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Chapter 272: The right atmosphere.

Alice and I cleaned ourselves up, fixed our clothes and our hair. She put away her hat, scarf and mittens, saying she didn’t feel cold anymore.

There was a strange silence in the room as Alice prepared tea. It wasn’t awkward per se, but… Sarah had the biggest grin ever and Noelle seemed to be in deep contemplation, her cheeks still red. It was Alice and I who were feeling awkward. We let ourselves go and fucked in front of other people like they weren’t there. I swear my head goes to another place when it’s about sex. That said, I don’t regret it and stand by what I said before. I won’t tiptoe around the fact I’m dating and having sex with them all. If I had to, I’d rather stick to a single partner or I’d go insane with guilt. Though if I had to choose I’d also go insane.

Alice set my mug filled with tea in front of me, then smaller cups in front of Sarah, Noelle and lastly herself. She sat down next to the redhead, took a small sip and finally spoke.

“Sorry. We went overboard.”

Noelle shook her head, smiling shyly. She shot me a quick glance. “We… did it in a changing room at the mall last Friday,” she told Alice. “M-Mila was there. She pushed me in and we…” The blonde blinked and her jaw dropped.

“You DIDN’T!” she said with a shocked grin. “Noelle, you dirty girl!”

“I-It’s was Mila’s idea!” Noelle argued, though it didn’t disprove Alice’s point in the slightest.

“I bet,” Sarah said, laughing. “She probably thought you were dying to have another go at this guy.”

“W-Well… She wasn’t… wrong,” Noelle admitted, her head sinking between her shoulders. “So, yeah, I… I get it,” she told Alice. “And I don’t mind.”

That was a relief, to me and to Alice.

“Hmm… You know what?” Sarah said. “I’ll let you in on a little something, Noelle.”


“Stand up.”

Noelle stood up and Sarah did, too. She then led the redhead from her seat to me and sat her down on my lap.


“If we’re here, Oliver’s lap is also an available seat,” Sarah told her, smirking. “Just know that we’re all going to be fighting for it.”

Noelle was about to stand up, but I wrapped my arms around her waist and kept her in place. I kissed her neck from behind, making her shiver. “Stay?”

She relaxed, smiled and got comfortable, leaning back on my chest. “If you don’t mind…” She giggled giddily.

“There you go!” Sarah laughed.

“Creating more competition, Sarah?” Alice asked with a teasing smirk. “You’ve changed.”

Sarah shrugged. “It’s called fair play, okay? And you’ve changed, too, from what I just saw.”

“I decided to follow some advice a good friend gave me.” Alice sighed contently. “I’m glad I did.”

“Your friend must be awfully smart, then,” Sarah said with a smug smirk.

Mila and Grace arrived a couple minutes later. We said our hellos and the two sat down with us at the table. Alice set a cup of tea in front of them, too.

Grace took in the smell and sighed deeply. “God, Alice, I love you…”

“I’ll remember to bring cookies tomorrow,” Noelle said.

Mila looked around giddily. “We have our own space now.” She looked at Sarah. “This might be the best idea you’ve ever had.”

“What can I say? I’m on a roll lately.”

We still had about 15 minutes before classes started. It’s hard to put into words how nice it felt to be here, sitting around a table with the girls, talking about unimportant things and simply spending time together as a group. Of course, having Noelle on my lap made everything better, too.

I put my hand over hers and held it, locking fingers. She looked back at me with a smile and pecked my lips playfully, quickly pulling away, so I did the same. After repeating that three more times, we finally locked lips. It was when I could easily hear her very soft moans and the wet sounds of our kissing that I realized we were being intently watched.

“W-What?” I asked them.

“You two look seriously cute,” Mila said, smiling widely.

Noelle blushed, but instead of pulling away from me, she cuddled closer.

“They do,” Alice agreed. “Looking at them now makes me wonder how they didn’t get together long ago.”

“Seriously,” Sarah nodded in agreement as well. “They both play games, they listen to similar music, have similar interests…”

“They’re both too shy, though, so that easily explains it,” Grace said. She then smirked mischievously. “But hey, that means you have lost time to make up for, so don’t worry about us. Keep making out.”

Surprisingly, Noelle turned to me, held my cheeks and whispered, “You heard her.”

She repositioned herself so she was facing me, straddling my lap. She then slid her tongue between my lips and playfully flicked it against mine. That along with the intense bedroom eyes she was giving me sent delicious shivers along my spine.

{I can’t fall behind. I won’t. If they say they don’t mind, if they say they enjoy watching… then I’ll give them a show, too.}

I seriously would’ve thought Noelle was pushing herself if not for the fact I could feel the intensity of her lust on her skin, in her kisses, in her every touch. It was stuff like this that made me have to admit that these supernatural powers were pretty fucking amazing.

Noelle unbuttoned her blazer and took it off, letting it fall on the floor, and pushed her supple, ample chest against mine. Deciding that not following her pace would be disrespectful, I began to rub her legs as we made out. Slowly, I loved them towards her ass, getting them under her skirt and giving her cheeks a hard, greedy squeeze.

She let out a short, high-pitched moan into my mouth when I did, and that stirred up a memory. That time we did it in the mall, I clearly heard her thoughts asking me to pull her hair. It had turned her on, and now grabbing her ass so forcefully was eliciting a similar reaction. Could it be…?

I broke our kiss for a moment and whispered in her ear so only she could hear. “Want me to be a little rougher?”

She stopped for a second. Her body tensed, her grip on my shoulders tightened, her legs quivered. Then, with a small, yet aroused smile, she answered. “Please.”


Chapter 273: Discovering hidden sides.

I lifted the back of her skirt so that the others could see me groping Noelle’s sexy butt. The redhead herself went back to shoving her tongue down my throat, if now with even more enthusiasm.

I grabbed her butt cheeks again and began to move her back and forth as I rocked my own hips, grinding my erection against her panties. I had done it with Alice only minutes ago and now my body was asking me, demanding me to have Noelle, too. Maybe watching me had turned Noelle on, too, because she was starving, kissing me and now rocking her hips on her own.

I did something I’d seen in porn many times but had conflicting feelings over. I grabbed Noelle’s panties from behind and lightly pulled them up so that the front began to dig into her slit. Seeing it on camera looked hot, but I always thought it must be uncomfortable for the girl, so I didn’t know how much I liked seeing it. But if Noelle was into… rough stuff, then maybe…

Another soft, barely inaudible high-pitched moan escaped her, and with it… “P-Pull them harder,” she whispered.

When I did, I was treated to perhaps the lewedest, sexiest, most erotic smile I’d ever seen. It stirred something in me I never knew was there. Noelle’s hot, ragged breathing condensed into a small, misty cloud in front of her. She was trembling from arousal.

I deftly undid the first three buttons of her shirt and began to kiss her cleavage with a primal hunger of my own. Noelle pushed her chest further against my face.

I didn’t hear a single world from the other girls. A quick, curious glance gave me my answer. They were all staring in awe. Mila had her lips and her legs tightly pressed, Sarah was staring with half-lidded eyes and was biting her lower lip with an excited smirk, I don’t think Grace even realized she was rubbing one of her nipples, and Alice was looking with wide eyes and a small smile.

I turned to look into Noelle’s eyes again. Her pupils were dilated, her eyes locked with mine, too. She stuck out the tip of her tongue and leaned forward. “I want more kisses…”

I devoured her mouth like it was the sweetest candy, all while grabbing one of her tits and still pulling on her underwear. She held onto me with her arms around my neck. I was about to unzip my pants when the bell rang.


We were all taken aback. The one who screamed was Mila, and she looked just as shocked that she had, and every bit as embarrassed. She was standing up, eyes wide and covering her mouth.

Noelle slowly pulled away, her eyes unable to leave mine. Her chest heaved from her deep breaths, her face flushed, yet she kept a small, excited smile.

She swallowed. “Y-You’ll finish me off next recess, won’t you?”

“Even if I have to skip class.”

“Will you be able to hold out for an hour and a half?” Mila asked her.

“It’ll be hard, but…” Noelle giggled. “It’s… kinda turning me on even more.”

Grace went up to the redhead and pulled her into a tight hug “Ugh, she’s so kinky! I love her! Now let’s get you cleaned up. Alice, grab the comb from my bag, would you?”

Grace combed Noelle’s messy hair, Alice buttoned her shirt and fixed her tie and Noelle herself… had to wipe the juices from between her legs.

Sarah hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear. “Will YOU be able to hold out until the first recess?”

“I think I’ll go insane before that,” I told her.

“Hang in there!” Mila told me, pumping her fists.

We all went into the main building and into our respective classrooms. Classes started and by god I couldn’t give less of a damn. My mind kept painting the clear picture of Noelle’s erotic smile. I had to shift in my seat to hide my erection, pushing my dick against my thigh.

I impatiently shook my leg throughout class. Thinking of continuing things with Noelle made me remember what I did with Alice, which made me want to have Sarah again, which made me want to do it with Grace because we hadn’t done it in a while, and then I might as well also do it with Mila because by GOD she was beautiful. They all were beautiful, enough to make me crazy. I WAS going crazy. Stopping in the middle of the act and having to wait was only making me hornier by the minute.

It felt like an eternity went by before the bell rang again. It took everything I had to stop myself from running to Noelle’s classroom, throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the club room like a caveman. Instead, I stood up and walked as casually as I could, feeling like everyone could tell I was NOT walking casually.

Mila, Grace and Sarah followed me, and as we were exiting our classroom, we saw Thomas approaching. He waved with a big grin of his, calling out to me.

“Hey, Oliver, I was…”

I walked up to him and whispered. “We can talk later. Stop me now and we’re no longer friends.”

Thomas barked a loud laugh and threw his hands in the air. “Sure, sure.”

Didn’t think I’d get an opportunity to throw his own words back at him so soon, but I couldn’t help it. It was funny.


To the club room.



This is one of those times when I didn't exactly PLAN for these chapters to happen. See, I don't work with outlines. I've tried to do it several times and it doesn't work for me. I understand the benefits and I think it'd help me out a lot to be able to do outlines, but the writing ends up feeling stiff and wrong. As such, I write as I go. I have plans, of course. I have ideas I was to see through, personalities and backstories for characters way ahead of time, specific scenes I want to get to and all that. However, for the most part, I write what makes the most sense for the characters and for the story, and in many cases it feels like the characters themselves write the story. This is one of those times. Originally, I only wanted to have a scene with Alice here, but the moment I wrote Noelle sitting on Oliver's lap, it was like these characters were telling me "Hold on. We want to fuck now." I went with the flow and it ended up giving me a good idea for a segue into the next plot point I was already planning to have. That's why that part with Oliver getting impatient is there for. It was also a good time to have Noelle start realizing that she might be into some kinkier stuff than she thought.