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See the previous post if you haven't...


So Mia was a clear winner, with Melody also getting enough love to make the grade.

However, a lot of ya didn't mention the full 4 characters, so there are still two spaces left.  Good suggestions were made, but not enough votes for each to make a decision.  Below, you can post which TWO characters you'd like to see join Mia and Melody for a little glamour and posing.  I'll then count up the votes and can begin work.

Remember, you can choose from any one of the characters featured in any of my deviantart or patreon works..



Wouldn't mind seeing Catalina. That was what introduced me to your art have been following you ever since. Another one that goes back is Dr. Lee. Another one that got me into your art.


Ahh, Dr Lee. Actually Brenda Lee/Tawn was created by independent artist Manic Mike, aka TheManic. If she gets enough votes I'd have to get his permission to use her again first methinks. Nice that you're going so far back though. Cheers!


Seeing those two again would truly be neat indeed !They were actually among the first pieces of art I got in contact with on Deviant Art, and I still find them very impressive


I'll throw my lot in with seeing Catalina again. Perhaps her and the girl from "Moonlight Surprise" (who really should get a name)? Two wolves and two cats, just to keep each other in line. We could call it... "The Reigning Cats and Dogs"?


I'd be intrigued to see the redhead from Afternoon Shift a little more. Redheads always add some extra spice.


Don't forget to pick two. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it before, or if anyone noticed, but that redhead is actually the same catgirl who appeared in Hallways


I'd be curious to see Lauren L. start to make a change. Maybe show the girls watching excitedly as Lauren gets 'inducted' ?


Heh, it's not often that I've re-used the same model twice for a different character. In fact, I think you've now mentioned both! Lauren Lindewood got used as the actress to play Betty in Chamber Made. I had toyed with "re-casting" Betty though for any future TF's, so Lauren may well come back as a character in her own right someday.