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frosty jojo

The stuff with the lipstick!!! It's always well done!! I enjoy seeing the alternate available whenever you do include it! Obviously this is your choice, but I think it'd be awesome to see it included in your newest comic as an alternate. But no worries, if that's too much work for kind of a minor-ish detail I'm fine with just looking forward to seeing it in future posts. Especially in another comic too!!! This latest comic is awesome so far, always nice to see a bit of story/progression in these exciting situations you make lol. Like, its the ramp up of the situation I think. Even if its short, having multiple pages for a sexual situation (even if it's only one character) builds suspense, and then finally the "release" or climax 🥴 lol i think I've made my point. All in all super excited to see this direction you're going in, all your original works/characters are so well done and some of my favorite works I've seen in this line of entertainment/creative works. You're certainly one of the best artists out there especially when it comes to this femboy/futa genre. I like how your characters usually have slender / slimthicc figures, thin waists yet plump juicy T H I C C ass and thighs lol and long legs, all sooooo good. And every pair of plump breasts when they're there. The outfits are also well done. I'm a big fan of the thigh highs. Actually would love to see more stuff with Sam x Futa also Sam x femboy 🔥atm I'm forgetting the names of your other og characters but any of them would work and of course also welcoming and excited for any new characters you'd add to your list. Also Sam is such a good character bravo 👏🏽🥵 definitely within my personal Hall of Fame haha pls keep it up!!! I mean of course do what makes you happy / feel productive no matter what I think it all goes into the quality of your work but even if you wanted to quit someday I can understand all good things someday will come to an end etc. All I'm saying is that will be a sad day for me 🙀😿🥵😆 hahaha but on a brighter note I'd be at least thankful for the wealth of works you've shared up till that point 💯 anyway thanks for doing what you do!!! We all appreciate you✊🏽 EDIT: Tammy!!! The other character in this post besides Sam lol. More of Sam x Tamara that would also be like a mini christmas every time lol. Maybe a short series / comic with them?? They're both amazing!!! EDIT2: Just had to come back and say Mia is also looking like another top tier character as well really excited to see more of her as well. I like how detailed they are, including their personalities!!! I can really start to envision who they are through your work, its a good thing you're doing there. Ok ok I'm done for now haha


I honeslty apprecciate everything you wrote here, it means a lot to me and gives me nothing more than happyness and motivation to keep going with my work, I promise i will keep doing great with it! love ya <3