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A big thankyou to you guys for sticking with me up til now.  I've not been as engaged with comments and feedback as much as I'd like recently.  To be honest, health hasn't been that great over the last few months, which has had somewhat of a knock on effect throughout life.  Mustn't grumble though!

Output has been slower than usual also, as most of this months (and a lot of July's) images had to be rendered twice, with slight variations to achieve certain effects.  

Next month, I aim to wrap up the current Patricia sequence, but don't yet have a fixed ending in mind.  Ideas are always welcome.

Hopefully I won't leave it so long to write next time.  Helps me feel a little more connected.

All the best guys,




The wait after a big upload batch is always sad but it's call


It's all good, your art continues to speak for itself and I still continue to be proud to put my money where my mouth is. Sorry to hear that your health hasn't been good, but rest assured, we will all still be here to support you. I can't wait to see how the Patricia sequence ends, it's been awesome so far!

Stone Quillian III

How about an aftermath shot of Patricia, back in back, bare naked, not remembering what happened that night.


How about Trisha waking up in the arms of Lucinda in her apartment ? :p Could have one implying something kinky, like "wanna go again ? >:] ".


What about doing a scene like when Patricia was in the bathroom with her inner-self, but as a she wolf now. Like her and Lucinda in bed untranformed, but the inner she wolves acting lustfully in the background


Groovy! Sounds like it would tie in nicely with SolRuz's suggestion.