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hey gang -- hope all is well in your world.  Here's Cynda from our shoot in Downtown LA.  This is shot at the Delphi Hotel. I love the stark bathroom, it's almost science fiction-y...and the shower has a full window that connects to the bedroom (with no curtain).  I was laughing at some of the online reviews, people were saying things like "I came here on a business trip with my coworker and there was no way to take a shower without them seeing".

full uncensored set: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/al2wsbcwvzky9xtj9ywd3/h?rlkey=31ld0ywgonlqqyftp93ywjmxc&dl=0



This is great. Totally agree with the sci-fi vibes, especially with the greenish tint. Nice work!