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Before April's bizarre behavior and mutations could attract any further attention, Irma hurriedly ushered her unsteady companion out of the bar, into the night and hailed a cab. Unsurprisingly shakey on her feet, Irma had to prop up Ms O'Neil all the way from the cab back to the apartment door as she attempted in vain to shush her friend's loud mewling.

"My feet arrrre killing myeaowl.." April croaked as they both shuffled inside the apartment.
"Heh! I'm not surprised. Lets get you sat down then" Irma said, doing a good job of keeping her cool while her friend was obviously not.  Unbeknownst to the both of them, small pointed dimples had begun to push from her tightly bunched toes against the patent leather of her boots
"You'rre a good friend, Irrrm-" April's slow purring was cut off as her balance slipped, perhaps a result of the changes taking place in her ears, or maybe even related to the dull ache in her feet. She latched on to Irma even tighter with clawed fingers.
"Oooff! Jeez April! Okay, there ya go, easy now.. Hey, ow, ow! You're hurting me!"



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