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I know I let you know late, but as far as I checked, all my mods are still compatible with this patch (it was really a small patch, didn’t change much…). Some people reported to me single issues after the patch (with Children aspirations, Sim Traits Pack for Cats & Dogs and Rebellion Aspiration for teens), but I checked it and if there is some issue – it’s not connected to the patch (it’s working well in my new save, not causing any errors).

I had tough month, physically and mentally, so apologies for all delays. Apparently I am not able to avoid it now. It doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything, just that everything takes for me much longer and I respond very emotionally to any failure, which is not helping… (I guess it’s hormones…)

To expand my skills and also to try to respond to some of your requests, I started to learn how to do animations. Well, it’s not easy, that I can say :D I put my first animation in mod update for Sim Traits Pack for Cats & Dogs (I expanded this mod a little, new version available here).

Now I practice to achieve more natural moves… but it’s still barely acceptable ;) I don't know if I added video well to this post. If video is not working here, I'll try to post it on Twitter, so you can see my newest animation ;)

Edit: hm... video seems not to work... I attach file with recording to this post, and I'll also try to post it on Twitter :)

Edit2: ok, gif worked here :D





Oh that's great news ! I hope you're feeling better, take care <3


thanks :) I have ups and downs... but it's just 2 months now... I count days ;)


Love this!!!