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Hello people! I wondered if it would be better to post one picture a day instead of one archive once a month. (I chose to pack pictures into archives for convenience, so you do not have to download one piece each.) I do not know how important this is, but it will look visually like I'm really an active artist. x3 What do you think?



The archive is certainly convenient for habitual 'image collectors' such as myself, but i think drip feeding your work day by day is a much better way for us to take it all in and appreciate it more. You take a lot more notice of each piece if you look at the month's work on a day-by-day basis, than getting the archive and flipping through the whole thing like a book in a few minutes. You'd get more comments and likes this way too, so it'd be nice for you to get more feedback from your patrons about what they love on each individual piece!


I voted for post something everyday.


That's for sure. I already forgot what it means to keep up. x3 In any case, if I can not handle it, I can always go back to the previous format.


I'm struggling with that, I mean, I just want to do the opposite since I think that way I can focus more of my month to finish and polish everything. Sometimes I start a drawing and finish it in one go but there are many that requires more time and the pressure maybe makes me feel that i have to finish it quickly. Maybe a month pack will be better for me.


The good thing if you post your arts in archive it might suitable to you. You will not get a lot of pressure and you can take your time and focus for your work. At the end it’s Your decision my friend. Good luck 👍


Saif, thanks for the comment ! I thought I really could do both options, the archive at the end of the month would contain all the published pictures, but so far I'm not sure about it.


Try it! I do not know why I started this way, it's quite convenient, but I wanted to make some changes, I guess ;3


As a creator, monthly archives are a more sustainable model. You don't want to have to scurry back each day for a drop. We understand you have better things to be doing.


I'm content with monthly archives since it doesn't put any stress on you to post everyday and makes it easier for me to collect your work. But if you did want to seem more active on your feed you could probably opt to just make a post every week? That way you aren't stressed to post something on an off day. Just my 2 cents. I'm fine with how you're handling things currently.


I'd love it everyday, but also the archive is fine.


I agree with BytesizeGrizzly. I think archiving is fine. I love looking forward to what you make especially for Patreon and it's also easier to keep track of, and less stress for you. I follow you on Tumblr/Twitter/Instagram so I get to see your in-between work there.