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Hello people!
I did not expect this from myself, but the circumstances developed so that this month I did nothing, first for personal reasons, which confused my whole attitude. And now at the end of the month, I also caught a cold.
This is a difficult time for me and I decided to pause my patreon campaign, so that money will not be charged to you at the beginning of the month. I hope I will come to life and next month will return to the track again. I'm sorry if I did not live up to your expectations. I hope for your understanding and thanks for the support! 




Мужик, грустно слышать, что ты не в порядке( жизнь полна взлетов и падений, поэтому жди взлета! Поправляй здоровье свое, а то без тебя тоскливо ппц. Ты - топ на все времена и вообще я рад, что, хоть и вот так опосредованно, но знаком с тобой и твоим творчеством :3 Ах, да, ещё момент. Попробуй попить эхинацию там или элеутерококк курсами. Я вот всю зиму зиму так продержался без последствий. Короче, ждем!

Earl Armstrong

Dude, you been doing fantastic with your work. I personally have not been disappointed once so far, thats way I continue to support until money situation change on my side and even then I would most certainly come back. Get your health up and come back strong.


Take your time man. I’d rather you be mentally and physically set than getting some drawings. There’s an incredible back log to still peruse. Hope all goes well for you for the comeback.


I agree with the comments. You are a sort of artistic mentor. But we are all human and have to take breaks, manage life!


Hey! thank you all for the comments, it's very inspiring to me!