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YCHdude having yet another lucky day and having a chance to worship Merah's in the most exclusive of temples!

Little simple image I'm working on these days to have something to show you guys while I finish off the 3D course models for this course year, until I can finally go back working on Amaterasu's voted picture. Hope you enjoy it. I really needed to work on a picture that I can finish in a few days rather than something that takes weeks or months as the latest related and unrelated projects. ^^;

Edit: Under request, performed a very quick for a non-macro edit version. ^^




(I feel as though) We could definitely use some more short and sweet images like these rather than all the complex and month long projects. Don’t get me wrong, love seeing some of the big and highly detailed / paneled images. Though some more less-complicated images can be nearly just as good and seemingly take much less time. A little more quantity over quality couldn’t hurt too much. Especially with your content, I’d say just about any kind of image is fantastic. Either way great job with this one ;).


After Amaterasu's voted idea I plan a simpler batch of images for new voting session, to "recharge" from all the complex pics of last months. owo; "Classic" ideas of mine, like ladies using inhabitated places in unintended ways. xD