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Chapter 312: Truth or Dare - Mild (Part 1)

Considering the backlash to me taking off a shoe, I decided to take off one more article of clothing. So I took off my other shoe. The girls didn’t seem to appreciate my willingness to do more than was asked of me, apparently. Tough crowd, I guess.

“Okay, next person.” Mila spun the names and Grace’s was the one to pop up.

“Okay, give me a question,” Grace said.

Mila began to read out loud. “Grace, if you found out your best friend’s partner had cheated, would you tell them? Well, that’s a dumb question…” Mila pouted in disappointment.

Of course it was. It didn’t matter if the ‘best friend’ in this scenario was Mila, Sarah or Alice. If I cheated on any of them, I would be cheating on Grace herself, too.

“Hmm. Let me answer in regards to someone else, then,” Grace said. “For example, if I caught Kevin cheating on Lena, not only would I tell her, but the basketball boy would be having nightmares for the next couple months.”

“Speaking of,” Sarah started. She crossed her arms and grimaced. “Amanda started dating a guy from another school.”

Grace, Mila and I all flinched and winced.

“Huh? Why is that bad?” Noelle asked, tilting her head.

“Yeah, what’s with that reaction?” Alice asked. “Is the guy a bad match for her or something?”

“No, see… Another friend and classmate of ours, Mark… has a big crush on her,” Mila said.

Alice blinked. “The guy who snapped at Oliver earlier in the semester?”

“The very same,” Sarah said.

“Huh. Oh well, that’s life,” Alice said, shrugging it off.

Grace laughed. “You can be pretty cold at times too, huh?”

I felt a faint connection with Alice and understood her thoughts. She believed that Mark had gotten his just deserts, and… I admit it made me a little happy that she felt that way. Though I couldn’t help but feel for the guy. At least a bit.

“Mark can be pretty insensitive at times, so I can understand why Amanda didn’t want to date him,” Mila said.

“Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff you can sometimes forgive in a friend, but never in a partner,” Sarah said, sighing. “Anyway, next question, Mila.”

The names spun once again. “Alice, truth or dare?”

Alice bit her lip in thought. “Dare.”

“Sit down and let… M-Mila blindfold you. She can kiss you wherever she wants for 30 seconds.”

“Oooooh,” the other girls exclaimed. I, meanwhile, felt my heart race.

Grace ran to her bedroom and returned with a scarf. Mila stood behind Alice and blindfolded her while both their faces quickly turned red. Mila then moved in front of Alice and slowly leaned forward.

“And… go,” Grace said, starting the timer.

I watched as Mila pecked Alice’s cheeks. First one, then the other. Little by little, she began to get closer to Alice’s lips. At one point it looked like Mila was really going to kiss them, but she backed out and ended up kissing her chin.

“Ten seconds,” Grace said.

It was then, not wanting to let this moment go, that Mila pressed her lips against Alice’s. There was no tongue, but Alice did return it. The two girls kissed once, twice, thrice before the timer went off.

Mila helped her friend remove the blindfold, and when their eyes met, they shared a loud, hearty laugh.

“Come on! I’ve seen you kiss Oliver more passionately than that!” Alice teased.

“But this is weird!” Mila said, grinning. “I didn’t hate it, though.”

“Neither did I.”

Mila returned to her seat, smiling at me as she sat down. Again, I felt their wordless thoughts inside my mind. They both were… giddy and nervous at the same time. It was exciting to try out something new and potentially hot, but there was a lingering worry that they would make me uncomfortable.

I really don’t deserve these girls. I felt some guilt that I liked the consideration they had for me.

It was true that there was a small part in the back of my mind that worried the girls would… love me less if they started liking each other, too. It was a selfish thought that, at the time, I was barely even aware of. But the truth was that was never a potential outcome, because these girls already loved each other immensely, only in a different way than they loved me. Adding lust on top of those feelings wouldn’t change anything.

So, with that in mind, I smiled back at Mila and Alice.

Mila took back her phone from Grace and spun the names again.

“Ah, Mr. Boyfriend again,” she said. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I said. Seeing the girls kiss made me want to touch them, too.

“Can you do 10 push-ups with Sarah on your back? If you can, you get a kiss!”

“Hey, hey, hey! I see the screen. That says only three push-ups!” I called out.

“Yes, but three would be too easy for you!” she argued.

Sarah then stood up. “Tell you what, Oliver. If you do ten I’ll kiss you hard AND let you fondle my boobs.”


I moved to a free space and got in position with hands and feet on the floor. Sarah then… laid on top of me, her breasts pressing on my back.

“Come on, baby,” she whispered. “I want to feel those hands on me.” What do you want me to say? Easiest 10 push-ups of my life.

I stood up and pulled Sarah close to me by the waist to claim my reward. Smirking, the blonde went deep, hot and heavy from the get go, shoving her tongue into my mouth.

It was the spark that lit the bonfire full of kindling. I felt the heat rise between my legs along with the faint shivers along my entire body.

I took my hand to Sarah’s chest and began to grope her without restraint, feeling through her clothes that she was wearing a sports bra. I kissed her back with hunger, devouring her mouth and taking her by surprise.

“Hmm♥️… What’s gotten into you?” Sarah asked in between kisses. “So forceful all of a sudden… Mmm♥️!” Still, she wrapped her arms around my neck and let me kiss her and grope her.

“Sorry, my fault,” Grace said. “We fooled around a little on Christmas Eve but I couldn’t… return the favor. He’s been holding it back since then.”

“For shame, Grace,” Mila told her.

“Oliver, if you don’t let go of her you won’t be able to do more,” Noelle said, giggling.

Ugh, she was right, but letting go was so hard! I had to use all my willpower to pull myself away from Sarah, who looked a little dazed as she licked her lip.

“...Hurry up with the next question, Mila,” Sarah said. “And ramp it up to spicy already.”

“Patience,” Mila said. “We’re only getting started.”


Chapter 313: Truth or Dare - Mild (Part 2)

“Next is… Noelle! Truth or dare?” Mila asked.

“Truth again,” the redhead answered, only this time there was no hesitation or nerves.

“Let’s see… HA! This one’s too appropriate! Would you be aroused if Oliver tied you to the bed?”

Noelle stiffened and pressed her legs together as she fidgeted. “Y-Yes, I think so,” she answered, looking down.

“What if, say, Alice did it?” Grace asked her.

“Hm? Why me?” Alice asked.

“No particular reason.”

“Hmm…” Noelle gave it some thought. “It… wouldn’t be the same, I guess, so I don’t think so.”

“Are we asking follow-up questions, then?” I asked.

“I don’t mind,” Noelle said. “I’m… well… You all know each other so well already, but I’m… sort of a stranger to this group, so… I want to know you all better, and l-let you know me, too.”

“You’re not a stranger,” Sarah told her. “You’re a friend already. But I do agree that it won’t hurt to pick some more truths than dares.”

“And you’d be surprised,” Mila told Noelle. “Yeah, we’ve known each other for years, but you’re never done getting to know someone. Games like these can bring out some spicy secrets. So with that… Alice, truth or dare?”


“Oh, see what I mean?” Mila said, surprised at the question she read on her phone screen. “I don’t know this. Alice, what kind of drunk are you?”

“Oh yeah, we’ve never seen Alice drunk,” Sarah said. “I guess because we started drinking well after we… you know, stopped hanging out so much.”

Alice groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I’m… a loud drunk,” she admitted.

“Loud? What do you mean?”

“I start speaking louder, just short of screaming. I also laugh more. It’s embarrassing, so I try not to drink too much whenever I do drink.”

I snickered. “You laugh MORE?”

Alice giggled. “Yes, if you can believe it. And I laugh at the stupidest jokes, too.”

“But that’s always,” Noelle said. “Are you constantly drunk, Alice?”

“Of course not. I like driving too much to go around drinking.”

We laughed together. Picturing a drunk Alice was funny, but I wasn’t sure it was something I really wanted to see.

Mila spun the names again, and her own name popped up. “Me again. I’ll go truth, too. So… What part of my body do I like the most?” She smirked. “Anyone up for a guess?”

“Your boobs,” I said.

“Wrong. Grace, Alice and Noelle’s are bigger.”

Sarah scoffed. “Then what’s left for me? I have the smallest boobs in our group.”

“They’re still pretty big, though.” Noelle giggled. “And going by what we saw just earlier, Oliver loves them.”

“True,” I said. “All your boobs are perfect.”

“Sweet talker,”

Alice hummed in thought. “Your eyes?” she guessed. “They’re really pretty.”

“Closer, but no.”

“Then… your hair?” I guessed.

“Ding, ding ding!” Mila grinned. “I love my hair color. This shade of blonde is really weird, isn’t it? But I like it.”

“Back in freshman year of high school, a group of girls tried to bully her over it,” Grace said, smirking. “It reeked of jealousy, though, and everyone could tell.”

“Not even Mila herself fell for it,” Sarah said, laughing and she remembered.

“It is beautiful. Makes you stand out a lot,” Noelle told her.

“Has anyone here ever thought of dying their hair?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I’ve thought about it,” Sarah said. “There was a time when I wanted to dye it fully black because I thought it looked cool, but mom didn’t let me. Said I should wait until I was 16, at least. By then I stopped caring.”

“Sarah with black hair…” Alice muttered, staring at her friend. “I think it would fit, actually. Though your hair is really pretty, too, so it’d be a shame to dye it.”

“Agreed,” I said. “On both accounts.”

“I once thought of dying my hair blonde,” Grace said. “Since I was kind of the odd one out in that sense. Mila, Sarah and Alice are all blonde, right? I thought it’d be funny if we matched.”

“Grace with blonde hair…” Alice mutered. “Nope. I don’t see it.”

“Yeah, don’t do it,” Mila agreed.

“I’d creep me out,” Sarah said.

“You girls… can be really harsh sometimes,” Noelle said with a weak chuckle.

I had to agree with that. Grace pouted, but didn’t think much of it.

We had a few more rounds on the mild level of the game. It was all pretty tame, which… was a little disappointing simply because of the state I was in. Pent up as I was, kissing and touching Sarah had left me wanting more. And I think the girls read that in me through our shared connection because Mila suggested this next question or dare to be the last one in the mild category.

“Okay, next one is… Noelle! Truth or dare?”

“D-Dare!” she said.

Mila looked at her screen, read the dare and smirked. “Tie up Oliver’s hands behind his back, then tickle him for 20 seconds! If he resists, he can do one thing to you in return.”

Oh boy.

Noelle grinned. “I won’t go easy on you, okay?”

Alice threw the scarf she had used as a blindfold to Noelle. The redhead tied my hand, stood in front of me as I was sitting, waited for Mila to start the timer… and attacked me mercilessly.

She tickled my stomach, my sides, my armpits, my neck… And it had no effect at all.

Noelle gasped. “N-No way…”

“What the hell? Oliver isn’t ticklish!?” Mila shared the shock.

“How have we not learned this by now?” Sarah asked.

I grinned smugly. “I’m completely immune to tickles. You’re powerless against me.”

“No way. You’re just holding it back,” Mila said.

I puffed out my chest. “You can try again if you want. You and Noelle can tickle at the same time, but I don’t laugh, you both lose.”

Mila and Noelle shared a look of utter determination.

“Grace, start the timer,” Mila said, sliding her phone over the coffee table.

The countdown started and Mila and Noelle attacked with every ounce of their strength, going for different angles. Since I wasn't wearing shoes, Mila tried to tickle my feet while Noelle lifted my shirt and tickled my bare stomach. A commendable, but fruitless effort.

“Time,” Grace said. “You know, I’m shocked, too. He’s so sensitive when you’re caressing him, but tickles have no effect.”

“Okay, okay. We lost,” Mila said, pouting.

“Then… w-what’s our punishment?” Noelle asked, though her red cheeks and small, excited smile betrayed her desires.

“I want… A three-way kiss.”

Mila and Noelle shared another look.

“I’m willing if you are,” Mila said.

“Let’s do it.”

One of them sat on one of my legs, facing me. I wrapped an arm around their waists and held them close. My heart was racing in excitement, and I could tell by those smiles that the two girls shared the anticipation.

I kissed Noelle first, licking her lips. It was short and sweet. Then I kissed Mila in the same way.

Noelle was the first one to stick out her tongue. The three of us leaned in at the same time and our tongues touched, soon got tangled in a silly, playful and wet three-way kiss. Their hot breath hit my face, and the closeness made their breasts rub against my chest.

Honestly, three-way kisses are on the awkward side. It’s 90% just licking each other’s tongues. That said, it’s a very different kind of fun, and the fact that it’s with two girls instead of just one adds to the arousal, at least for me.

We pulled away after about a minute. Both Mila and Noelle kissed me on the cheek and moved from my lap to sit down next to me.

I swallowed the mix of our saliva. “So… How about we move on to the spicy level now?”

There were no objections.


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