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Chapter 232: Realization.

With Alice on all fours on the bed and holding firmly by the waist, I thrusted into her with a quick rhythm. The light slapping sounds of my hips meeting her butt were joined by her moans, muffled against the pillow she was hiding her face against. And while Alice’s pussy kept clamping around me and sucking me in, Noelle hugged me from the side and turned my face to her as we shared a deep, wet kiss. The three of us were drunk with pleasure.

“Mm! Mm! Mmm! Yes! Yes!”

I pulled Alice’s waist towards me to meet my thrusts, making the tip of my dick hit her cervix with just the right amount of force for her to go crazy over it. Turns out Alice might really like doggy style, which was nice because her figure seen from behind was incredibly sexy as well.

She came again, and I wasn’t too far behind. Her butt shivered as the condom swelled with my cum inside her. She let out a soft, drawn out “Mmmmmm,” against the pillow, sounding ever so blissful.

I had to break my kiss with Noelle to look down and remove the condom, but the redhead didn’t miss a beat. As soon as the condom was off, she had her lips wrapped around my cock and was happily drinking the leftover cum on it with lewd, slurping sounds.

Alice giggled tiredly. “That sounds nasty.”

“Feels amazing, though…” I said, moaning quietly.

Noelle giggled cutely.

“Oh wow…” Alice exclaimed. She had the box of condoms in her hand, turned it upside down and shook it. “It looks like we used them all.”

I blinked.

“Wait, seriously? W-When did that happen?” Noelle looked at her with shock.

“Yeah, I lost track, too,” Alice said, biting her lip. She looked at the clock on the wall. “And it’s almost been three hours. I… didn’t even notice.”

We were out of condoms? That meant… Twelve times? No, even more than that if I counted the times I came in their mouths.

Fuck, I… I always lost track after going at it for a long time, so to put a number on it was… Damn. No wonder the girls kept saying I was a monster. Even at my horniest, I don’t think I ever masturbated more than six times throughout a single day.

I looked at the clock on the wall. Like Alice said, only 20 minutes before we had to leave, which meant I had come over 12 times in under three hours, and I felt I could keep going. And really, this probably wasn’t even a record.

My dick didn’t hurt, I wasn’t really tired, I was still half-hard and I felt completely fine, if not still really horny.

Fuck. I really am a freak.

“To be honest, I… don’t know if I could’ve gone for another round,” Noelle admitted shyly, rubbing her thighs together.

Alice swallowed. “Yeah, I don’t think I have another one left in me, either.” She shivered as her hips spasmed. She sucked in a breath and muttered with closed eyes, “God…”

In contrast, I wanted to keep going. However, hearing that they had enough calmed me down. I took a deep breath, smiled and pulled Alice into a soft, lips-only kiss.

“Does it hurt?” I asked her.

She chuckled and smiled at me. “No, but I think it might if we did it another time.”

I nodded and kissed her forehead before turning to Noelle. “How about you?”

The redhead shook her head. “It doesn’t. I just… feel so lightheaded.” She giggled. “And tired.”

I smiled at them. “Good to hear. Now, we still have 20 minutes. Should we take turns taking a shower?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Alice agreed. “I feel all sweaty.”

“Want to go first?” I asked her.

“No, you go first,” she told me. She then looked at her friend. “I’d like to have a quick chat with Noelle.”


I trusted my instincts, that feeling that there really was no more tension between them, and went to take my shower. I wanted to take it slow to give them time to talk things out, but we didn’t have much time left, so I made it quick. By the time I was done and was going to get out of the bathroom, I overheard the ending of their conversation.

“So… No hard feelings?” Alice asked.

“None,” Noelle answered. “Okay, I… I accepted coming here with you because… because of how… horny I was.” She giggled nervously. “I think it was the same for you, right?”

“Yeah.” Alice sighed. “I couldn’t wait another day.”

“My head is clear now, though, and I… I didn’t hate this. I mean, I loved it. I loved doing it with him. And now that I’m thinking straight, I don’t regret that we did this together. Do you?”

“No, not at all. What I said before stands. I’m glad that you were here.”

I came out and the girls each took their turn in the shower. I would’ve liked to have gone in with them at the same time, but like they said, they were tired and I know I would’ve been tempted to do it again.

We exited the hotel and said our goodbyes at the bus stop.

It was like every day was crazier than the last. This one particularly didn’t feel real. It passed by in a blur of heat and arousal that only now was starting to fade, only now after a full box of condoms.

It felt like I had accomplished something great that day, but I couldn’t quite understand why. I supposed it was good that Alice and Noelle now felt more comfortable with the idea of sharing me (and comfortable with each other), but somehow that wasn’t quite it. Maybe the sense of satisfaction simply came from all the sex. It had to, right?

Turns out that wasn’t the case, and I would learn what the reason was that night, in my dreams.


Chapter 233: Frey levels up.

It was a bit late when I got back home, at least for when the next day is a school day. Mom was ready for bed and was only waiting for me to get back. Isabelle seemed to be working again on her laptop, so I warned her against staying up too late.

I almost forgot to answer Thomas’ message from that afternoon. I didn’t have plans for the next day, so I replied saying I was free to hang out before I dropped on my bed.

The mix of satisfaction and mental exhaustion made it so sleep got me quickly that night. I felt my consciousness drift away bit by bit until it was gone, then slowly come back to me with a familiar sense of lightheadedness.

I sat up on my bed, turned my head to the side and saw the shadowing figure of Frey there, energetically shadowboxing. She was throwing jabs, waving her upper body and finishing whatever fight she was on with an uppercut before raising her arms in triumph.

“Oh YEAH! I’ve never felt this GOOD! I’m invincible, I tell you! Invincible!”

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked her, just a little creeped out. My tone didn’t damper her mood in the slightest.

“You did it, boy! You seriously did it! I asked you to get at least one more girl to sleep with and you got TWO! I promise I won’t ever again question your patience because, by Innana, it paid off!”

I blinked. “Wait. The feeling of accomplishment I got… Was it you?”

“Hm? Yeah, probably. I told you I grow stronger as you fulfill your heart’s desires, right? Well, you wanted these two girls, and you got them just as you wanted them. No mind control, lies or tricks. Just pure, healthy lust! I swear, I could cry.”

“It really is all about sex, huh…”

I knew that. Like I said before, if my performance had been lackluster, none of the girls would be so eager to be with me. That being said… Could sex alone sustain a relationship? I’d talked about it with the girls before, and they agreed that, while important and certainly a factor, it wasn’t the be-all and end-all. And really, about 90% of the reason I had a crush on these girls before I talked to them was because they were ridiculously hot. I’d be a hypocrite to expect them to like me if I didn’t look good.

Frey sighed in frustration. “You can never be happy with anything, can you?”

“I am happy,” I argued. “I just… You know, question things.”

“Alright. You think it’s unfair that you have me as an advantage to get what you want, right?”

“A little, yes.”

“Do you think I’m the only supernatural being out there?”


“I’m here, Oliver. In your head, giving you superhuman stamina, strength and sexual appeal and ability. Do you really think I’m the only being who can do stuff like this?”

“I… hadn’t thought about it.”

“I told you I’m weak compared to others of my kind. That means there are other spirits like me going around. How many and where, I can’t say, but I’m sure there are. There are undoubtedly at least two or three more spirits like me taking advantage of emotionally weak people and having them live lives of constant sex,  likely being far less careful than you are, too, if I know my kind. And it’s not just sex, Oliver. You like music, right? Well, I can promise you that there are some spirits out there giving musical blessings to some people, and those are now being praised as geniuses as virtuosos. Maybe some phenomena aren't even sentient like me, but just a tool. The supernatural exists, Oliver. You can’t stop it, and you can’t stop people from taking whatever advantage they have to get what they want. There’s no shame in you doing the same.”

“...” Other spirits, other abilities like Frey out there? That was scary to think. People doing whatever they wanted with those powers… “There’s a line I won’t cross, though,” I told Frey, “and you know that.”

“And like I said, it’s been working, so you won’t hear me complain! You have five girls lusting over you just as hard as they want to share a cup of tea with you, and that’s to say they REALLY want to share a cup of tea with you.”

I couldn’t help the snicker.

“And now I’m super strong!” Frey flexed her thin, shadowy arms, which didn’t help her prove her point at all. “Remember how you wanted to help out your friend Thomas? Well, I think I can do that now. I might be able to make him a sub-contractor, give him a small part of my powers and feed off the sex he has. Best of all, I’m confident I can do it without you needing to fuck him to create the link.”

“Thank god…” I sighed in relief.

“And to make things even better, I still have energy to spare! I… don’t know how to do it yet, but we might be able to use it to do something useful.”

“Useful? Like what?”

“From the top of my head… Trying to create a sense of normality around the concept of this polyamorous you have with the girls.”

My heart skipped a beat. “Y-You mean… We wouldn’t have to hide?”

“Yeah, and it would be an investment. You want to be able to be with them in public, and that is a wish that, when fulfilled, will also make me stronger. See how great a combo we make?”

“But you don’t know how to do it yet?”

Frey nodded. “Enchantments focused on one person are easy. making you stronger, sexier, increasing your stamina… That I can do. But changing social perception of you and those linked to you is a far more difficult task.”

“Don’t you do something like that already? You know, using your aura to act like pheromones or something like that?”

“Yeah, and that’s the angle from which I think I have a better shot to make it work. It’ll take time, though, and… maybe a bit more energy.”

“Tell me when you have a plan. That’s something I want to make real.”

“Good! I like that attitude!” Frey cheered. “For now, I think making your friend Thomas a sub-contractor might give me the hints I need. So how about it? Should we go through with it?”

“I’m seeing him tomorrow.”

“Alright. Then Operation Himbo starts tomorrow after school!”

“We’re not calling it Operation Himbo.”

“You are just no fun…”



the part where Mc took off the cum while. kissing Noelle is repeated