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Chapter 280: Finally, a solution.

As I expected, I was summoned into my own dreams that night once more. What I didn’t expect was the silence.

Frey was floating in the air, arms and vaguely-shaped legs crossed, not saying a word. I expected her to have a lot to tell me, considering what had happened, but thinking about it, maybe that was precisely the reason she wasn’t talking.

“Don’t know where to start?” I asked her.

“Yeah…” Frey began to slowly spin in the air, floating upside-down before sitting straight up again. “Sorry. I didn’t want to reveal myself, but I worried this would be my only chance, so I took it.”

“I’m surprised it worked, honestly.”

“So am I. I didn’t know those things existed, even.”

“Why did you decide to answer our questions?”

“Many reasons. For starters, hiding was getting kinda pointless considering my powers are getting stronger and more noticeable. Better to admit I’m here and make my intentions clear than risk you looking for answers elsewhere, somewhere potentially more dangerous.”

“More dangerous? What do you mean?”

Frey waved her hand dismissively. “I told you, the supernatural exists and you’re not the only one taking advantage of it. Regardless, I’d rather you not get involved in that mess.”

Yeah, I didn’t feel like digging deeper, either.

“Another reason I revealed myself was that I wanted to tell your girls that I’m here to help. Funnily enough, I wasn’t planning on lying, but… How can I say it? That board compelled me to tell the truth anyway.”

“You don’t say? I think it originated as nothing but a toy.”

Frey nodded. “Maybe the one who originally designed it knew about the supernatural. Anyway, it let me tell you all that I’m not here to mess with you. Remember, all I want is for you to have lots of sex and fulfill your lewd desires. If you do that, I win, too, which brings me to another reason I showed myself.”

Frey paused for a moment. At first I thought it was for dramatic effect, but the tone in which she spoke was more serious than I expected.

“Oliver, I think we can use that board to accomplish the enchantments we want.”

I felt a chill run down my entire body, and a small smile crossed my lips. “How so?”

“I’ve been thinking hard. You’ve done well, and thanks to that we’ve managed to gather a very high amount of sexual energy. However, to achieve the level of enchantment we need, even all that is not enough. I thought the scale of it was beyond me, and I was getting frustrated. But then you helped me remember that there are ways to lessen the amount of energy required for an enchantment.”

“You mean conditions?” I asked.

“Exactly! The harsher the condition you impose for an enchantment to work, the less energy you need to make it happen. But we don’t want TOO harsh a condition because I don’t want to limit you too much, or worse, risk you accidentally breaking that condition.”

“And you came up with something now?”

Frey sighed. “Yes, and it has a good chance to work, but… I’d have to let you remember this dream.”

I frowned and tilted my head. “Actually, why do you make me forget all the dreams?”

“Because…” Frey groaned and shook her head. “I have my reasons. It makes some things more difficult, but it’s better in the long run. What I need is that you continue on being yourself, though if you could stop questioning every other move you make I wouldn’t complain. Believe me, it’s better for the both of us that you don’t know what we talk about here. I wouldn’t have revealed myself if the pros didn’t outweigh the cons.”

I clicked my tongue. I didn’t like that response, but I decided to trust Frey for now. “And? What’s the condition you came up with?”

Frey nodded, seemingly satisfied that I wasn’t pushing the matter of the dreams. “First of all, the board will let me make direct contact with your world, or as close to it as I can get. Second of all, we can make use of the links between you and your girls.”

“What? How?”

“You want to be able to date multiple women without it raising any eyebrows, right? You want to normalize a polyamorous relationship. Well, I can do it now… if all your girlfriends agree to it.”

I blinked. “W-What? If they agree? What do they have to do with it?”

“You have a strong link with them. Well, two links. A sexual link and an emotional link. The former one is a magic link, the latter is more abstract, but just as strong. Their opinions hold sway over you, over what you feel is okay to do. If they explicitly agree to some specific terms, then I can make an enchantment that can permanently change perspective over your relationships. It works as a condition because it leaves the failure or success of the enchantment out of your hands and into someone else’s. I’m not a big fan of it, nor of the terms they’ll have to accept, but you’ll accept it more easily.”

I swallowed. She had a point. They wanted to be able to stop hiding just as much as I did. I wanted to stop lying. If they knew the terms and accepted them, then I’d be more likely to accept it than if I simply forced my wish on them. That said…

“What are the terms?”

“My first thought was that they’d have to agree to freely share you with anyone. You know, let you sleep with and date whoever you want, but as I examined that possibility, I realized it was too broad of a condition. It wouldn’t be enough to reduce the amount of energy we’d need to what we have now.”

“It’d also be a lot to ask of them,” I told her. “Mila, Grace and Sarah would probably agree, but I’ve only been dating Alice and Noelle for a short while. They probably wouldn’t agree to that.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought, too, so I have another set of terms that are more restrictive on you, which helps our energy-reduction problems, and are also more fair to your current girlfriends, which is what you want.”

I nodded. “And those are?”

“You will be able to have sexual and romantic relationships with multiple women at the same time, and this will be seen as normal by the public. However, to sleep with and start a relationship with a new girl, you must have the approval of all your current girlfriends.” Frey sighed. “I don’t like it, but it’s the least restrictive condition I could come up with that you’d accept. You and the girls.”

I smiled. “Yeah. This is fair. Thanks, Frey, for thinking about us.”

The spirit crossed her ghostly arms. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d rather give you full freedom to fuck whoever you wanted without asking for permission, but that’s outside my abilities right now.”

I stroked my chin. “I have a couple of questions. First, if I… If I were to sleep with another girl without their permission, would that break the enchantment?”

“No. I want to make it so you can’t break it by accident or through a loophole. I think I can make it strong enough that it’d only be seen as cheating.”

I nodded. Not that I was planning to do it, but it was a question I needed to ask. “And also, what happens if… Ugh, I don’t even want to say it outloud. What happens if I break up with one of them?”

“I’m specifying the terms as ‘all your current girlfriends’, meaning that if you break up with one, you’d need the approval of four. However…”

My eyes widened. “If I have six girlfriends, I’d need the approval of six people.”

Frey groaned. “Yes. See why I don’t like it? At least this is only the start. I may be able to make adjustments as I get stronger.”

“I don’t know. This sounds fine to me.”

She sighed. “Of course it does. Well, you’ve managed to convince five girls to share you already. Maybe things will work out. Besides, you’ll finally be able to make out in public with them, which will count as fulfilling more of your desires, so I still win.”

Yes. This was good. I wanted to date many girls, it was true. I had to admit that I’d like to sleep with a new girl in the future, if possible, but I’d never do it if the girls I was already seeing were against it.

Yes. This was perfect.


Chapter 281: About the condition.

I thought about the dream throughout breakfast and all the way to school. Isabelle and mom asked me why I was spacing out, so I had to answer that I felt a little tired. I think neither of them bought it. The spirit, Frey, talked to me in that dream and I could remember it, or at least some of it. Of course I was spacing out.

You know when some things sound too good to be true? I was hoping this wasn’t one of those cases because dammit I needed it to be true. It was exactly what I wanted, that one impossible dream that I never truly believed would ever come close to being real. More than that, it was the chance to finally stop hiding, the chance to stop lying to mom, the chance to be upfront with the girls’ families. We wouldn’t be criticized or questioned. We’d be free to go on dates without worrying that some classmate or acquaintance might be watching us.

That morning, unlike other times, I was the last one to arrive at the club room. All the spacing out at home had made me late.

“Hm? Oliver? What’s wrong?” Noelle was the first to notice, since she was sitting in a spot that faced the door. “You look a little out of it.”

I smiled. “Kind of. I… have something to tell you all, but let me think of how, first.”

I greeted them all one by one, and each of them looked me in the eyes with a scrutinizing gaze, trying to guess what it was that had me like this.

“You’re kind of making me dizzy with how much your head is spinning,” Sarah told me as our lips parted.

I smiled wryly. “Is that how it feels to you?”

“Sometimes,” Sarah said.

Noelle giggled softly. “When you’re aroused I feel it like a subtle tingling in the back of my neck.”

“Yeah, exactly!” Mila said.

“And when you’re happy it’s like a warmth in my chest,” Alice said with a fond smile. “Sit down, Oliver. I’ll get you some tea. Or would you rather have some coffee today?”

“Coffee sounds really good right now. Thank you.”

Grace chuckled. “Yeah, they’ve got it down already. They can read you about as well as we can. Makes me a little jealous, actually. It took us a while to get to that point.”

Mila stood behind my chair and hugged me, pressing her breast against the back of my neck and holding my shoulders. “Nothing bad happened, did it?”

“No, but...” I sighed and placed one hand over hers. “I dreamt of Frey last night.”

The atmosphere immediately became more alert, tenser.

“You remember this one?” Alice asked me, setting my mug in front of me, filled with coffee.

I nodded and took a sip. “Though only a part of it. I think it’s because… she needed me to remember it.”

“W-What did she say?” Noelle asked, eyes glancing towards the ouija board standing against the corner of the room.

I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. “Frey has magical powers. We know that, right?”

“Yeah,” Grace said. “Hard to deny it when we’ve felt it first hand.”

“We… might have been underestimating how much she can do.”

“What do you mean?” Alice asked.

“She says that… that there is a way to make it so our relationship is seen by everybody as something normal.” I heard gasps, but no one said a word. They were all looking at me expectantly. “She says she has the power to do it, but… there’s a condition that needs to be met.”

“Which one?” Sarah and Grace asked at the same time. Mila couldn’t help but snicker.

“In her words: I will be able to have sexual and romantic relationships with multiple women at the same time, and this will be seen as normal by the public. However, to sleep with and start a relationship with a new girl, I must have the approval of all my current girlfriends.”

A heavy silence fell on the room as the girls pondered on the meaning and the implications of my words. I kept quiet, letting them think it over.

“So you’d leave it up to us?” Mila asked.

I nodded. “I think it’s part of what makes this… ‘enchantment’, as she called it, possible. It needs to ‘restrict’ me, she said.”

Alice held her chin. “A condition to make a spell more powerful, then?”

“You hear many examples like that in mythology and folklore,” Noelle said.

“So… Basically, she says you having a polyamorous relationship will be seen as normal, but if you want to sleep with and date other girls, we have to give you permission?” Sarah asked.

“That’s literally what the spirit said, Sarah,” Mila told her.

“No, it’s a good question,” Grace said. She looked deep in thought. “If you were to sleep with a girl without our permission, would that break the spell or just count as cheating? And if, um… If one of us were to… break up with you…” She looked uncomfortable even saying it. It made me kinda happy. “If that happened, then what?”

“For the first thing, she said it would only count as cheating. For the second, she said I need the approval of all my current girlfriends, so…”

Alice nodded. “If you were dating four girls, you’d need the approval of four people. But if you were dating six, then you’d need the approval of six people.”

Noelle chuckled nervously. “This is a strange conversation. Do you really think this will work?”

“We have enough evidence for it to be a safe enough bet,” Grace said. “I get what you mean, but we need to understand what we’re making Oliver agree to.”

Noelle nodded. “Right. It seems the… ‘enchantment’ has established rules, then.”

Mila groaned in frustration, resting her chin on my head. “I thought magic was just a snap of the fingers and bam! This is too complicated.”

“Don’t complain,” Sarah told her. “If this works, we won’t have to hide anymore.” She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “It’ll be weird to explain to my parents why I didn’t just introduce him as my boyfriend the other day.”

Grace turned to address Alice and Noelle. “I’m ready to agree to this right now. I don’t need to ask Sarah and Mila to know they’re in the same boat.” The two mentioned girls nodded their agreement. “But how about you two? You’ve only been dating him for about two weeks.”

“If it’s up to us to decide whether he gets to date more girls or not, I don’t see why I wouldn’t support this,” Alice said. “I don’t enjoy hiding any more than you do.”

“Yes, I agree with her,” Noelle said. She then began to fidget while looking at me. “Still, I’d like to ask Oliver a question.” I nodded for her to go on. “Do you… actually plan to see more girls?”

My heart skipped a beat. I looked down into my mug. The steam from the coffee fogged up my glasses a bit.

“Plan to? Not exactly,” I answered. “Before this all started, I… had sort of made my peace with the idea that I’d be a virgin forever. Then all of a sudden, not one but three girls wanted to sleep with me.” Sarah crossed her arms and frowned. Grace closed her eyes solemnly. Mila’s grip on my shoulders tightened. I continued. “Then those three girls told me they wanted me to start seeing others, too.”

“A toast to that,” Alice said, raising her cup of tea and taking a sip. That got a chuckle out of all of us.

“There’s no point in me hiding it,” I continued. “You can probably tell already. Dating you all is quite literally a dream come true for me. Threesomes, foursomes… I was always into the IDEA, but I never expected I’d love the real thing so much. Maybe… No, not maybe. I’m sure Frey has something to do with it. There are times when I feel arousal beyond what’s… normal. Being with you satisfies that… urge.” I sighed. “My point is, I never planned for any of this to happen. I’m more than satisfied with the way things are now. I don’t NEED more, but…”

“Who knows how things will develop in the future,” Noelle finished for me.

I nodded.

Noelle let out a heavy, drawn out sigh and threw her head back, looking at the low ceiling. She chuckled. “What did I get myself into?”

“Regretting it?” Alice asked with a teasing smirk.

“No, and that’s what’s weird.”

“I want to tell you to not think too hard about it,” Sarah said, “but I know it’s hard. If it helps, I was probably the most skeptical about this of us three, and, well…”

Aliche snickered. “Yeah. I’ve never seen Sarah so smitten. It’s almost funny.”

“Laugh it up, prez. I see that mug you gave him.”

Alice flinched, blushed and went quiet. Man, she’s cute.

“So? Are we in agreement?” Mila asked. “Are we doing this?”

“Yes,” Noelle answered.

“Yes,” Alice said.

“No need to ask me,” Grace said.

“Then what are we waiting for? What do we need to do?” Sarah asked.

“W-We’re doing it now?” I asked.

“Should we not?” Grace asked back.


There wasn’t actually a reason to wait, was there? We still had about 15 minutes until classes started.

“Let’s get the ouija board ready.”



Oh man. This took a while to fix. They also ended up being longer chapters. So here’s what happened: Originally, the condition for the enchantment was that the five girls would have to explicitly agree to share Oliver with anyone he wanted. Once they agreed to that, they’d also be enchanted to feel that Oliver being with as many girls as he wanted was normal. However, I later felt that would be the wrong path to take. I’m sure most of you can probably tell, but an invisible yet important part of the relationship here is that all the girls knew that entering a poly relationship was risky, yet they decided to trust Oliver and agree to it anyway. If they were enchanted to basically not care, that would take away from their initial choice and tarnish their decision. On top of that, there were Alice and Noelle, who have only been dating Oliver for a short while. Asking them to agree to freely share their boyfriend of two weeks with whoever was a bit much, and if I had gone with the original plan, it would’ve caused Oliver to feel guilt over asking this of them and caused some friction in the group that would lead to some chapters of Alice and Noelle coming to terms with the idea by learning how much it meant to Oliver. It didn’t feel right to me, so I decided to go this route, which Oliver himself would approve of more. It also makes it so that he’s not truly ‘free’ to do whatever he wants, leaving opportunities for hurdles to overcome and keeping the girls involved in his progress. I wanted to have one last hurdle to overcome before they got to go around telling everyone that they’re all dating, and this path takes away from that. However, one could also make a case that, after 280 chapters, they earned it, right? Maybe. Anyway. That’s it. Sorry for the delay. I hope you guys enjoy the chapters.


I like this path glad you changed it. Key things I like about it are the girls are of their own free will and end up pushing him to progress. I like the idea that the magic doesn't control them they are there and agreeing to share because the magic helped them grow together. Their feelings are pure even if they have been eased to some things.