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Maybe I am coming back to regular modding, hard to say now, but for sure I regained my motivation and inspiration :D

Of course the bigger factor here will be my time, so I can't promise spectacular results, but I'll be trying ;)

My short term plan is:

  • Update to Science Fair event
  • Update to School Trips events
  • Mother Plant aspiration - to finally update all the extras and possibly also remove the scripting
  • Allergic to Fur and More Traits - add Fear of animals that can be triggered by some situation
  • Start working on active Magic school (along with other updates)
  • Tuning update/fixes for several mods

Step by step, maybe something will come out of it ;)



Cudownie <3


idea/suggest for vampire slayer mod, add a watcher trait and of possible make so the watcher can choice slayer or slayers to teach about vampires, werewolves and etc and train then to fight them.