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original post: "here's a quick BTS video of the lovely Ivy from our shoot at the Standard Hotel in Hollywood. It's a good thing we shot there when we did -- it just closed for good because of the pandemic and rising costs. Very sad, I had a lot of good times and fun shoots there.  At least I got one last good hurrah before it closed."

here's a set from that day: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/16oc45lf7nj6xqguf2ytj/h?rlkey=xm3hwd7mvo1pg5ipjt7nstlnj&dl=0 


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Great to see more BTS! If you keep up this pace you’ll hit 200 posts by the end of the year! Anything planned for the milestone? Congrats on coming back to shooting and sharing your work.