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Chapter 246: On being kinky.

I mean, I understand where it all came from, and it’s more obvious now that I’m older, but I still had a vague idea back then. I just sort of regret it a little.

By the time I was 16, I had mostly given up on trying to make friends. With that came the acceptance that I was likely never going to have a girlfriend. I was surprisingly okay with it at the time, since if I couldn’t talk to people in general, having a girlfriend would have been a disaster anyway. As such, my lonely ass turned to what every other teen in the world over indulges in: Porn.

The acceptance that I was going to die a virgin was, in a strange way, freeing. I was watching mostly FFM stuff, not really caring that I’d never be in a threesome because porn itself was just an escape. I guess I didn’t feel guilty about fantasizing about whatever I wanted. Slowly, that desire for multiple partners became a desire to be free to fuck wherever and whoever I wanted. Free use, basically. And why should I have felt guilty about it? There was never going to be anyone who’d have to deal with these growing kinks, right? I saw videos of girls in sexy underwear, saw pictures, art, read short ‘free use’ stories, watched threesomes and even ‘reverse gangbangs’ where there was one guy and like 20 women around him.

Basically, I’m saying that during the latter half of my teen formative years, porn had an impact on me. All things considered, I don’t think I turned out as bad as I could have, but it definitely had an effect. The real issue lies in the fact that I was wrong about my future.

I did get a girlfriend. Several girlfriends. Girls that very much wanted to have sex with me. Girls that now had to deal with my perverted desires.

Before, in my fantasies, it didn’t matter that I imagined myself fucking a random woman in the middle of the street because it was just that, a fantasy and my imagination. Now, however, the women I wanted to do all these things with were real. They had names, families, friends, reputations…

Doing it with Grace in the restroom, with Sarah in her kitchen, with Mila in her car… It all was overwhelmingly arousing, so much so it was blinding. It was also equally dangerous, and it filled me with guilt.

Hadn’t Mila’s parents just asked me to look after her daughter? And only minutes after, I was asking her to get naked in her car so we could fuck. What would I have done if Grace and I had been caught? What would Sarah’s parents say if they knew her daughter brought practically a stranger to their house and he fucked her on their kitchen table? What would Noelle and Alice’s families say if they knew a guy took them to a hotel and asked them to have their first time in a threesome?

All this was occupying my thoughts as I finished dressing myself in Mila’s car. She was also practically done, only missing her tie and her blazer, her shirt already tucked into her skirt.

My eyes lingered on her, and my heart throbbed. I love her. I really do. I love her every bit as much as I lust for her, which is what makes it all so difficult. I want to do lewd, risky things with her, but I don’t want to put her in danger of anything. Danger of being seen, of being ridiculed, of being shunned…

What we’d just done was…

“That was amazing,” Mila said, giggling giddily and kissing my cheek. “I love it when you get so dominant, so aggressive! It’s a rare treat, but by God does it make everything feel twice as good.”

She loved it. Of course she did. She loved having sex with me and… she loved me. She wanted to do these things with me, because she loved me and because it felt good. I knew I wasn’t tricking anyone. We were both young adults in a consensual relationship. Even so, something about it felt… wrong.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I told her, kissing her cheek back.

She giggled at first, but being as sharp as she is (and with the lesser version of the sixth sense that she and the others had), she noticed there was something off about me.

“Oliver? What’s wrong?”

Hiding things from them was always useless. No, it was worse in the end, since they’d get mad that I was hiding things. Our relationship was built, or was being built, on openness and honesty.

“I loved doing this, Mila,” I began, squeezing her hand. “I felt incredible. Doing it in places like this… is a huge turn on for me.” I swallowed. “But I worry that I’m doing something wrong by dragging you and the others into what I want. One screw up and you can get in huge trouble. I don’t want that.”

I was glad that Mila didn’t dismiss my concerns immediately. She rested her head on my shoulder, caressed my hand, and pondered on it.

“And you call me the most empathic person you know,” she jokingly scoffed. “You’re worse than me. You know you’re also risking your own neck doing stuff like this, right?”

I nodded. “If I get caught and have to suffer the consequences, then I will. I was my choice, after all.”

“There you go.” Mila bopped my nose. “Same goes for me. Doing it in the car was my idea to begin with, right?”

“What if… What if the consequence is that we can’t see each other anymore?”

Mila frowned. “Why would that happen?”

“If your parents knew what we did here, do you think they’d happily invite me over to your house again? I don’t think my mom would be very happy if she found out.”

Mila flinched. “W-Well… Then we just run away!”

That got a laugh out of me. “Run away? Seriously?”


I shook my head, ginning. “Idiot.” I kissed her forehead. “I don’t want to run away. I’ll just need to hold back on this kind of stuff.”

“Wrong. We just have to not get caught!”

If only there was a way to make sure we didn’t.


Chapter 247: Intermission - Going for it (Part 1).

Thomas was not used to overthinking and hesitating this much. He was at his house, in his room, sitting on his bed and nervously tapping his foot on the floor as he debated whether or not to go out.

He had a perfectly good excuse to go. Oliver was working today. He’d probably leave the gym in 10 minutes and head to the coffee shop to start his shift. Thomas could always go with the excuse to go see him, and had done just that… several times by now.

He groaned into his hands.

This was so fucking dumb. Why? Why was he so obsessed with her? He didn’t really know her, had barely talked to her a few times and even then it was nothing but small talk. She was also older than him, and though he didn’t know exactly by how much, it had to be at least by 8 or 10 years. That only made him more interested though…


At the very least, Thomas now knew she was single. He hadn’t even dared to ask. It was Oliver who did, when he was right in front of them. He had just returned from serving a table of girls who tried their best to flirt with him, and the heartbreaker simply smiled and answered with polite compliments that made the girls swoon. That had been before their little fight, so Thomas had felt kinda awkward there.

“You’re getting a little too comfortable with all the girls coming here,” Maria teased him. “Are you sure you-know-who won’t get jealous?”

Oliver raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Actually, I have a question for you. Do YOU have a boyfriend?”

Thomas’s heart skipped a beat.

“Huh? Why are you asking?”

“I’m worried I’ll have to deal with a jealous boyfriend getting the wrong idea about me. You tease me so much, after all.”

Maria started laughing. “Oh, please. This is just some good-natured banter, Oliver. But anyway, I’m single, so you don’t need to worry. Or get any ideas.”

When Maria turned around to prepare a cup of coffee, Oliver winked at him and went back to prepare another order.

That had stung his pride a little bit, but overall he was thankful to Oliver for the info.

Maria was single, but she was… She was a real babe, so if Thomas kept sitting on his thumbs, who was to say someone else wouldn’t try to go for something with her?

On top of it all, there was something in the back of his mind telling him to go for it. A strong feeling that he had a fair shot, even more now than before. His heart raced at the thought of even trying, but…

Fuck it. Go for it. Oliver dared to ask out five girls. Why couldn’t Thomas dare to ask out an older woman? If he got rejected… then that was it. He’d move on. But he had to at least try.

He called a cab and left the house.


As Thomas approached the shop, he saw through the glass windows that Oliver was talking to some customers. When he got closer, he was able to recognize the group of three girls: Alice, Noelle and Grace.

Good. They needed to keep that up.

The little bell rang when Thomas opened the door. Oliver immediately looked at him, curiously raising an eyebrow at first before realization dawned on him.

“Riiight. They told you not to go to practice today,” he said.

“Yep. I got bored, so I came to bother you,” Thomas answered.

“Well, come sit with us,” Grace offered, gesturing to the empty seat beside her. “I won’t hurt you. Not anymore, at least.”

“Eh?” Noelle’s eyes went wide, but Alice knew her friend well.

The blonde shook her head with a small smile. “I swear, Grace…”

“What? I only gave him a friendly warning,” Grace said with an innocent smile and took a sip of her tea.

“Still,” Alice shot him a friendly smile. “Come on, join us, Thomas.”

Thomas held back a grimace. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to join them, but… His eyes searched, and they found who he was looking for. Maria was behind the counter, preparing a cup of coffee.

“Actually, I’m gonna steal him for a while,” Oliver said, smiling that easy smile he wore at work. It was practically second nature to him now. “There’s something I want to talk to him about. Besides, I bet he won’t be able to add anything to your little impromptu book club gathering.”

Thomas crossed his arms and scowled. “Hey, I read.”

Oliver smiled wryly. “I… don’t think they want to talk about Superman right now. Alice and Grace are trying to get Noelle to read horror novels.”

“Oh. Yeah, I don’t want any part in that,” Thomas said, laughing. He was no good with horror. Or big books, honestly.

Oliver gestured towards the counter and Thomas followed. It was when he sat down on one of the stools that he realized what his friend was doing.

“Oh, hi Thomas,” Maria greeted him with a gorgeous smile. She then frowned, puzzled. “Didn’t you say you have basketball practice on Thursdays?”

W-Wait. She remembered that?

“W-Well, yeah. It’s just…”

“He’s been feeling unwell these past few days,” Oliver interjected. He took the cup of coffee from Maria, set it on a tray and went to serve it to the client, thus… leaving him alone with Maria.

“You’re feeling sick?” she asked, examining his face.

Bless that guy, holy shit.

“He’s exaggerating,” Thomas clarified with an easy laugh. “I was feeling a little weak the day before yesterday. I went to the doctor and he told me to rest, but I’ve been feeling great since then. I’d like to be at practice right now.”

Maria chuckled. “How dedicated. So? What will it be?”

“Give him an orange juice on me,” Oliver said as he returned with a tray of used cups and put them away in the sink. “Better make him stay away from coffee for a while, just to be safe.”


Maria nodded. “Good idea.” She turned back to pour him a large glass of fresh orange juice, and as she did that, Oliver went to see a new group of customers the moment they chose a table.

Maria put the glass in front of him. Thomas shook his head. “I keep telling him I’m fine.”

“He has a point. Take care of yourself if you want to keep playing.”

“So I’ve been told.” He smiled at her. “Thank you for the juice.”

Maria smirked. “Thank your friend. I really am taking it out of his pay.”

A customer at another table raised his hand to call for Maria, but Oliver was there before she could move. “Huh. That boy has a lot of energy today.”

Thomas swallowed. He couldn’t waste this chance. He had to make something of it. It was what he came here for, and Oliver was giving him the opportunity.

The question was: How?



Like I said in the comment from the previous chapter, here Oliver gives us a bit more insight on what he's into an ponders on the reasons and the possible consequences. You know, because he's like that and he worries the girls are just going along with his whims because they love him but are not thinking of what could happen. And about chapter 247... Not sure how many people are invested in Thomas' subplot, and while it's something I want to write, I'll try to keep it from taking too much page time away from Oliver and the other girls.


I like the break up from the main story on occasion to dive into Thomas.


Damn! Oliver in the wing-manliest of wing men ever. He's even taking orders at other tables and such in order to give Thomas his shot. And Thomas doubted Oliver a couple of chapters ago! Shame, doubting Thomas, shame!