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Gwen Stacey is having a bad day.  Overworked, underpaid and recently dumped by her unreliable boyfriend Peter, she did not need updates and notifications about his new photographs, featuring some new smug looking red-head, irritatingly styled cocktails and plenty of XoXoXoX's.

Seemed the high security wing of the facility was the only place she could get some much needed solitude on her break, where people wouldn't constantly be asking her if she was alright.  Plus, the lack of signal down there meant that she'd at least be spared Peter's constant gloating social media updates for a while.

She was mid-sob, somewhere in the labyrinthine lower levels of OsCorp's grandest facility, when the piercing alarms rang out and the speaker system sharply announced a quarantine was in effect due to a containment breach

What a day.  At least she'd have an extended, if not slightly tearful break.

What's the worst that could happen down here anyway?




Oh my. I'm gonna love this. :3