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With guidance from the Producer's, here you can see Patricia has begun to blossom into a more dangerous breed.  What's next in store for our developing character?  Up to you, Producer's poll to follow.

(Producers - I know you guys voted the name Trisha, but I thought spelling it Trisia seemed to fit her well for some reason.  I can change it back if anyone has a problem with that, no biggie)


Keep track of Patricia's Progress here, here and here

Patricia>Trisha  https://www.patreon.com/posts/5797772

Project Patricia #2 -Re-introducing Patricia https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-patricia-5555778

Patricia in Progress https://www.patreon.com/posts/patricia-in-5515370

Project: Patricia #1 - Introducing Patricia





My my, she's toughened up nicely. A bit of alpha bitch in her, it seems.


I think you're right. I may have been influenced albeit subconciously by various people, yourself included, remarking on her wolfishness. Wonder where this could lead....


Well, naturally Ms. Kyle would be loath to lose such a good bartender, but perhaps the talented scientists in the lab might be able to cook up a treatment such as to allow the subject to let her inner bitch out when it suits her...