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Just so you guys know, he didn't just vanish. He has been working on the animations for our friends over at <a href="https://www.patreon.com/PrinceOfSuburbia">https://www.patreon.com/PrinceOfSuburbia</a>


If he was working on content for another project and not the one people were paying to support he should have said something and suspended payments. He lost a huge number of fans and supporters because of his silence, and still was accepting payments for things he wasn't even doing.


Is there any sence to comment this kind? I posted game announce, if you don't like that I'm back in the boat - close this page and go play some tetris. If you like it drop a like and say it. Is there any sence to saying "where are you been? why you didn't posted anything? you're bad SJ!" I don't see any sence to comment like this, you'll have 0 profit from it, same for me.


I answered in the comments below that MyXXXKin is dead at this moment, also one guy posted my message that for nowMyXXXKin is dead and I'm workin on some other projects. What the problem to read comments?


Hello, everyone. Such a question, and the game myXXXKin will be updated?


People arent going to search the comments for an answer. What you did was keep quiet so you could cash in as much money as possible, which is just sad. You couldve atleast made a public post about it.

yuri lins

Nice work, you managed to attract a good audience and send it away ... the results show clearly.