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Cora and Suzie go sleuthing in the study.  Liam finds a fridge full of transformative milk, and Erica embraces her fate.

Hi all.  I had intended to put this out last week, but I happened to start reading a book, Red Rising by Pierce Brown.  I have a terrible tendency to *think* I know what a book is about based on stuff other people have said in the periphery of my attention. So I thought Red Rising was about dragons...for some reason? Maybe I think red = dragons?  Well, it wasn't about that.  It's about caste systems and space war.  But that didn't stop it from entirely derailing my life as I consumed the first trilogy in two days.  They're good books, but maybe sell them with a warning label for suckers like me who get hooked on dramatic tension.

Anywho, we're finally to the first actual sex scene and things should spiral wildly out of control from this point on.  Happy Reading!


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