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Initial results could be described as a moderate success.  Patricia has now spent a week in her new role and is gradually coming to terms with her new life.  She still clings however, to her old identity in moments of doubt which has lead us to believe she is perhaps better off cohabiting with one of the groups or cliques within the club to help settle her in to new routines.  New friends, new style, new life.

As a valued investor, you get you to have your say in the producers poll to follow shortly.

(Editors note- Been a little quiet lately due to being crazy busy.  I'll be catching up on posting new stuff today)




She does look great like that. (Strangely, I follow 3 differents creators, and it's been very quiet for all 3, last week - I actually thought there was a problem with my account)


Thanks G. She still looks a little uncertain about the goings on, but I'm sure she'll settle in soon enough. (That's probably because we are a secret crime fighting trio, away on a top secret mission. Or maybe not.)

Stone Quillian III

She looks awesome. Wonder what's gonna happen next. I bet she'll wonder what's going on as well.

