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One of you guys sent me a message, asking whether there was any way to view the images in separate galleries.  Sadly, I don't think there is currently a way to do this via Patreon, but they're regularly adding new features it would seem, so I thought I'd send 'em a message.  It went like this...

Firstly, thank you Patreon for your existence. You've made my continued existence possible, and for that, you have my gratitude. One feature my backers and I would love to see is the option to post to a gallery page(s), where collections of work can grouped neatly together and be viewed in sequence. Is this something that might be possible in the foreseeable future? It would be great if so.
Thanks again Patreon People. You rock.


If this idea is something you'd find helpful, then I urge you to send a similar request supporting the idea.  The more of us that make a noise, the more likely it is that they'll take the idea on board and consider hooking us up.  You don't have to use as many words, OR kiss as much as.  I was feeling particularly verbose and grateful at the time of writing.  Probably all the caffeine.

Hope you're all doing well and enjoying yourselves.




A gallery system would have things more organized and might help in curbing the rampant "Dine and Dash" if implemented in a smart way.


Galleries would be great. Also: Farah pinups!


I agree, gallery would be the way to go. Also, glad to have you back!!

Tmothy B. Ross

That would be convenient. Have a Post up for several days, then send it to the galleries.


It would be interesting if at the conclusion of the this series you could publish close ups of her face from each image?


I like this idea a lot. It would take over a month of nonstop rendering time to do them all again in 1080, so may have to scale down a bit, but I'll see what I can do