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Hi Guys,

Finally I found a moment to check my mods for the latest patch and I can happily announce - all my mods are compatible with this patch. 

I apologize for my "silent days". December was terrible, we were all very sick, going from one illness to another, even with few days in the hospital. Christmas time was very sad this time for us... 

And additionaly starting from beginning of January I am SAHWM - Stay-at-home Working Mom... We had a day-care but because of few circumstances we had to resign and I was forced to reorganize my entire day routine to be able to work from home and take care of my kid. I am in a very lucky position that actually I can do it, I know it and I do appreciate it. But still, beginning of the year was not easy and required from me a lot of changes. 

But here I am, new year, new me :D Things are going better, and I'll be able to again work more regularly on mods :) 

I owe you an apology for another reason too. Because of December chaos I completely forgot to switch off January charging. Sorry this happened, I realised too late. February charges are already turned off. 

Everyone who read till the end - thank you <3 I am endlessly grateful for your support, for the patience and all kind and friendly messages I get <3 Thank you !!!



Take care! 🤍


Feel better! I hope this year is full of good health for you and your family! Also, I'm not sure if you are considering taking on any mods in the future but if you are, Simmerjohn stopped updating his teen aspirations mod, and a lot of people miss it. It was a huge part of my teen gameplay in my save and considering you have some teen aspiration mods and have adopted aspirations in the past, I was wondering if you would consider taking it on. No worries and no pressure at all if you aren't interested or don't have time though. I appreciate you and all you do to bring life and depth to our games.


I am really trying to find my way back to active modding. It's not easy as each time I think I'll manage, something happens :( But I think taking over already existing aspirations could be fine, as long as Simmerjohn would be fine with this :)