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"Hello, is that Elizabeth Ross?  Evenin' Ma'am, sorry to wake you.  You got a collect call from a payphone, I'm sorry I couldn't get a name.  I think your friend might be drunk as hell ma'am.  Do you accept the charges?    Alright, puttin' you through.  Have a nice day."

"Wh-wait, what?  Slow down.. Who?  April? April O'Neil April?  What's wrong?  Yeah, hmhm, okay.  Wait, a cat?  Whaddya mean, a cat?  I don't understand, it's-"

A grim look of realization quickly replaced Dr Ross's sleepy confusion as she pieced together the incoherent slurs, hisses and yowls coming down the line.

Now wide awake and matter of fact, Betty stated "Ok.  You'd definitely better come over.  The address is..."



Tyger Strype

I love how you weave characters from other realities in these.. Selina kyle in the patricia one, and Betty Ross in this. ^^


Thought I'd embrace my natural inability to keep separate realities in order ;)