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Chapter 296: A quick test.

“So… Is that something you’d like to try out now?” I asked after a short silence.

Sarah smirked teasingly at me. “Mmm, want to watch that badly?”

I cleared my throat with a cough, but the heat on my cheeks was a very clear giveaway. “N-No, but… we have some time now, don’t we?”

“I think I’ll pass for now,” Grace said. “I’d rather do it next time we can go a little further than just kissing.”

“Me too,” said Alice. “I’m mostly on board with the idea, but I’d like at least a day to let it sit. I want to be sure.”

Mila crossed her arms and furrowed her brow in thought. “I’d do it, but I know what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna get turned on and I’ll want Oliver to join us.”

Grace nodded. “But lunch hour is riskier for us. I wouldn’t put it past some pervert to come snooping around in hopes of hearing something fun happening.”

“Cowards, all of you,” Sarah told them. “So? How about it, Noelle? Want to make out with me? I won’t feel offended if you say no, by the way.”

Noelle gave it some thought, glancing at the ceiling, then at me, then at Sarah. “Okay, but just kissing for now.”



Fuck. My cock twitched at the mere mention of tongue-kissing. My heart began to beat faster, and even more so when Sarah dragged her chair to sit right beside Noelle.

The athletic blonde and the petite, busty redhead were now closely next to each other, shoulder touching. They looked at me for confirmation one last time and I nodded to give it to them. They locked eyes, and slowly their lips inched closer together.

It started tentatively, lips brushing, eyes closed. Then, Noelle pushed a little, pressing her red lips more firmly against Sarah’s pink lips. I couldn’t look away. It was really, really simple. A gorgeous woman kissing another gorgeous woman was just… beautiful and alluring, almost like art.

Sarah gave Noelle’s lips a quick flick with her tongue, prompting the redhead to do the same. Soon, the tips of their tongues were meeting for the very first time. Sarah deepened the kiss, opening her mouth more. The two girls shared a soft moan, and only moments later, they pulled away. It must’ve lasted a minute or two in total.

They both licked their lips and looked at each other in thought, not saying a word.

“Well?” Mila asked. “Don’t leave us hanging. How was it?”

“I’m thinking of how to say it,” Sarah said. “It was good, that’s for certain, but…”

“It… lacked that spark,” Noelle said. “You know, that feeling like your brain is melting?”

Grace nodded. “Yeah, I get you, but that only ever happens with Oliver.”

“Hmm… we’ve only ever kissed him, so we wouldn’t know, right?” Mila asked Noelle.

“Yeah. Hm… Let’s see…” Noelle gave it some more thought before her eyes lit up. “I’ve got it! It’s like eating sweet, sugarless cookies after eating cinnamon rolls for a whole month without getting tired of them.”

Alice snickered first, trying to hold it in before she started laughing. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she said. “Ahaha! Why is that even funny to me?”

Sarah, however, clicked her fingers and pointed at Noelle. “That’s it! That’s exactly it!”

I blinked. It was… a silly comparison, but it got the point across. At least, I understood it easily.

Mila nodded. “So you’re saying it’s good in a different way, but also not nearly as good as eating cinnamon rolls.”

“Yeah,” Sarah and Noelle said. “But since it’s different, it also feels kinda refreshing,” Sarah added, licking her lips again. The blonde and the redhead shared another look and chuckled together. “It really did feel good, you know? You’re a good kisser.”

“So are you,” Noelle said, blushing.

“And how do you feel about it?” Alice asked me, standing behind me and hugging me from behind. “Any conflicting feelings?”

I smiled. “No, thankfully. I thought they looked cute.”

“Really? So you’re not scared Noelle will steal Sarah from you?” the president teased.

“Are you afraid Mila will steal me from you?” I asked her back.

Alice giggled. “Not one bit.” She kissed my cheek. “Grace, on the other hand, I’m keeping an eye on.”

“Hey!” the brunette exclaimed with a hand on her chest, looking shocked. “Alice, please, I would never!”

“Uh-huh,” Mila, Sarah and Alice said, not believing a single word.

“I bet you’ve considered a plan where only you and Oliver get to go on a Christmas break trip together,” Sarah said.

Grace opened her mouth, then guiltily glanced to the side.

“That’s it, no dates for you this week!” Mila decreed.

Grace crossed her arms and pouted. “But Christmas is this week. Does that count?”

“We’re gonna hang out together, so no. You’re safe there.”

I didn’t laugh, but I did find it funny that Grace accepted her punishment without a word of protest.

“We’re getting together on the evening of the 25th, right?” Noelle asked to confirm. “At Oliver’s house?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “My mom said it was okay. We actually celebrate during Christmas Eve and the next day we just laze around. What will you all do on Christmas Eve?”

“Dinner with the family,” Noelle said. “My uncle, aunt and little cousins are coming over.”

“Me too,” Mila said. “Though it’ll only be my dad, my mom, my brother and me.”

“Same here,” Sarah said. “All my uncles, aunts and cousins come over on the 25th, so we have a quiet dinner on Christmas Eve. Well, I say quiet, but the brats spend all night crying that they want to open the presents. ”

“My brother and his wife are coming over for dinner, too. We’re kinda like you,” Alice said. “We celebrate on Christmas Eve and rest on the 25th.”

I turned to look at Grace, who had suddenly gone silent. She was glancing at her phone with a scowl. She clicked her tongue in frustration and carelessly tossed her phone on the table. It made a loud noise, but Grace didn’t care.

“I’m doing nothing now, apparently.”

W-Wait, what? Her attitude left us all speechless for a moment. What happened?


Chapter 297: An invitation.

“W-What do you mean?” Noelle asked.

“Wait, weren’t you gonna spend this Christmas with you mom this year?” Sarah asked her.

“I was, yes,” Grace said. “But now some of her friends invited her on a sudden trip to Dubai. She just texted me to say she would be leaving tomorrow.”

My jaw dropped and quivered. I felt my muscles tensing.

“A… work trip?” Noelle asked, almost hopeful.

“Nope,” Grace said with a very fake, very bitter smile. “A pleasure trip with her friends. You see, they went through the trouble of inviting her, so she couldn’t say no to them.”

My fingers twitched from how tense they were.

“And your dad?” Alice asked.

“Out of town, working. He’ll spend Christmas with his co-workers.”

So… Grace was going to spend Christmas Eve alone? Her father was not home and her own mother canceled on her?

What. The. Fuck?

Grace’s own frustration hit me a second later. Anger, frustration, but not a drop of surprise. Grace was expecting something like this to happen, but it didn’t mean it bothered her any less.

Alice’s grip on my shoulders tightened. It made me look back at her, and I met her firm gaze on me. She nodded silently, either knowing what I wanted to do and encouraging me to go through with it or simply spurring me to do something about it. Either way, it was all I needed.

I grabbed my phone and made the call. The girls all looked at me with curiosity and a bit of apprehension. I think I was making a scary face. Mom picked up quickly.

“Oliver?” she asked, sounding surprised. “You never call me at work. Did something happen?”

“Nothing urgent,” I answered. “Sorry, are you busy?”

“No, I’m on my lunch break,” she said. I knew that, but still had to make sure. “What is it?”

“Would it be much trouble if Grace spent Christmas Eve with us?” I asked without beating around the bush. “She was going to spend it with her mother, but she canceled on her and now she has no plans.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Her MOTHER canceled on her?”


“And her father?”

“Out of town.”

“So Grace is going to spend Christmas Eve alone!?”


“Then tell her to come over!” I smiled. My mother spoke with the same level of indignation I felt. One of the many reasons why she’s the best. “We’ll talk it over tonight, but tell her she can spend the night, too. And the other girls?”

“They all have plans to spend it with their families, too.”

“Okay. If anything happens, text me, alright?”

“Yeah. Thanks, mom. You’re the best.”

“Don’t worry. Was that all?”


“Alright. Then we’ll talk more tonight. Take care, dear.”

“You too, mom.”

I hung up, very satisfied with how that went. Though I never doubted for a second that mom would say yes.

“So she agreed?” Sarah asked with a smile of her own.

“Yeah. So? How about it, Grace?” I asked the brunette now. “I needed permission before making the invitation. Want to spend Christmas Eve with us? You can stay the night.”

Grace was blushing madly and bashfully looking down at her knees. “I… It’s not… necessary, you know?”

My smile faded. “So that’s a no?”

“N-No! I mean, I… I want to, I really do!” Grace quickly answered. She then glanced around, looking at the other girls. “But…”

Mila crossed her arms. “If this is about that punishment I gave you, I was only joking, you know? Go spend the night with Oliver.”

“Yes!” Noelle agreed, standing up from her chair. “Spending Christmas Eve alone is just…”

Grace chuckled humorlessly. “It wouldn’t be the first time, you know?”

“That only makes it worse!” Noelle insisted, catching the brunette by surprise.

Alice chuckled. “Come on, Grace. Are you really going to say no to spending one of the most romantic nights of the year alone with your boyfriend?”

“Don’t worry about us,” Sarah told her. “We’ll have plenty of opportunities for our own alone time with him. Hell, I got to spend the whole night with him at my house. I think this is fair.”

“...” Grace groaned and shook her head. “Alright, fine! Just remember this wasn’t my idea!”

Mila laughed. “God, you look cute when you blush. We don’t get to see that too often.”

“I kinda feel like kissing her now,” Alice teased.

“Yeah, me too!” Mila said.

We laughed together. Lunch hour was coming to an end, so we began to make our way back to our classrooms. However, once Alice, Noelle and Grace exited the club room, Mila and Sarah stayed back and stopped me from leaving yet.

“Hey, Oliver.” Sarah stepped close to me and kissed my cheek. “Thanks for that.”

Mila held my hand and kissed my other cheek. “Yeah. That you were so quick to do it was awesome, too.”

“I… Are you sure it was okay? I kind of acted on instinct.”

“It was perfect,” Sarah said. She then scowled. “Grace has spent like six christmases alone.”

“We’ve invited her to spend some with us, and she has, but… she doesn’t like it,” Mila said. “We’re friends, and we’re close, but I suppose it’s not the same as spending time with your own family.”

“I don’t think she believes we’re rubbing our ‘happy families’ in her face,” Sarah added, “but watching us probably still stings. She also has her pride, so she doesn’t like being pitied.”

I flinched and winced. “Then how is what I did any different?”

Mila giggled. “You’re her boyfriend. Spending Christmas Eve with a friend’s family is totally different than spending it with your boyfriend’s!”

“You can look at it like a big step forward in the relationship,” Sarah said. “Which is probably why Grace hesitated. She didn’t want to ‘get ahead’ or something like that. It’s dumb, I know.”

I chuckled. For all her tricks, Grace kept looking after her friends. “So you girls really don’t mind?”

Sarah shrugged. “Like I said, it’s fair.”

“Well, I’m jealous, for sure!” Mila said, laughing and hugging my arm. “I’d like to spend Christmas Eve alone with you, too. But we’re gonna have more chances, won’t we?”

That would mean we had to still be together next year. The year when we’d go to university.

I smiled.




Someone in the chyoa comments said a few chapters ago "I wonder how Grace's parents are?" and I had to resist answering "Absent, mostly." Beyon that, not much else to say since the chapters speak for themselves, I think. Of course, feel free to ask questions. Hope you guys are enjoying the chapters. Christmas is coming earlier in the story than in real life, but waiting a whole month just to make it seasonal would be overkill.


The girls kissing chapter was hot, and I'm glad that there were no unexpected bad feeling there from anyone. But.... The second chapter, and Oliver's decisive action to make sure that Grace wasn't alone for Christmas was the much better chapter. How you have made us love all of these characters so much - seeing them suffer is painful, so seeing both Oliver stepping in to make sure that doesn't happen, as well as it indicating just how much Oliver has grown as a person... <3 <3 <3