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Sorry for the WIP post. Not currently near the main rig and working remote isn't uhm.. working.
Should have these uploaded by tomorrow.




Honestly, I think you shouldn't post WIP posts at all. Like, it's ok if you don't have pictures done right on the first of the month. I dunno about others, but I'd rather get mails tomorrow or even later and find the finished pictures then, rather than getting my mails now to find placeholder WIPs posts and be like "well, he made me click for nothing". ^^ Still, looking forward to the result!


I think the reason is that Solone’s Patreon charges by the image. So if Simone uploads no images/the images aren’t ready by the end of the month, we don’t get charged and Solone doesn’t get paid. By uploading WIPs, Solone has uploaded a “panel, page, or poster” and therefore can collect, right? Most other content creators in the TF sphere use a monthly rate by comparison, and pause the charges if they aren’t going to upload anything.


I see. That makes more sense. Still kinda weird because then, you gotta come back and figure out when the pictures are updated. :/