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Eric phillips

What is happening to her??


I've got three guesses based on what was established so far in the story. 1. Her transformation just got very painful and she's dropping to the floor to writhe in pain. 2. She's realizing she's actually physically changing, something that she technically had been ignoring/didn't believe up until this point, and she's overwhelmed by this realization. 3. Her heat just kicked in and she's overwhelmed with arousal, hence her pose on page 12. I'd say any of these are equally likely but I think 2 or 3 fits best with the story so far, since the main themes of Developing Wilderness have been the contrast between Peaks' professionalism/outward image and her werewolf transformation embodying her hidden natures (predatory and sexual). Her transformation is basically making her outside appearance match her personality, which is bad for her political career (she thinks she's having a mental breakdown, which would make people not vote for her) but feels good (as it lets her give in to the impulses she always feels). Option 2 would be more about the former and Option 3 would be more about the latter.