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April's furred thighs quivered and clamped around the fingers of the She-Hulk as she thrust her oversized, furry hips back, yowling in feral ecstasy.

The beast formerly known as Betty grunted and growled encouragement from behind as she pinned tonight's lover firmly in place, only gradually relinquishing her insistent fingers as April's breaths became ragged and weak.

How many years had Betty sat by and denied herself this, sweetest of pussies?  The Hulk laughed, deep and triumphant, as wicked blank yellow eyes gazed down upon the tired and trembling Catwoman.  With a sudden embrace, the She Hulk pulled her companion close and declared with certainty "Mine!"




77 = 76 (wrong upload?)


So is it 76 or 77 that's missing?


Yo Solone, you made us pay twice for the same image... You'd fix this :(

Tyger Strype

Aw man, sorry to hear that, glad you're better


hope all is well dude!