy. 

“Ahh! Wait! What’re you talking about!?” Andy protested with his hands up, which allowed him to glimpse his right, his nails long, sharp, and purple. “Ahhh! My hand! 

Andy grabbed the appendage as it started to be constricted by an invisible glove that crunched his hand down in a quick three painful pulses, his palm turning small and slim and his fingers long and skinny. 

Rakan watched Andy’s genuine reaction, and as Andy’s skin on the changed appendage turned a soft white, Rakan couldn’t believe how remarkably close it looked to his lost lover’s… Rakan’s sword slipped from his fingers as Andy’s arm started to shrink, turning the same shade as his hand as muscle atrophied behind soft flesh. That arm was…                

Andy panicked as he felt his muscles writhe, his tendons pulling on his bones, beckoning them to shorten as they rammed against his shoulder socket, his arm shrinking in length as his right shoulder popped nearer to his chest. “Ohhhhaahhh~!” 

Andy’s new arm felt light and weightless, almost lighter than air and sensitive to boot as he flailed it around and found how odd the sensation of having it was. Before he knew what was happening Rakan had grabbed hold of his small arm and held it straight. The Vastaya inspected every inch as he ran his eyes along it. 

Andy's body buzzed from Rakan’s sudden touch, and the surprisingly gentle hands of Rakan running along his sensitive arm made his manhood twitch in confusion. 

“W-what’re you doing?” Andy nearly moaned the words as the nails on his left hand spiked to points, turning purple nearly instantly as bones rattled and shook his limb to match his right arm. 

Andy breathed heavily as Rakan swiftly grabbed him firmly by his shoulders, a whimper leaving Andy as Andy wrapped his small feminine hands around Rakan’s arms to pull away. 

“Why do you have my lover’s arms?” Rakan’s voice wavered as he spoke, sternness mixed with sadness as Andy shivered, his body succumbing to more changes as his throbbing cock flexed in his pants. Rakan’s question made Andy’s head burn hot, the emotion from the Vastaya making him think something may have happened to Xayah before he had fallen from the sky, a story that he hadn’t been a part of but was now significantly steeped in as the heat in his head oozed to the tips of his ears. 

“I- I don’t know! Haaaaaaa~” Andy moaned as the dark brown hair on his head ruffled, his ears twitching as he felt them pull and stretch upward. Rakan’s gaze bore into him as soft glossy maroon hair spilled over Andy’s right eye and around his head, his former brown burning with passion as it poured down around his growing, twitching ears that slowly fuzzed over with soft fur, matching the color of the strands that framed his face and rested around his chest and shoulders. Andy felt like he was melting under Rakan’s hands, almost like Rakan was the one changing him as Andy’s back and chest narrowed, and he started to sink. Down Andy went, his eyes drowning in Rakan’s crystal blue oceans as he went from looking down, to eye level, then up as his superior height was taken from him. 

Andy’s body shuddered in Rakan’s hands as he found one of his own sliding around Rakan’s waist, his pupils quivering as they bounced into slits. Realizing what his body was doing, Andy wiggled out of Rakan’s grasp, his shrunken form swimming in his shirt as so much conflict crawled through his body and brain. “S-stop Rakan, I’m not Xayah!” Andy’s body betrayed his words as his brown eyes glowed with amber light, his hands grasping at his soft lengthened ears as his face started to contort and twist. Andy could feel how it was changing, sharp angles rounding and shrinking, his cheeks plumping up while his lips grew pouty. Andy groaned as his eyes grew wide and expressive, dark eyelashes growing to highlight them while tribal markings carved themselves magically onto cheeks. 

With a coo, Andy’s nose crunched down to a cute little bulb, his groans inching upward in pitch as his throat burned and buzzed with his chest. His little nubs were so sensitive, brazing against the loose fabric of his shirt. Andy’s body writhed as he stripped out of the thing to relieve himself of the mind-numbing pleasure in order to focus, trying desperately to get his mind and body under…

“Ahhhhhhnn~ R-Rakan w-what are you doing?!~” 

Andy backpedaled into a tree, his voice rising to a feminine squeal as the soft feathers brushed against his sensitive pink nubs, his cock nearly blowing its load as Rakan surprised him by closing the distance and continued the pleasurable onslaught. 

“I don’t know how, but I know Xayah’s inside you, overpowering whatever cocoon those bastards put her inside. Our love won’t be kept apart by some human spell, I’ll just have to coax her out by performing one of her favorite acts!” Rakan was convinced that Xayah resided within Andy, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth, right?! Andy wasn’t sure, feelings of love and lust making him question every memory that rolled through his head as his lower back snapped forward toward Rakan while the feathers dancing over his chest made him squirm against the tree. “Ahhhhhhn~ Rakan!~” Andy’s body convulsed as the fat in his midsection wormed its way up, lipids of it moving behind his nipples as Xayah’s breasts started to form, his little pink nubs standing erect as womanly fat swelled his breasts to two perky teardrops on his small chest, made all the larger by how pinched in and thin his waist was. 

Andy cooed as he ground his ass into the tough bark of the tree, his soft hands grasping at its rough ridges as his hips cracked out wide and he blew his first load. Such a release could only be followed by more as Andy came again and again, the pleasing tickle of the feathers on his tits keeping him at his peak as with each spurt from his cock, bursts of old memories were released from his head. It was with a couple of pops that those spaces were filled with memories of rebellion and fighting, the hard life of a lone freedom fighter wanting to reclaim the wild magic that was stolen from her people!… Her? 

Andy's scrambled brain struggled to hang on, his thighs and ass swelling, both rounding and bulging in his pants as one jutted while the others collapsed together in a plush paradise of squeezing flesh around a tiny rod. Andy gasped as his feet dug into his shoes, feeling them slide against the sole as he was propped up on his toes and his heel was dragged upward with his lengthening ankle. They were the perfect feet for sneaking and sabotaging, the claws that were growing out of them allowing quick clambering and a light step, something he remembered doing plenty of alone until he met Rakan. 

GAhhhhaa~!” The little nub between Xandy’s legs throbbed, his face burning red hot as he recalled all the time spent with Rakan, Rakan’s cocky confidence and bravado offset by his caring and charismatic nature that he– she’d come to appreciate. Xaynd moaned as she felt her little nub sliding between moistening lips, the thing shrinking between her plush thighs as she remembered her first kiss with the man teasing her tits with feathers from her own cloak. How amazing it was to feel a sense of security in a life of uncertainty! Xayah felt her groin heat up as she grabbed Rakan’s hands and pulled him into a rough kiss. Squishing her tits against his bare chest she released him with a small smile after intertwining her tongue with his…

There were no words, just an embrace as the lovers were reunited once again, safe in each other's arms. 


“Well, it looks like Andy—haha. Well, Xayah now… is all taken care of. Time to move on to the next on my list. "

(Apologies for taking so long to do this stuff. It's almost been TWO MONTHS, can you believe it?! I promise I'm trying hard over here, and we're almost done. Thank you so much for your patience.)        


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