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We'd spent the last few months searching for a cure.  Ever since my beloved wife Alena rescued that cat from the facility where she worked, she'd been experiencing rather unusual symptoms. 

 It started with the purring at night, then came the claws.  Soon enough, she had short pointed canines that would peek out from under lips I didn't recognise. The day she finally lost her eyebrows, she wept for almost the whole day and made me promise to keep her secret.

I'll never forget that night though.  We usually make love.  That night, she savaged me.  We fucked and screamed for hours until we passed out in a heap on the floor. 

Keeping the secret wasn't easy, and it certainly got harder as her changes progressed.  When the eyes began to change, she'd take to wearing shades when out and about, but that hasn't happened for a while.  Public settings were too risky now, people were asking too many questions and Alena's erratic behaviour was getting harder to explain.  Lapping at a glass of chardonnay while wearing gloves and sunglasses indoors was perhaps a touch too eccentric to not draw a few stares.  Damn if she didn't look a bizarre kind of cute though.

She now spends her days at home, which at first felt being like hiding, but she now seems to actually enjoy her downtime.  I'll come home to find her happily painting her claws, or drinking from a bowl while watching some (often graphic) nature documentaries.

Alena would either greet my return home with rabid affection or mild indifference, sometimes not looking away from her own reflection when I would enter.  I'd begun to question whether she even recognised me when she would eventually lock eyes with me, her gaze was so unreadable at times, her moods so wildly unpredictable.

She'd meow my name and nuzzle into me to reassure me whenever she could tell I was worrying.  I'd scratch gently behind her ear in return as she'd lay in my arms on the sofa for hours.  While certainly soothing, it almost begun to feel normal.  Some nights, I think we both forgot about the cure.

Today was the day though, my heart raced me all the way home, the formula in my pocket, I'd finally come through with a viable cure.

"Do you really think it could work?" she asked me on my way out that morning.  


I had to get her to repeat the question, I'd been so busy staring at her nose, watching it twitch and scrunch as if she had an itch she was trying to scratch without touching.  Was it always that pink? and were those the beginnings of whiskers sprouting from her upper lip?

I told her "Of course it could!", but really I'd spent the whole time asking myself the same question.  Honestly, I wasn't 100% sure.  My wife was the real brains, but lately hers had been a little fuzzy.

When I finally got through the front door, clutching the cure inhand, I was greeted by a puzzling sight.  Torn cushions and scattered stuffing lay strewn across the carpet, one discarded shoe, then another.  

I followed the trail and eventually saw from behind, Alena head down, ass swaying side to side as she lapped noisily from a dish. 

An unusually high ear twitch before her head turned to face me.  I jolted and nearly dropped what I was carrying when I saw her looking up at me from across the room.

Two slitted pupils framed in gold stared into me above a muzzle puncuated with fangs.

Her slightly pink twitchy nose had now become the felinesque centerpiece of this bizarre mutation.

I just stared for a moment, and my wife, the cat-woman stared back.

She looked startled at first, only for a moment, before her features relaxed and she arched her back as if on display.  I couldn't help but marvel at how her breasts had developed since I'd seen her last and I must have stood there blinking like an idiot for long enough for her to notice a swelling of my own. 

She mewled my name, slowly, as she began to prowl across the floor toward me.  I slipped the precious vial discreetly back into my back pocket.  Maybe we could try this cure in the morning.




Look forward to her transformation