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“Will, why on earth would you buy a sex doll?” Reina asked him.

“I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe it’s NOT to fuck it instead of us,” Amelia continued. “But still. Why?”

Will sighed. “Okay, do you really think I have the money to buy something as expensive as a realistic sex doll?”

“And how do you know how much they cost?” Nanami asked him.

“Uh… Curiosity,” he answered. “But no, I didn’t buy this. If anything, my bet would be on Cynthia.”

“Huh?” Amelia blinked. “What? Why would SHE buy this?”

“We talked in her office the other day. We talked about the meeting I had with Belphegor. I happened to mention that Ishtar had to do her own kind of training and… Well, the thing is, she has to train in moving her consciousness into another, lifeless body without moving her soul. Belphegor suggested training on something like a teddy bear, but Ishtar had the idea of using something like a blowup doll. After all, her powers always work at their best when it’s something related to sex, right? A blowup doll was within my budget, so I figured I might buy one after my next pay, but… as you can see, Cynthia got ahead of me and bought this thing.”

‘And it’s perfect! Of course you can tell it’s a doll, but damn, it looks kinda hot. Much more than those creepy blowup ones we looked at on the internet the other day. Man, I still can’t get them out of my head. Get them away!’

Reina, Amelia and Nanami visibly relaxed. “Okay. I can accept that,” the model said. “But it was such a shock. Amelia and I were here, then a package come for you and we got curious.”

“I mean, it was a very large package,” Amelia agreed.

It was Will’s turn to ask questions. He raised an eyebrow at the two and crossed his arms. “And if the package was meant for me, what made you believe you had the right to open it?”

Both women flinched and looked away with shaky smiles.

“I can understand you being upset at the idea of me buying a sex doll, but what you did is an outright breach of privacy, isn’t it? Maybe I was too quick to give you all a key to my place.”

Nanami smiled wryly at the two girls. “Sorry, but I’m siding with him on this one. He has a point.”

“Look, we were just…”

“Forget it, Reina. We lost this one,” Amelia told her. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have opened it and shouldn’t have assumed anything.”

Reina sighed and looked apologetically at Will. “Yes. We overreacted. I’m really sorry.”

“You’re forgiven.”

“We’ll make it up to you, alright?” Amelia winked at him.

“Looking forward to it. But for now, Nanami and I need to get to work on some things.”

“I just need you to provide some aether,” Nanami said. “Ishtar should be able to train with the doll while I practice making the potion.”

That sounded like a good idea to Will. They sat together on the couch with the coffee table close to then. Nanami gathered her ingredients while Will sat the new sex doll on his lap. Reina pouted at the sight, but Amelia told her not to act like a child.

Honestly, even Will found it a little embarrassing. He would admit that the doll looked… sexy enough, and there were a couple of lonely, frustrating times in his life when he wondered if getting a realistic sex doll would be better than having a girlfriend. Still, now he had six women willing to sleep with him, so a sex doll did seem tasteless. However, this was for Ishtar’s training, not his own use.

And on the subject of Ishtar’s training, there was very little Will had to do. All that was required of his was to stay close to the doll, hopefully still and quiet. As a desperate measure in case Ishtar was having trouble with her training, Will WOULD have to fuck the doll to see if it helped, but he would rather that be a last resort.

Then, as for Nanami’s practice, he had explained what she needed of his before. She was going to make a potion. This time, however, instead of diluting an already made potion, she had to make one from scratch. For that, she needed appropriate ingredients.

The objective was to make a sex-enhancing elixir. His sex-aligned aether should do most of the heavy lifting on that front, but Nanami wanted to make something of high quality, if possible. She said that selling faulty products on the black market could have bad repercussions. To make a high quality elixir, then, she picked ingredients that had aphrodisiac properties. Will’s job was to help her enhance said properties with his aether.

That was the basics of what alchemy was. In this case, Nanami called it Additive Alchemy. You take ingredients with similar properties, use aether to increase the potency of said properties and combine them into a potion again using aether to tightly bind the concoction together Of course, using aether that way took skill, which was why Nanami was also adding some of her own to be able to mix it all properly.

While she began to grind a bunch of ginkgo leaves into a thick paste, Will held his hand over a small jar of honey mixed with vodka. Will could guess why some of the ingredients would have aphrodisiac properties, but vodka he found strange.

“It’s to add a faint mind-altering effect. We’re taking advantage of the effect alcohol has in reducing inhibitions while reducing the potential risk of sleepiness and… you know.”

“That someone can’t get it up. Gotcha.”

Nanami giggled with red cheeks. “I didn’t want to say it so bluntly!”

“It is what it is,” Will said, shrugging.

“It also makes the concoction easier to mix and drink. We may still have to ask Mr. Belphegor to test a few batches and give us feedback. Thankfully, for someone with magic resistance as high as his, it won’t be a risk. Not to him or… whoever his partner is.”

Will nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, he could tell Ishtar was focusing deeply. She was quiet to the point Will would’ve doubted she was still inside him if not for the flow of her aether. Still, the doll on his lap didn’t move. He supposed even someone like Ishtar would need time to get this down. It sounded hard as all hell. For now, Will and Nanami would focus on the potion.

Only five days until the deadline.


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