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"Claws?" she mumbled in a shaky voice,  scratchy and hoarse.

Her hands trembled and throbbed as she could almost feel the nails still hardening into claws, causing a heavy ache at the end of each delicate finger. The urge to sink her feminine yet feral digits into something soft was overpowering any remaining wisps of panic that still swam around her foggy head. She had to admit, despite their slightly freakish appearance, she'd always craved such a wicked manicure but kept her nails trim and domesticated at the request of the studio execs, who were always keen that April was portrayed as a wholesome, trustworthy role-model, rather than a sultry seductress.

"Mmmm..  Claws." She repeated once again, this time with a more confident, seductive husk.

She was now feeling less than tame, however.  Her thoughts like her nails, were swiftly becoming more and more aggressive, more barbarous. Other physical manifestations had begun to become more and more apparent to the naked eye. Her usually neatly impressive bust was swollen and shining with a fine layer of perspiration and threatened to burst a button open with every breath. In fact, she seemed somewhat tighter all over, maybe not taller but definitely larger in places. Her compact little butt was by now much more of an ample portion, swelling against her stool and leaving very little detail to the imagination. Her thoughts had wandered into lustful territory and seemingly uninhibited, or perhaps unaware, she rested one clawed hand upon her heaving bosom, while the other tightly pressed against the warmth between her legs. The fellow barflies had long since given up not trying to stare at this buxom beauty as she grappled with her own unbearable desires. It was clear to those present, she was clearly losing the battle against decorum.

One half of a dating couple scalded the other for paying too much attention while at the other end of the bar, a couple of weathered looking men looked like they might pass out if they tried to speak a word from their slack jaws.  The air along with the curious gazes was stifling Ms O'Neil, who desired above all else to be  free, to be uninhibited under the moonlit sky.




wow, this is getting great, will be next availible tomorrow? great work!


Thanks Samur. I can't make any promises for April tomorrow, but if not April, you'll probably get to see how Patricia is getting on. I am however working away on the next page right now.


She looks gorgeous. And the story just adds to how hot the scene is getting.


Getting to see it in closeup now, it's even better. I like how her eyes are JUST slightly different, and the pointed teeth are adding to that sort of alien look to her. She needs to use those claws on her jumpsuit soon though- the buildup is killing me!

Stone Quillian III

Getting better with every second. She really needs to start tearing at her clothing.


I'm really enjoying the subtle changes, but I am finding that the long-form descriptions are really selling it as a whole package. I'd love to see more of that in the future. It really makes it one big package! Are you planning on doing more written form in the future?


Thanks Monkey. To answer your question, yeah, I plan to continue. Some pages will feature more story than others, but my aim is to have at least one fully fleshed out sequence on the go at any one time.


The hair...erm fur...on her arms looks photographic. You are rendering what no one else seems to be able to do. So well done!


Thankyou James, though I can't take all the credit. I can only be as good as the resources and software I use.