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Chapter 360: Theories and plans with Frey.

It was 3:00 am. We were all in the bedroom, but everyone was asleep from exhaustion. On the bed next to mine, Mila, Alice and Noelle had fallen asleep while cuddling together. Meanwhile, Sarah had fallen asleep next to me after our last round, and Grace… was dozing off with my dick in her mouth.

The brunette was licking me mindlessly, eyelids heavy. Then, after a short while, even she fell victim to Morpheus’ spell. Chuckling, I pulled away from her and helped her move so she was more comfortable on the bed.

This was only to be expected, of course. The spirit might be willing, but the body has its limits. After experiencing orgasm after orgasm, the girls were exhausted even with breaks in between. And seeing them all sleeping made me tired, too. Like a sudden bout of relaxation after finishing a long, hard task. I lay on the bed, between Grace and Sarah, and let myself doze off.


The scenario this time was different. It wasn’t my bedroom, but the same hotel room we’d been using. In front of me, sitting at the bar in the living room, was the shadowy figure of Frey. She had a glass of whiskey in her hand and drank from it with calm delight.

“Come on, sit with me,” she offered, gesturing to the stool beside her.

I sat down with her and she poured me a glass of the same honey whiskey I’d been drinking before. “This is just theatrics,” I told her.

“Is it? The mind is more powerful than you think. Your mindscape is my home, so I truly feel like I’m drinking whiskey. If you try hard enough, maybe so will you.”

I gave it a try, taking a sip of alcohol, yet feeling nothing. “Nope.”

“Guess it’s too hard for a human to think of dreams as anything but illusions.” Frey shrugged and took another sip. “Anyway. You wanted to talk.”

“So you know?”

“Of course I know. I listen to your every thought. Sorry for the privacy breach, but it’s just how it is.”

At this point, I wasn’t surprised and nor did it bother me. “You heard Alice’s theory, then. Can you confirm it?”

“Hmmm. Not exactly. See, I never thought about it like that.” Frey stretched her arms upwards with a soft, content sigh. After what we’d done, she was feeling quite satisfied. “A hidden effect that draws compatible people together… Hmm, now that I think about it, I’ve never heard of a succubus or incubus that has gotten divorced after getting married.” Frey stroked her chin. “Alice’s theory has good legs to stand on. Remember what I told you when this all started? I was giving the girls subtle suggestions to make them comfortable with the idea of sharing you. Dreams, whisperings, that sort of thing. But if they really were against the idea, those suggestions would’ve done nothing. That these five girls are here right now lends credibility to Alice’s theory. On top of that, there’s the fact we were able to read the thoughts of a woman we’ve never seen before.”

“Oh yeah! What was that about? I thought you said you could only read the minds of women whom I had a link with.”

“And of people with unusually high sexual desire. Remember that I once read Thomas’ mind, back when he was so pent up he thought you would steal the woman he was into.”

Ah. Yeah, I think I remember that.

“This receptionist, though… She’s into you. Very, very into you.” Frey stroked her chin again. “Alright, I need more empirical evidence. You have a good feeling about her, right? And your stalker at the coffee shop? Give it a shot with them, and if it turns out you’re compatible, then I can take it as further proof that the theory can be true. It’ll also give us more power, and with more power I can do more things.”

“I still need to hear Noelle’s answer.”

“Ah, right.”

“But… if it does happen to work, what would you like to try next?” I asked Frey.

In her shadowy face, Frey smirked. “I want to hide us.”

“Hide us?”

“I remembered something from when I was young. Younger,” she quickly corrected herself. “There is a style of magic that’s… somewhat frowned upon by most. Runes.”

“Runes?” I’d heard of runes, of course, even if in basic terms. They were letters of old Germanic alphabets. “Why would they be frowned upon?”

“Because, to use an analogy from your world, they’re like bicycle training wheels for magic. You write the correct words with the correct intention, infuse them with magic, and they do most of the work for you. Most proud mages look down on runes because they say it’s the mark of a weak, unskilled magic user. And yes, runes have their weaknesses, especially since they’re not the most flexible system. But I don’t care. I AM a weak magic user, so if I have to use training wheels, I will. I have no shame.”

I chuckled. “I think you’re pretty strong. You were able to scare off that other spirit, remember? And an enchantment that can change people’s perception of my relationship with the girls seems pretty damn impressive to me.”

Frey chuckled with me, but she shook her head. “Compared to the greats, I’m just playing with magic. But don’t worry, I’m not looking down on myself. I just need to be strong enough for us to get what we want.”

I nodded. “And you want to… hide us?”

“Imagine this. You’re in a parking lot, inside a car with two girls. There are people walking by. They notice nothing wrong with the car. It doesn’t move, it doesn’t make a sound, anything. When in reality, you three are fucking like rabbits, screaming and moaning like you’re the only ones in the whole world.” I felt my heart skip a beat. “That’s what I thought. If I can learn how to use runes, I could place a temporary spell in some enclosed area that would cancel all noise and movement. Or more like, YOU could do it. All you’d have to do is write the runes, then I’d fill them with power. It would help us with the problem of direct intervention from me.”

I swallowed. “And… how do you plan to learn about runes?”

“I know the alphabet already, but I don’t know any spells. I’ll have to run simulations here, try stuff out. Oh, but if you could read on runes, too, that would help a lot. I can learn more through you.”

“Sure, if you let me remember this conversation when I wake up.”

“Yeah, of course. I have good reasons for making you forget, alright?”

“And those are…?”

“If Alice’s theory turns out to be true, I’ll tell you, alright?”


“Well, time for you to wake up. I think a couple of your girls just got up, which means you have work to do.”

I nodded. “See you soon, Frey. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“I’d say the same to you, but you’re enjoying yourself, so go wild.”

With another chuckle, I felt the dream fading away.


Chapter 361: Noelle’s answer.

How long was I asleep for? Like 30 minutes, according to my phone. Glancing around the room, I saw that Grace and Sarah were still asleep beside me, but Mila was alone on the other bed. The door to the living room was half-open, letting me hear the conversation happening there.

“Are you sure?” Alice asked.

“Yes, it’s fine. You simply said the things I’d also been thinking about. You worded it better than I could’ve, too,” Noelle said. “And like I said, I had my answer already. I gave it some more thought and it hasn’t changed.”

Carefully, I got out of bed and stepped out of the bedroom, showing myself to the two naked girls sitting on the sofa. “Sorry. I woke up and didn’t want to eavesdrop on you.”

“We weren’t talking about anything you can’t hear,” Alice said, moving away from Noelle to give me space to sit between them. I did. “I was asking her if we made her uncomfortable with that talk about sharing you with others.”

“Ah. And…”

“You heard, right? I didn’t mind. We had to talk about it eventually,” Noelle said. “And the truth is… I’m okay with you being with other women. If anything, it bothers me that it doesn’t bother me.” Noelle took my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. “It should, right? I agree with Sarah that the word love gets thrown around a lot, but I really do love you. I want you to be mine, and… I know you are, just not exclusively, and that’s fine. I mean, I asked you myself to let me be your girlfriend, remember?”

Ah. Right, she had.

“I think I was bothered by it because… Because it wasn’t normal, because I thought it couldn’t work,” Noelle continued. “But now? We hang out all the time, we share tons of moments, and even in an orgy like this, you still outlast us all. I’d have to look for things to complain about.” She took a deep breath and placed a hand on her chest. “So yeah, I want you to be with other women. Both because it’s what you want and because… I think it’s hot,” she admitted shyly.

I let go of her hand, turned my upper body to face her and placed both of mine on her cheeks, kissing her forehead. “Thank you. Things may change a bit, but it’ll be for the better. I’ll make sure of it.”

Alice chuckled. “Coming from you, that doesn’t sound like an empty promise.”

She hugged me from behind, pushing her huge breasts on my back and nibbling my ear. “I’m looking forward to it. More women will get to taste this magic cock.”

Smirking, Noelle decided to play along with Alice. She pushed her tits against my chest, sandwiching me with Alice as she held my face and planted soft kisses all over it. “They’ll go crazy for you, I just know it.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I have to ask them out first, and I’m still not the best at talking to strangers.”

“Ugh!” Alice groaned and spanked me in the butt. It took me completely by surprise and made me flinch. “Confidence, Oliver! Confidence! You’re spending the night with five girls who worship you from head to toe! If you want another woman, you can have her!”

Noelle laughed, then she began to lewdly lick my chest. “She’s right. You need to have more confidence in yourself.”

“So what? I go up to them and tell them I want to see their tits?”

“I wouldn’t go THAT far!” Noelle said, laughing even louder.

“I don’t know. I bet that would work,” Alice said, smirking. “At least, it’d be really hot if it did.”

I moved to sit well on the sofa to have access to both girls at the same time. I got an arm around their waists and pulled them closer, kissing Alice’s lips first. “You’re such a pervert…”

“Hmmm, yess…” she purred, licking my tongue. “Your own, nasty little pervert…”

“I want you both now,” I told them, moving my hands up to grope their tits.

“How?” Noelle asked breathily. “How may we serve you?”

I gave her lower lip a little nibble before we changed positions. I lay on my back on the sofa, Noelle straddled my face and Alice my hips.

Alice sank slowly on my cock, moaning softly. “Mmmm, my pussy is still sensitive. I might have trouble walking tomorrow.”

“I know, but…” Noelle’s back arched when she felt my tongue along her slit. “Oooh, just a bit more…!”

I had my hands on Noelle’s thighs as I slid my tongue inside her pussy, flicking it inside her and drinking her flowing juices. Meanwhile, Alice brought down her hips on me, driving my cock deep inside herself.

Noelle let out a soft chuckle. “I can almost understand Oliver’s obsession with boobs. Seeing these bounce is almost mesmerizing.” She reached out and grabbed one of Alice’s boobs.

The blonde stopped bouncing up and down, switching to rocking her hips back and forth to grind the tip of my dick against her cervix and to let Noelle grope her more easily.

“And seeing this face lewd face is also quite the turn on for me,” Alice said, cupping Noelle’s cheek.

The two girls leaned closer to each other and came together into a deep kiss. As they did, Alice continued grinding her hips on me and I kept on eating Noelle’s wet pussy.

Our combined moans and laughter must’ve woken the other three up, because they came out of the bedroom at the same time. Most notably, however, was the detail that Mila came out holding her phone and pointing it at us.

“We fall asleep for two minutes and you’re already going at it without us,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Anyone want some water?” Grace offered.

“Me,” we all answered.

Sarah sat down to watch us while Mila kept recording us. Alice and Noelle kept making out on top of me and groping each other’s chests. Soon, Alice came on my cock and Noelle on my mouth. I drank all her juices like they were syrup while also letting out my own fluids inside Alice.

“Haaah… Haaah… No more,” Alice gasped heavily. “I can’t. I’m going to break…”

“Me too,” Noelle said, letting a mix between a groan and a sigh. “Any more and it might start to hurt…”

“Seems we’re all spent,” Grace said. “Congrats, love. You outlasted all five of us… again.”

Alice and Noelle had to ask Mila and Sarah for help getting off of me, or they risked stumbling and falling.

“I don’t think I can go again, but I can still use my mouth if you want,” Sarah offered, kneeling in front of me. Wordlessly, I leaned back on my seat, spread my legs a bit and let Sarah work her magic.

We spent the next two hours talking. Noelle told them she approved of me going for other women, but after that we talked about silly things, debated some odd topics and brainstormed ideas for the summer, like making a trip to the beach.

I’d call that a pretty decent first Valentine’s Day. Wouldn’t you?


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