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Chapter 240: Talking in the hallway.

Isabelle and I went to school together that morning. We met Sarah, Alice and Noelle on the fourth floor since they’d gotten there before us.

“You’re later than usual,” Sarah told me. “I don’t normally get here before you.”

I pointed a thumb towards my sister. “Blame her.”

Alice sighed. “Did you wake up late again?” she asked her.

“...Yes,” Isabelle answered, hanging her head in shame.

“I thought Cake woke you up,” Noelle said.

“She slept with Oliver last night.”

“Lucky cat,” Sarah said, laughing. Right after that, she leaned in and pecked my lips. “Good morning.”

I smiled. “Good morning.”

Alice hesitated for only a moment before she also stepped forward, pulled me by the tie and kissed me hard. She gasped as we parted and smiled shyly. “Good morning.”

“Atta girl!” Sarah laughed harder.

Noelle waited for Alice to step away before she got closer to me. She looked up at me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Good morning,” she said shyly.

We shared an awkward, but not uncomfortable laugh. Slowly, we were getting used to this. I looked at Isabelle, who had a light blush on her cheeks as she pouted.

“You’re all gonna get caught if you do things like these in school. Be more careful,” she said.

“I almost want to get caught,” Sarah admitted, grimacing. “I don’t like hiding. I just want to hold hands while walking down the street. Is it too much to ask?”

Noelle gasped in horror. “Pervert!”

Isabelle, Sarah, Noelle and I laughed at that, but Alice just looked confused. “How is wanting to hold hands perverted?”

“It’s an old internet meme at this point,” I explained.

Honestly, I was surprised Noelle dared to make a joke like that with Sarah. Although… Right, Sarah and Noelle did play games at my house some time ago.

“Well, that’s an interesting group there.”

We all turned towards the voice coming from the stairs. Thomas had a calm smile that turned to panic when the five of us rushed to him.

“How did it go at the doctor?” Isabelle immediately asked what we were all going to.

Thomas smiled again and rubbed the back of his neck. “They found nothing wrong with me, so the doctor thinks it might have been stress. I was told not to play basketball for a few days in case it happened again. It’s stupid, though. If it’s stress, then all the more reason I should be playing.”

“What? You want to pass out in the middle of the court?” Sarah asked him. “That’s one good way to get yourself kicked out of the starting roster, I suppose.”

Thomas flinched. “Okay, okay. Point taken. I won’t exert myself.”

Alice chuckled. “Take care of yourself, okay?”

“See, the thing is that I feel pretty well today.” Thomas rotated his shoulders and his neck for emphasis. “Maybe all the sleep did me some good. I have the strangest feeling that I had a weird dream, too, but I can’t remember what it was about.”

“Really? That’s been happening to me a lot lately,” I told him.

“Aww, look at you, you’re dream buddies,” Sarah teased.

I was about to protest, but Thomas got an arm around my shoulder and smirked at Sarah. “Jealous?”

Even I burst out laughing at that. Though as we laughed, we heard more steps coming from the stairs. A girl and I guy from Thomas’ class.

“Yo, Thomas! How are you feeling?” the guy asked.

“I was hoping I’d get to skip school, but I’m fresh as a lettuce,” the big man answered.

The girl, meanwhile, stared at our group, blinking in surprise.

“Talk to you guys later, alright?” Thomas told us. “I have to try to convince this girl to let me borrow her homework,” he said shamelessly, pointing a thumb at his classmate.

The girl’s face fell. “W-What? We had homework?”

“Um… I was just joking. I already finished mine,” Thomas said.

The guy face-palmed. “If you start now, you might be able to finish it before the third period.”

“Come on, I’ll help out. See you later, guys.” Thomas waved and went to his classroom with his classmates.

“He really is a social butterfly…” Noelle said.

“No kidding,” Sarah agreed. “Must be exhausting.”

“That girl…” Isabelle started. “She’s… not a big fan of yours, Sarah.”

“Hm? What did I do to her?”

“If I remember correctly, I think you had an argument with her brother at a party,” Alice said.

“That… sounds like me.” Sarah sighed. “And she saw you with me now.”

“But that’s what we want, right?” Isabelle asked. “And even Thomas was here. Don’t worry about it.” She smirked. “It’s all going according to plan.”

“Don’t lie,” I told her. “You’re just winging it.”

“...Winging it IS part of the plan,” she said.

We ended up betting on a bold move and stayed talking in the hallway, even when Grace and Mila joined us and more students arrived. Our big, seven-person group stood out.

Alice, the student council president, highly respected by the student body. Grace, the girl who people gossiped in hushed-tones was a blackmailer. Sarah, a girl who people thought had a bad attitude and a short-temper. And then… There was me, the only guy in the group. Honestly, the stares were making me extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to get away from the public eye, but I stayed. Why? Because as much as we stood out, people walking by still greeted us.

All the girls had their own social groups. Isabelle’s friends greeted her as they walked past, Grace’s friends did the same, so did Alice’s. Hell, even Kevin and Ben stopped by for a minute, too curious about what was happening. I wanted to believe it helped our objective.

I heard people whispering throughout the day. It reminded me of what Thomas had said, that people were too invested in school drama. Why should they care that girls from supposedly different social circles were seen hanging out together? It didn’t make a drop of sense to me.

At least most of what I heard was fairly tame. They wondered if Alice and Grace were friends, and some even believed Sarah was being questioned by the president because she hit someone again.

“I heard some guys saying you were gay,” Mila told me during recess.

“Hah? Me?” I asked.

Sarah laughed. “That’s how you know they’re full of crap.”

Grace chuckled and shook her head. “If only they knew.” She looked at me with dangerous, mischievous eyes. “Want me to tell them?”

“...Please don’t.”

It was kind of embarrassing that a rumor about me being gay was getting spread, but I supposed it would help keep our relationship a secret. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder… What would they say if they knew the truth?


Chapter 241: Mila needs a little help.

Class ended for the day and I felt exhausted. So many people talking about things they knew nothing about, speculating and creating little stories in their heads as if they had nothing better to do.

I was getting cranky. Honestly, if they weren’t talking about the people I cared about, I wouldn’t be paying attention at all. I guess that’s what having a social life is. Better get used to this side of things as well.

Anyway. I was free that Wednesday. No gym, no work, and we didn’t have any urgent homework I couldn’t do on the weekend. I wanted to do something with the girls, and I didn’t care what. I just wanted to hang out, so I was happy when Mila approached me at my seat.

“H-Hey. O-Oliver?”

I raised an eyebrow. Mila was fidgeting nervously, eyes cast down, not meeting mine. I got worried. “What is it?”

“Um… I need to ask you a favor.”

“Hm? Of course. What do you need?”

“C-Could you come to my house?”

My heart skipped a beat. Going to Mila’s house? “R-Right now?”

“You can’t?” Her face turned to disappointment.

“N-No, I can. It’s just… I didn’t expect it. Do you need help with something?”

Mila nodded. “I bought a new desk for my room.” She grimaced, which told me there was more to the story. “I’ll tell you more on the way.”

I went with Mila to her car, and as she drove, she began to explain.

“Like I said, I… bought a new desk. It arrived yesterday.”

“Do you want me to help you assemble it?”

Mila scowled. “I had a fight with my dad.”


“I bought the desk without telling him, and he got mad that I was… wasting money again. He said he wouldn’t help me with it. I… tried to do it myself, but…”

Mila’s eyes lightly shone with the threat of tears, and her voice sounded weak.

“...I should be able to help. I’ve put furniture together before.”

Mila giggled and quickly rubbed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

We arrived at her house, and it suddenly dawned on me that I had gone to Grace’s and Sarah’s houses, but not to Mila’s. Hers was about 30 minutes from school by car, in one of the residential districts in the middle of the city.

Her house was much more… normal than Grace’s or Sarah’s. It was a big, two-story house of a contemporary style, blocky. But still, a normal house instead of a private spa or something mansion-looking.

Mila parked her car in the garage. We got out and I followed her to the front door. I was nervous, anxious, but tried my best to keep it inside and not let it show. I wanted to believe I was getting a little better at that.

“Mom? I’m home. I brought my friend.”

From the other end of the house, the kitchen, from what I could see, came out an older version of Mila. Long, silvery white hair, green eyes, slender body… A few wrinkles on her face said she had to be in her mid to upper 40s, maybe.

“My, my! Is this Oliver, then?”

I flinched. “H-Hello, ma’am! I’m Oliver Brooks. A pleasure.”

The older woman giggled softly with a hand on her mouth. “I see my daughter is a liar. She said you couldn’t speak a word, but you’re doing just fine.”

“Mom!” Mila moaned, stomping her foot. “I said he didn’t speak ‘at first’!” Her cheeks were rapidly going red. My GOD she’s cute.

“Right, right.” Her mom laughed and waved her hand dismissively. “It’s good to finally meet you, Oliver. My name is Yana. Mila has told us so much about you.”

I smiled sheepishly. “She has?”

“She says you play the guitar. Are you in a band?”

“N-No, I only play as a hobby.”

She looked me up and down and smirked. “So this is your type, Mila.”

“Okay, that’s it!” Mila grabbed me by the sleeve of my jacket and dragged me away. “We’ll be in my room!”

“Be good, you hear?”

We stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Mila’s face was completely red now, and seeing her like this was so amusing that it distracted me from my own nerves.

“Sorry about that. She’s never believed that I don’t have a boyfriend and thinks I hide them from her.” She sighed. “My little brother is at a friend’s house and my dad’s not home yet. Hey, if you don’t want to be here…”

I chuckled. “You’re starting to sound like me. What gives?” That got another giggle out of her. “Come on. Is the desk in your room?”


She pointed to it. It was in a box right next to the stairs. A narrow box, but big.

“I couldn’t even carry it upstairs.”

“Hmm.” The stairs went straight up without any corners, so… “Yeah. Leave it to me.”

Lifting it was a little awkward, but it wasn’t heavy. I set it against the steps and pushed it up along the wall. I had it on the second floor in a moment and allowed myself to feel a little proud. I couldn’t have done that three months ago.

Mila laughed. “I could barely even lift it and you carried it on your own!”

“Where’s your room?”

“Over here.”

I followed Mila to the left of the hallway, pushing the box along the carpeted floor. I got the box inside her room and gave the place a look. Blue carpeted floor, a single bed, a walk-in closet, posters of bands she enjoyed on the walls, and… a desk full of clothes.

I was speechless. Not only did she still have her old desk here, but it was fully occupied with a pile of clothes?

“Mila…” I said with a hint of disappointment.

“L-L-Let me clear this up! Ahaha…” She grabbed the pile of clothes as a whole and threw it on her bed. I winced.

I shook my head. “Let’s clean your room first.”

“N-No, you don’t need to do that!” she said, ashamed.

“I refuse to work in a messy space,” I told her bluntly.

Mila fidgeted. “Okay…”

We started separating her clothes, making a pile of what she had to throw in the wash and what she could put away in her closet. There was some of her underwear in the pile, but at that point I’d seen enough women’s underwear not to get flustered. In fact, I still had Grace’s panties well hidden in one of my drawers.

“What are you going to do with this one?” I asked her, pointing to her old desk.

“I’ll give it to my brother, but it doesn’t fit through the door as it is.”

So we had to disassemble it first. I took care of that in about 15 minutes, since that one was pretty easy to put together. The problem was the new desk.

It was big, so we’d have to move some other stuff, and this one was not as easy to put together. It didn’t look like it was from a big store. “Where did you buy this?” I asked, baffled as I looked at the instructions. We’d need our own screwdriver.

“From a carpenter I follow on social media…” she admitted shamefully. “It looked really nice in the picture!”

I rubbed the back of my neck. Well, nothing for it. Time to get to work.

“Do you have a screwdriver?”

“I’m home.”

The man’s voice we heard from the first floor made Mila flinch.

“...My dad’s home,” she said.



Story discussion ahead. I decided I want to make the chapters focused on individual girls both about them and about their families. The girls' families have been mentioned before, and some of their dynamics have been implied, so I figured I might as well take this chance to do something I've wanted to for a while. I have some ideas I like, but others that need more time in the oven. For example, I know what I want to do with Noelle's family, but I have yet to think of the details. On the other hand, though, I've been thinking a lot of what i want to do with Sarah, and I'm pretty excited about it.