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Nice work on the story, too. ;)


Absolutely incredible work again on this sequence for this month. I don't know if I can write novels for each page like last time but I will use this opportunity one of the things I really like about this sequence that you've emphasized with these new pages: that is, Robyn Peaks' (meaningful name) obliviousness to her own transformation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the internal dialogue here seems to suggest that she's basically not noticing her transformation, which actually lines up with the previous images in the sequence. She thinks she's having a mental break and that all of the things she's seeing and feeling are symptoms of that and aren't real, and therefore she's filtering all of her experiences through that lens. The feeling of her clothes ripping off her body? That's just a discomfort she's had for the past month. Her breasts being sensitive and swelling up? She's always dealing with intrusive horny thoughts. It's all just feeling really strong right now, but anything she's seeing in the mirror is basically a trick of the mind. However, we know that it's real because she's waking up to her enhanced werewolf senses and figuring out about Cooper's identity in a way she wouldn't be able to otherwise. It's an interesting dynamic for a mental TF, I'm interested in seeing where it goes. Is Peaks going to just get subsumed by the beast mentally, and all of her human thoughts will fade away, or is some part of her change going to convince her that all of this is really happening and make her panic (or embrace her new body?) I don't know, this sequence could go anywhere from here. Plus there's the added intrigue of whether Cooper (who it's reasonable to assume probably turned her) wants to convince her of the benefit of the wilderness or is acting on other motivations.