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Sometimes a breath of fresh air is all a person needs to feel rejuvenated and optimistic about life. Lewis agreed with this sentiment and was going on a quick walk around the block to enjoy the cool breeze in his blonde hair and over his skin, and get away from the stresses of life for the moment…


Lewis couldn’t help but laugh as he came across a seemingly regular pair of rollerskates just off to the side on a random lawn he was passing. His comment under the April Transformation Event popped into his head as he looked down at them. The skates were black, looked to be a few sizes too small, and really not a match for him at all, which made it all the funnier as he imagined just how small his feet would have to shrink to fit into them. 

Almost taunting the unseen powers, Lewis propped both skates up and hovered his left shoe-covered foot above the hole.

“Oooooh, nooooo. I hope my foot doesn’t suddenly fit into these skates,” he chuckled at the impossibility as he gingerly tapped the hole with the toe of his shoe. 

It was unwise for Lewis to tease the forces of transformation as he suddenly found his foot unable to move from the hole of the skate, the dark entrance like a black hole that was aggressively sucking his foot into it. 

“O-oh shit!” he yelled, yanking on his leg to tear it away from the singularity that was the skate. He screamed as his effort proved futile, his shoe tearing away like wet paper off his foot as the material found itself plummeting into the dark hole and into oblivion. Lewis’ toes dipped into the skate as the barrier between them was sucked away, his foot slipping inside until it got stuck halfway in. A bead of sweat slid down Lewis’ cheek as he laughed nervously at the skate’s pointless sucking on his foot, it was too big for the skate so there was no way… 

With ruthless determination, the skate’s suction forced his foot deeper inside with a crunch of bone. Lewis felt his toes popping as they hit the bottom and migrated toward the front of the skate, his narrowing sole being pulled as it arched and hit the bottom. Within seconds a much smaller and cuter left foot resided inside the skate as Lewis tried to pull himself free. 

“Ah ahhh! I-it just shrunk my foot!” The skate felt like it was static against the cement, hardly budging as Lewis tried to pull free, his struggling grunts doing nothing as the skate suddenly rolled him forward. An errant step from Lewis found his right foot positioned over the second singularity as it slammed against the open hole. Lewis yelled and flailed as his second shoe tore away and his right foot started to break like his left: Toes popping, sole shrinking until it was lodged securely into the small skate.

Lewis’ eyes darted between the skates that hugged his new small feet, a buzz riding up his calves to his genitals as his sac quivered pleasurably while blood started to rush to his cock. “Oooooh… whaaaat’s happening!!” 

Lewis’ feet flexed in the skates as the tingles rode his legs his calves gradually bulging against the high neck of the skate as they dimpled against it. He groaned confused as his knees shook, the skate sending pulses straight into his lower body as his flesh started to swell, his thighs starting to pull his pants taut while his ass was rounding behind him. Lewis’ hands slapped against his legs making them ripple, an attempt to stop the swelling going terribly wrong as his sensitive fattening legs made his cock jolt against the crotch of his pants, the flesh closing in as his balls began to be smothered, starting to tuck themselves awkwardly between plush thighs only to be sandwiched by an ass that was trying to find more places to fill. 

“Oahhh!” Lewis’ hands squished his soft butt as the thing started to strain the center seam of his pants, the globes hardly contained while his hips ached as they built pressure comparable to the orgasm that was about to escape the head of his dick. The buzz of his lower body was incessant, desperate moans for it all to stop following Lewis’ quick breaths as the first spurt of cum pumped from Lewis’ cock, the pleasure of which only amplified as one of his balls simply gave up and jumped it’s way into him. 

“Gah!ahhhhhhd!” Another spurt and a loud crunch from his hips as they jutted wide had Lewis running his hands over his thick lower half, the strain on his pants relieving itself as the denim turned black, stretching itself over the abundant sea of soft jiggling fat and one hard, much smaller cock. As Lewis pressed on his crotch in desperation, another climax built while his remaining ball strained painfully against his groin. His little dick throbbed, his fingers only barely grazing the sensitive head through the stretchy yoga pants as he unexpectedly came again, just one touch was all it took?!

“Ahhhhh!” His sensitivity was met with more pleasure as he felt his second testicle slip away and his cock slide between his thighs, the little thing worming into a slit that he didn’t even realize had been forming this whole time. 

A flat mound was all that was left, and the buzz was moving… up into his torso as each breath pulled at his waist and spine. His gasps for air dragged him toward the concrete and pulled his waist thinner and slimmer, his breaths carving two concave arches into his sides as his stomach became washboard flat. There was little need for looking as his hands told him all he needed to know, his gaze glazed by the pleasure as he felt the contrast between his wide hips and waspish waist, his shoulders starting to rattle as his nipples stiffened up and brazed against his shirt. “Haaaaaauhhhhh~” Lewis moaned as he felt his arms deflate, bulk traded for grace as that deflation sunk his shoulders close to his chest, his large hands pawing at his nipples as a sudden scrape from his elongating nails made him gasp. His nipples sprung from his chest as the first surge of fat pumped behind them, the lipids flowing in making them jiggle faintly as Lewis’ shrinking hands cupped them, his voice cracking mid-moan as it turned sultry and uninterested. 

Lewis fondled small A-cups and cooed at the small tugs on the corners of his eyes, Korean roots bubbling to the surface as he felt his cheeks welling up to pinchable bubbles alongside a nose that sunk small between them, his visage turning cute with a jaw that was softening rounder and rounder similar to his breasts that filled his small palms. 

Ooooooh yeah” Lewis sifted his lips as they swelled, hefting his C-cup tits together from underneath to squish them together as his blonde hair blackened, a stripe of purple weaving itself among his bangs as his locks flared from his head in a punk-like style while the rest of his features feminized. Lewis hardly registered that the skates had started to roll and he was effortlessly piloting them, doing advanced spins lazily as each glide made his body wiggle, his narrow gaze locked on the tits between his hands… “Uhhh, go-go gadget… bra? No… that’s not right…



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