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So recently I had someone coming to my Patreon dms, asking me for a commission, so I said "sure" until bro put a very suspicious link were I have a policy of avoiding links all the time, no matter the client... so bro kept insisting on this link and I had to stop him because it was too obvious already that he was intending to harm me with a virus or something. I checked his profile out of curiosity and I noticed a particular style from someone who gave me trouble before in other platforms...
So with this in mind I went ahead and told him that he will get blocked, after that he told me to go fuck myself and die, plus the n-word with the hard R lmao.

So who is this guy? we knew long time ago on discord and he was one of those guys that starts convos with just a "hi" and if you know by experience... that's a massive red flag, so I still went for it, everything was fine until bro started asking me about personal stuff (fetishes, myself, when do I feel horny, etc) so I told him to stop and then he continued anyway, instantly blocked.

He appeared on my Twitter dms, pleading for me to unblock him, told him no and block him again on twitter... then he appeared with a new account... about 5 times...
all of those accounts were blocked as well, and then I decided to do a "call out" post, because I noticed he was harassing other artists, not just me, he appeared talking trash about me on liek the 6th account and of course, blocked again.

Little did I know that "call out post" was setting me as his massive target, he appeared on discord as a "friend" of him, same art-style and weird behavior so I didn't buy it much but I still gave him a pass to see what will he yapp about... so this individual was telling me this "guy" will be taking a psychologist trip and he really wanted me to know about it, and I was like not much giving a shit but still listening, but he asked me to undo the call out post so his "redemption" feels like it did good??? honestly I'm as confused as you are right now if you are reading this...

So his "friend" kept pestering me for around 1 or 2 months so I had enough with his bs so I blocked him too because he was too damn annoying to deal with as well, but I did him the favor to undo the call out post, not because of him but because I wanted to keep my feed with just my art, lil bro never knew I undo the post, so his "friend" account started threatening me on twitter about posting my Patreon exclusive content online, even tho most of it is already on Kemono and I kinda don't care that much... so I just told him he can't do anything against me and block him too.

Months later he appears in Pixiv, talking all weird, I didn't know it was him untill I checked his profile... same art-style, blocked there too.

And now we are here, with him returning to Patreon and trying to harm me with a suspicious link while also calling me the N-word, you know you are doing good if you have enemies they say...

This is my first time doing this, doesn't really affect me in the slightest but I thought it would be fun to share. He might read this once it gets posted on Kemono, if you are reading this Roid, seek help brother, I don't hate you, you are just weird, man.



God damn.


Damn you life like a movie