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Chapter 278: First contact.

It was that same Wednesday after school. I told Isabelle I’d be home a little later, but that I’d still be there to make dinner. Hopefully. I still had a strong hunch that nothing dangerous was going to happen, but I had no way of knowing if I was right and it was too late to stop now.

We had the windows and curtains closed, leaving us close to fully in the dark if not for the fact it was still bright outside. Of course, Grace had also brought some candles, so we lit them and placed them around the table.

We took out places and shared a final look of confirmation. Grace was the first one to put her finger on the small triangle-shaped piece of wood. I was the second, followed by Alice, Sarah, Mila and finally Noelle. The six fingers all over each other looked a little ridiculous, and while I think we all thought that, none of us mentioned it. We were too nervous.

“Let’s start, then,” Grace said. We all nodded. We heard her swallow in the silence of the room. We were far enough away from everything that we didn’t even hear the sport clubs doing their thing.

We had agreed that Grace would be making most of the questions, but that if someone else had something in mind, they’d be able to ask, too.

“Is there a spirit in this room with us right now?” Grace asked.

We were relieved. The wooden triangle didn’t move. There were no spirits.

That relief lasted all of 5 seconds.

The wooden piece moved on its own, leading our fingers with it. My chest froze as I saw it moving towards the upper left corner of the board. I couldn’t watch my girlfriends’ faces. My eyes were glued to the piece.


No gasps, no comments, no words. Our jaws dropped and we finally looked at each other. We knew it without saying it. None of us had moved the piece. None of us was dumb enough to try and play a prank when we had proof that supernatural stuff was happening around us.

Noelle’s hand began to shake, or maybe, since hers was the top hand, it was the one that most visibly shook. Mine began to feel cold.

“H-Hello. My name is Grace. W-What’s yours?” Grace asked. She did her best to sound composed, but a small stutter escaped her.

The wooden piece started moving again, going from one letter to another.


“Frey…?” Mila read the name out loud.

The name sounded familiar. Very familiar. It also brought me a strange sense of… nostalgia, like I was hearing the name of a friend for the first time in years.

“Frey… is the name of a Norse deity,” Alice said, her voice close to a whisper. “I’ve heard it as a surname a couple of times, but…”

Grace swallowed again. “Are the spirit of a dead person?”

The piece moved to the upper right corner.


We looked at each other, our eyes asking a million questions we didn’t speak. If not the spirit of a dead person, then what?

“What type of spirit are you?” Grace asked.


My jaw dropped in disbelief, and it was Noelle who voiced my thoughts.

“Lust? As in… an incubus spirit?” Noelle asked.


“...A succubus spirit, then?” Alice asked.

The wooden piece moved to the upper left corner again.


“A… spirit of lust? A succubus?” Sarah muttered.

Alice looked at me with a small, shaky smile. “It makes sense, don’t you think.”

“W-Where…” Grace spoke again, yet her words got caught in her throat. She looked at me for a brief moment, worry in her face, then down at the board again. “Where are you?”


It was the confirmation we needed, the one we expected, but not sure it was the one we wanted. That said, I was the least surprised at the table. Everything I was seeing written on the board were things I’d never heard before, yet I knew were true.

“So… you’re possessing him?” Grace asked.


I kept my eyes on the board. I didn’t dare look at the girls’ faces, terrified they might be looking at me with fear. Yet…

“Are you going to hurt him?” Sarah asked, holding back the forcefulness of her voice.


“Why possess him?” Alice asked.


“Food?” Mila asked to the table, not the spirit, not Frey. “She wants to eat Oliver!?”

The piece still moved towards the upper right corner.


A small pause for punctuation.


“Sex is food…” Noelle read. She swallowed. “Right. If she’s a succubus spirit, then she would feed on sex energy or something like that.”

Grace took a deep breath to collect herself. “Are you the one… giving Oliver… sex powers?”


There it was. We tried the board because it was our first idea, yet we hit the jackpot immediately. I was possessed by a spirit of lust named Frey who was giving me powers so she could feed off of the sex I was having with women. It fit.

“W-Why Oliver?” Mila asked. “Why him?”

The pause here was longer, enough to make us believe Frey didn’t want to answer. We were wrong. We got a  long answer instead.








Somehow it felt almost like my mom was both praising me and revealing shameful secrets about me in front of her friends, or at least the embarrassment felt similar. My face began to hear up and I looked down to hide it. I heard the girls chuckle.

“Are you messing with our minds?” Grace asked, though her voice now sounded much more composed, even somewhat friendlier.





I took a deep breath and asked Frey questions of my own.

“Frey. Have I dreamt about you?”


“Should I remember you?”


Then it was true. All those times I’d felt like I’d had a dream yet woke up unable to remember anything… Those were encounters with Frey, weren’t they?

“Will you hurt these girls?”


“Will you hurt anyone?”


I didn’t know if a spirit could lie through the ouija board, but I didn’t think Frey was lying. Like I said, I felt like this was all information I knew and was only just remembering it. Frey and I had definitely talked before.

It was enough for me, at least.


Chapter 279: About the spirit.

Everything we’d read about using the ouija board insisted that one should say goodbye to the spirits when you’re done. We did so, but in my case it felt pointless. Frey was inside me, after all. I even had a feeling I’d be seeing her that night, even if I didn’t remember it tomorrow morning, either.

“You look surprisingly calm for someone who’s possessed, Oliver,” Grace said. “Could it be you’ve been in cahoots with the spirit from the start?”

My face fell in horror, half of it because I was terrified that the girls truly believed that, and the other half because I was terrified that it might be true.

“Sorry, sorry. That was in poor taste,” Grace immediately said. “I just wanted to clear the air a bit.”

“Choose a better joke next time, geez,” Sarah told her, shaking her head.

“So he really is possessed…” Noelle said, tightly holding her hands together. “But like Grace said, you don’t seem surprised, Oliver.”

I nodded. “It was like remembering things I knew,” I admitted. “Her name, her nature, her goal… I felt like I’d met her before, which is why I asked those questions.”

“But she’s making you forget everything the next morning,” Alice said. She had her arms crossed, deep in thought. “But why?”

Grace smiled fondly, even chuckling a bit to herself. “She called him a good kid.”

“Ah!” Alice’s eyes widened, then she joined Grace in her laughter. “I see.”

Mila giggled. “I bet he ended up winning her over.”

“I’d bet on that, too,” Sarah agreed.

“The spirit of a succubus…” Noelle muttered. “It really starts to make more sense when you think of it like that. A creature of folklore that today embodies the idea of sex. Supposedly they need semen to survive, but maybe the energy produced by next is good enough for her as a spirit?”

“Do you know a lot about succubi, Noelle?” Mila asked her.

“J-Just a little bit,” the redhead laughed shyly. “You see the idea used so much in games and shows that you start learning a bit. I’ve done a bit of casual reading on my own, too.”

Sarah sighed and leaned back on her chair. “I don’t know why, but I’m more comfortable with the idea that a succubus is possessing Oliver than… What’s the male counterpart of the succubus?”

“An incubus,” Noelle told her.

“Yeah, that. I mean, it’d be like there was another guy looking at us, right? If someone has to be there, I’d rather it be a woman.”

“100% agreed,” Grace said.

I sighed and crossed my arms in resignation. “And this is all okay to you all, huh?”

Grace shrugged. “What are we going to do? Hire an exorcist? She said she wants to help you, didn’t she?”

“She also said she’s not causing us harm,” Alice added. She smiled. “And you seem to believe her.”

“Well… Yes.”

“Do you want her gone, Oliver?” Mila asked me. “She’s possessing YOU, after all.”

“I…” I pursed my lips and closed my eyes. “I don’t. I… I know it’s only thanks to her that I can… be with you all, so…”

“That’s true…” Sarah said. “If she wasn’t giving you powers, we would’ve dismissed you that night at Thomas’ party.” My chest tightened. It was the truth, yet… “We have to thank her for the hook up.”

That took me by surprise, and the tightness in my chest was slowly replaced by warmth.

Grace stood up and hugged Sarah from behind while she was still sitting. “You can say some great things sometimes, you know?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Grace kissed the top of Sarah’s head, making the blonde blush. “Keep it up.”

Mila crossed her arms and pouted. “I would’ve talked to him anyway. I think. Maybe.”

Even Mila had to admit Frey’s powers had influenced her decision. “It’s fine. You don’t need to explain yourselves,” I said.

“In Noelle’s case,” Alice started, “I bet you two would’ve been dating a long time ago if you had talked to her, oliver.”

“W-Whaaa!?” Noelle’s face flushed deeply, as did mine.

“I… I…”

“God, you two are cute!” Mila laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Time flew by and it was time to leave school before we noticed. I had to go home and start working on dinner with Isabelle. And speaking of…

“W-What do you girls think of me telling Isabelle about this?” I asked them all.

A pondering silence hit the room.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Alice said. “I’d hate to keep her in the dark, but the secret is yours to keep. Tell her if you feel you must.”

“Yeah,” Noelle agreed, giggling. “She’ll probably make a fuss at first, but you’ll get through to her quickly enough.”

“I almost rather she didn’t know,” Grace admitted. “The less people know about it, the better, I think. We don’t want people spreading weird rumors. That said, I don’t have siblings, so if you feel you can trust her, then go ahead.”

“Yeah, I’m definitely not telling this to my siblings,” Sarah said. “But you and Isabelle are different. I don’t mind.”

“I hope she won’t be creeped out,” Mila said.

Yeah, there was that. The chance that Isabelle would feel uncomfortable sharing a roof with me from then on was high.

‘Hey sis, you know, I have a sex spirit living inside me. Weird, right? Anyway, good night. Have fun sleeping in the room next to that of a possessed guy every night from now on.’

Yeah, I kind of talked myself out of the idea for a bit.

I went home, thinking about whether I should tell Isabelle or not. Mom hadn’t arrived yet, but Isabelle had. I distracted myself by making dinner, telling myself that even if I WAS going to tell her, now wasn’t the appropriate time.

Guess what. I didn’t tell her that day.



The reveal that Frey exists is finally here. I want to believe their reactions are apropriate since they all already knew something weird was happening. Confirming that a spìrit was possessing Oliver is just more concrete info instead of a big shock. This will also open the door for more supernaturally-charged scenarios, but more on that next chapters. Also, somewhat related, but I'd like to know how the banter between Grace and Sarah feels for you guys. A lot of the time I write Grace saying jokingly mean stuff to Sarah because they're good enough friend that they know it's all a joke, but I sometimes worry that I'm making Grace seem like an actual bully. The small moment between them in chapter 279 was originally harsher, with Grace saying something like "Huh. Even a broken clock is right twice a day." but I thought it might be a little much, so I changed it to a hug and genuine praise.