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Hello everyone :) 

In September I was able to return slowly to modding. And I am happy to welcome you in October with a portion of updated mods. These are bug fixes or small improvements that I hope you'll find useful :)

Also you'll find below list of new translations added. And I am pleased to say that ALL MY MODS are now available in Dutch thanks to two amazing translators: GothiqeSimmer and Kimberley!!! <3

UPDATES (Including translations)

Archaeologist Freelancer career:

  • Added separeted menu (within Friendly category) for all interactions related to career
  • Fixed time for showing up new gigs (I finally found which piece of code is responsible for this time :D ) Now you should get some gigs available all the time - sometimes more, sometimes less, but generally there will be always something to choose from.
  • Fixes of few gigs, objectives etc.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Healer Career:

  • All spells added with this career can be now executed also on self-Sim (so Sims healers will be able to cast these spells on themselves).
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer.

Quidditch career:

  • I made training event easier (reduced iterations of goals). I was playing this career and I don't know, I had impression that it was too much.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Afterschool Activities Bundle1 & Afterschool Activities Bundle2 - I changed the way skills grow during activities and I changed also something else, but now I can't remember what hahaha :D 

Children Aspirations Bundle 

  • Fixed several objectives in aspirations
  • Added 1 new objective to Voidcritters Master aspiration - to complete Virtual Voidcritter Hunt (as suggested by Kimberley who translated this mod to Dutch). It's in separated file, as it requires to have Snowy Escape pack. File name: ChildAspiration_VoidcrittersMaster_ilkavelle_Addon(Snowy Escape)

Hobby Aspirations - Added separeted menus (within Friendly category) for all interactions from these aspirations. It will be now easier to find my interactions in the list :) 

Voice Virtuoso Aspiration

  • Now as a reward your Sim can additionally license lyrics without waiting time, as suggested by KC.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Music Producer Aspiration - I changed reward interactions - they are no more duplicated and will work for both: tapes from DJ Booth and tracks Music Production Station. 

School Trips Events

  • Students will learn more during this event (interactions to ask teacher will give more skill points).
  • Added an interaction "Teach" that can be used by a Teacher and it will complete a goal "Ask Questions to Teacher / Teach".

Event Movie Evening :

  • Just changed to casual clothes during this event ;)
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Realistic Swimming - Added separeted menu (within Friendly category) for all interactions about swimming. 

Borrow books From Library:

  • Added interaction to extend the loan period of borrowed book (phone interaction)
  • Added interaction with librarian to pay a fee for a lost book (this will allow to borrow books again without the need to return borrowed earlier book). I know that you can return any book in fact but I thought that it's more realistic ;)  (Btw, I was trying to somehow mark borrowed book so that you would be able to return only this one book, but so far with no success unfortunetely. )


Dutch by GothiqeSimmer:

Portuguese by qlaqercoixsa:

French corrected by Kimiko Soma:



I love your mods! Thank you.


The Occult Careers (Wandmaker, Healer, etc) are not showing up in my game. I reset the game folder and put only careers in, but they don't show up. The Archaelogist does show up. Your traits and aspirations also show. I've haven't used the activities lately so I don't know about those. What can I do to make the Occult Careers show?


Hi, careers should appear for spellcasters only. Is this the case that career doesn't show up for a spellcaster?


Thank You, I do see them. I didn't even check the occult to see if the career showed up. It didn't hit me that the career was dependent on the sim. I also missed that in the mod notes.