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For next month, I have prepared those doodles posted in last posts that show a size-stacking series of images! But as you may have noticed, none of the characters were defined much.

The intentions are, for the entirety of March, to have a little change of plans for how votes are made. Idea is to have such poses and scenarios already set, and you vote for who's gonna be the next bigger gal!

Current open projects (Krystal shower and Kaaly on the couch) will supposedly be finished by the end of February. In April, voting will return to the normal method.

Except the very first picture that will feature Kaaly and "YCH" (the dummy you've seen in her latest picture), I have 13 characters that could be included in this series. However, the slots are only 8.

Therefore, today I'm posting this pool, to see who's gonna be excluded from the list. I will need to ask you to vote for 8 characters only. Voting for all of them is nice, I know some of you like them all! But remember that voting for all characters is like voting for none. ^^;


As this project starts in March, I will post voting pools once again to decide who's gonna go on next picture each time. But beware: The one dropping to next picture will be the one with the least votes! Why, you might ask? It's simple! I want people to try to vote their favourite lady to come as late as possible. The later she gets voted out, the bigger she will be compared to previous ones! See it as some sort of growthlimpics!


One last thing: These pictures might become less "complex" the bigger the ladies become (making a space environment is much less time consuming than drawing an entire city), however, having 2-3 panels per picture will still require to post ideally one image every 3-4 days at best along March. For this reason, I will have to skip inking phase. You can still see that non-inked pictures can still be quite appreciable though less "precise". Loona's comic strips, Amaterasu's very first picture here, and the Macro march event of last year (posted on FA) are an example.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Now, down to the voting! Remember: Vote for the 8 ladies you like the most for this project!


Ravin Amulet

This is gonna be so fun!!


Owo can't wait to see outcome


I’d love to see kaala but it’s not an option uwu


Kaaly is on the very first picture as introduction. Smallest one for once, but she'll enjoy the view. owo