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25.07. - EVERYTHING UPDATED! :) Also Archaeologist/Palaeontologist Career :) If you still notice any bugs, please let me know :)


21.07. I will start checking my mods today :) I can't promise when I'll finish though, all depends on my little angel ;)

Updates will be published in this post.


Ok, so I can already see, it will take me few days for sure, so please be patient...

For now I checked (for time saving I am giving you here links only to my Wix site articles - if a mod is published on Patreon, there will be a link to Patreon post in the Wix article):



Social Interactions:

Small Modifications:





STILL COMPATIBLE (no need for update):


  • Aspiration Animal Behaviorist
  • Aspiration Perfectly Balanced
  • Aspiration Ultimate Stan
  • Aspiration Doctor Dolittle
  • Aspiration Certified Breeder
  • Aspiration My Own Business
  • Aspiration Dedicated Environmentalist
  • Aspiration Music Producer
  • Teen Aspirations Bundle
  • Children Aspirations Bundle
  • Artist Photographer Aspiration

Social interactions:

  • Express Pride or Disappointment

Small Modifications:

  • Buy Explorer Supplies via Computer (JA)
  • Video Station Interactions Add Followers
  • Reapply To University Earlier
  • Genius Teens Can Apply & Enroll To University Anytime
  • Vampires: Restore Life Spirit Always Available
  • Club Activities for Fans
  • Faster Term Paper & Presentation
  • DJ Booth and Music Station give both skills
  • Call to Get Drinks from Juice Keg


  • Healer Career
  • School Newspaper



Thank you so much for updating. Take as long as you need! We all understand that you have a sweet new little one at home.


thank you :) we have already kind of routine that he sleeps for 2-3 hours every day around 11 am so I am then doing my stuff :D now I use this time for the patch :)


Thank you for updating your mods and congrats to your little angel. Hope you are both well. I updated your mods and discovered that with your archeology career installed I cannot load one of my households any more. I just wanted to let you know. If you need the save or last exception files I can provide that for investigation. I am not sure if you are at discord or something like that.


Oh no... can you load other households? Did you play with this career in this family before the patch? please send me LE to my email ilkavelle@gmail.com.