Hair by Stark Option #1 (Patreon)
You'll be presented with various options, and whichever images get's the most <3's (likes) per page will determine the outcome.
This one, is perhaps my favourite of the bunch, and a more recent purchase, and it's as I type this that I realize this is the one I hope you vote for. That said, this style could be a good progression from option #2, perhaps signalling a slightly more feral Ms O'Neil
After assembling the array of hairstyles at my disposal, I whittled it down to three that met the following criteria; The base mesh had to be detailed enough to work in close-up. There had to be a sufficient degree of control and variation available, so that I could gradually give the hair a slightly "wilder" appearance and lastly, but perhaps the most crucial, it had to reek of 80's April O'Neil, or at least a modern take on her.
Currently all backers are eligible for a vote, and the option with the most likes, gets used in the series.