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"There she is! April you're alive! We were so worried about you!

Err.. Are you good?


*Uploaded a bonus version in higher res.  Bit too big for my non 4k ass, but I know some of you folk are probably living in the modern era and like moar pixels.

Also, anyone interested in a new long form April story in 2024?




Would rather see more of Councilwoman Peaks and Tiger Sam...


I'm in agreement with tinpin, obviously April is your muse but I'd like to see some of the other sequences be revisted/completed or new characters and concepts.


Obvs this is old now but let me suggest an alternative? If you make, let's say six pages per month, why not do four continuing existing sequences and two for the new April sequence? That way you'd have up to twenty-four pages of April by the next year, which is a pretty good start for a long sequence. I should clarify that I also really like April and your cat sequences are great too, I would be curious to know what kind of angle you would take with this sequence. The original Curse of the Catwoman from Channel 6 was about adapting the original story into the new Soloverse, and then you did a much shorter sequence in 2021 that had a more realistic, visceral feel (the scenes of April getting sweaty and masturbating while she changed were great). Jumping off of that you did the glamorpuss series which were more about the mind control/servitude aspects than TF. I'm sure you've got an idea about where you would want to take the sequence already, but I'd be interested in seeing a long form slow burn cat TF for April using your new techniques-- Cat Scratch Fever was a good example but it switches between characters a lot so the TF doesn't always get to build momentum between scenes.