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Chapter 224: Heat.

Noelle dived towards my lips again, now being more proactive in kissing me. She licked my lips and my tongue, she pressed and rubbed her chest on me as well. I was about to hug her, but then Alice began to kiss my neck and lick my jaw as she also snuggled closer.

I didn’t hear any thoughts, but felt something like a wave of scorching heat. These girls wanted me. They wanted me so badly that they didn’t mind that another girl was there. It was just like that time at Thomas’ party. And just like that time, I'd be a fool to let this chance slip.

I put an arm around Noelle’s waist and another around Alice’s. My entire body was burning. I was hungry. I broke my kiss with Noelle to capture Alice’s lips. The blonde welcomed me eagerly, mouth open to let me eat her up. And the redhead didn’t waste a second. She began to kiss my neck as she undid the first two buttons of my shirt and moved to kiss my collarbone.

I moved my hands down their waists, to their hips, to their legs. Alice had stockings, but Noelle’s were bare. They were trembling with pleasure.

I swapped again, kissing Noelle while Alice kissed my jaw as if she still wasn’t ready to let me go. Her nose bumped against Noelle’s.

My hands went under their skirts and greedily, confidently squeezed their plump, peachy butts. A sexy whimper escaped them both, and when they tried to resume the kisses… both of their tongues met mine.

If I say the pause lasted a second it would be too long. Our brains had turned to mush, the heat overriding every logical thought. We were suddenly sharing a three-way kiss.

Three tongues entangled at the same time while I held the two girls close to me. I felt their hands on my biceps, my pecs, my abs and the back of my neck. I fondled their butts, enjoying the sensation of the lacy fabric on Alice and the silk on Noelle.

One of them sneaked a hand under my shirt. Who was it? I couldn’t tell, but she was touching my stomach all over. One of them also groped my butt, and given her naughty giggle, I was sure that had been Noelle. It made me even bolder. I got my hands inside their panties and fondled their buttcheeks directly.

It was crazy. All of a sudden we didn’t care that we were in school, in the student council office. All we had in our heads was each other. We were groping and kissing, moaning softly yet lewdly.

Something had snapped. We wanted each other and we wanted it NOW.

And then the fucking bell rang.




I have never in my life been more furious at a bell. My body shook from a mix of anger, frustration and desire. I unconsciously pulled the girls closer to me, as if afraid they’d let go, but they actually held me just as tightly, even grabbing and pulling on my clothes.

We shared a silent look. The three of us were panting hard, faces red and hot.

Alice swallowed. “Should we skip?” The suggestion was as straightforward as it was serious. Alice was ready to skip the last period just to continue what we were doing. Noelle looked at me, her eyes saying she’d agree to whatever I answered.

Why was it up to me? I wanted it! I wanted to skip. I wanted to undress these two, undress myself and have us all indulge in debauchery for as long as we could. But our absence from class would get people talking, Alice’s particularly so. As much as it pained me, I wasn’t willing to risk putting more hurdles on our relationship when there were already so many to overcome. It was surprising to hear Alice suggest it, but I understood it. If things had been different, I would’ve said yes.

“...After I leave work today,” I told them. I was only now letting go of their butts. “There’s a hotel I know. If you still want to, we can go there. The three of us. For now, we go to class.”

That seemed to cool their heads, if only slightly.

“Yes. If we skip, too many people will notice,” Noelle said.

“Right. Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking,” Alice said.

I swallowed. “Don’t get me wrong, I… I WANT to skip, but…”

Alice and Noelle both pecked my lips at the same time. They smiled.

“So… At what time do you get off from work?” Noelle asked shyly.

“8:00 pm.”

“I’ll go,” the redhead said. She then looked at her friend. “You?”

Alice grinned. “I’m not gonna miss this for the world.”

I smiled. Knowing we would be continuing later eased up the frustration I was feeling somewhat. “Now let’s go to class before we’re late.”

“Oliver, wait!” Noelle said.

“What is it?”

She giggled. “You’re a mess.”


“Oh boy…” Alice snickered. “We… really messed you up.”

I looked down at myself. The neck of my shirt was crooked, three of the buttons were undone, my tie was loose, and I could bet my hair was a mess as well. Since I focused my… touches on their lower behinds, the girls were far more presentable.

Noelle began to button my shirt while Alice fixed the neck and tightened my tie. Noelle then brought out a comb and did her best to fix my hair, too.

We went to class, and by god was it the worst, slowest class of my life.

I had to go to the gym before I even went to work, and that at least helped with the frustrations. I had to set the treadmill at a faster pace that day, but even after I was done, I was still eager to finish my work shift.


Chapter 225: New partners.

It was hard to focus at work that day, and I think Maria noticed.

“Working faster won’t make your shift end sooner, you know?” she told me.

I flinched. Yeah, I was working too hastily, moving too quickly from one task to the other when there wasn’t any need to. We had customers, but not enough to warrant me running around.

“S-Sorry,” I told her.

“What’s got you like this? Got a date?” she teased.

I turned around and swept the floor so she wouldn’t see my face. Maria knew I was seeing three girls at the same time, and she didn’t judge, but how would she react if I told her I was seeing two more now? Not that I was going to.

Thankfully, another group of customers came in and gave me an excuse to run away from my boss. It was another group of girls from my school. This place was really becoming a hot spot for girls to gather, huh? It was good for Maria’s business, and it was just as good for me, as I was getting even more tips. Actually, what I made in tips was about as much as I made from my normal pay. Maybe… Maybe I’d buy that thing I wanted.

Slowly but surely, closing time was finally upon us. I made sure I had finished every single one of my tasks one final time before I left.

I checked my phone, and I was glad to see a message from only a minute ago.

-Alice: We’re waiting.

They were only a couple of blocks away. Both Alice and Noelle had gone home and changed from their uniforms to casual clothes. Noelle was wearing a thin, thigh, black sweater and equally tight-fitting blue jeans that accentuated her gorgeous curves. Alice, meanwhile, was wearing a white, fluffy jacket, a black pleated skirt and black stockings. I was still in my work clothes, meaning a white shirt and black dress pants minus the usual black apron.

I swallowed and walked up to them. “Did I make you wait?”

“It’s 8:03 and you said you got off at 8:00,” Noelle pointed out, giggling. “I can’t believe you’d make us wait so much!”

I chuckled. “Hey, so… Are you sure you want to do this? Things were… pretty heated back then, so if you’ve reconsidered…”

God, I prayed they hadn’t.

“Hm? Maybe you’re the one who got cold feet?” Alice teased me, but I could notice the nerves in her smile and the way she moved.

“Yes, actually. I don’t know if I can do this.”

When their faces turned to horror, I lasted all of a single second before bursting into laughter. The girls realized I was joking and began shoving me and punching my arms and shoulder, all while laughing.

“You’re an ass!” Alice said, nearly out of breath from laughter.

“Don’t you dare play with us like that!” Noelle said, shaking my arm.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I laughed with them and accepted my punishment.

It was a bit of a cruel joke, but it worked just as I hoped. Alice and Noelle now looked far more comfortable than they did before.

We went to the usual hotel Mila, Grace, Sarah and I had been using so far. It was always clean, had good service and it had rooms for every budget. That said, when they heard that the most expensive room had hot tubs, they immediately knew which one they wanted.

I had another worrying thought as we showed our IDs at the front desk. I’d been coming here every so often, sometimes with two or even three girls, and even when I came with one, it could’ve been one of three. Now… I was coming with two different girls. The things the person behind the counter must be thinking. I was so glad the black screen prevented us from seeing each other.

We took the elevator and went into our room. Alice and Noelle were the first ones to step inside, and they stared in awe at how fancy it all was.

“There’s the hot tub!” Noelle beamed, eyes sparking.

“Noelle, look! There’s another one on the terrace!” Alice called to her.

“There’s a terrace!?”

For a while, as the girls explored, I was forgotten. They were like two kids in an amusement park, excited to see everything. It made me smile. They got excited at the size of the bathroom, at the size of the bed and the mirrors around it. They peeked inside the minifridge and giggled at the erotic paintings on the walls, but then they turned the TV on, and the first thing that played was a scene of a woman moaning as a guy pounded her ass from behind. It was very explicit and it was such a shock to both girls that they turned the TV off immediately.

Now they were back to being nervous and awkward as they glanced my way every other moment.

{We’re really here. We’re really going to…}

{N-Now what do we do?}

I remembered my first time. I was so confused about what was happening, why it was happening and why to me? Even the first few times after that I was nervous and confused. If the girls hadn’t been so forward with me, I never would have even dared to touch them.

I had the advantage of knowing full well these two wanted me as much as I wanted them. If they were the ones worried and lost, I’d have to take the role of being the lead, even if I wasn’t sure it suited me.

I undid the first two buttons of my shirt, and the girls’ breath caught. I undid two more, and I had their eyes glued to me. I undid them all and took it off, and their eyes scanned every single definition in my muscles.

The body I had woken up with one morning wasn’t the same as the one I had now. I was about a size larger, with broader shoulders and bigger arms. I was still a lean, inverted triangle, but all the work it’d put in was showing itself.

I walked to them, put an arm around their waists and pulled them closer. Be confident, Oliver. A situation where us three were too scared to move would lead to disappointment. I wasn’t confident about many things, but at least this, I knew I could do well.

I leaned down and kissed Noelle. No tongue, and the kiss didn’t last more than four seconds. I turned to Alice and kissed her in the same way. When I kissed Noelle again, I licked her chin. When I kissed Alice, I nibbled her bottom lip.

Noelle put her hand on my arm, on my bicep, and began to squeeze it. Alice put a hand on my abs and traced her fingers along their definitions.

I slid my tongue inside Noelle's mouth and gave Alice’s ass a gentle squeeze. Noelle began to lick my neck as I made out with Alice, the blonde now putting a hand on the back of my neck.

“You’re both so sexy…” I muttered, gasping. “Can I continue?”

{I’m sexy…!}

{God, he wants me so bad!}

Noelle kissed my shoulder. “Please do.”

Alice nibbled my ear. “Be gentle.”

The fire inside me was raging.



Not much to say about these chapters, really. They're simply transition + build up to get to where we want to go. They all want it, they're all horny teens (+Frey's general influence), so I think we can finally let it happen instead of having them wait even more.


I like that MC is becoming more confident


Mila, Grace and Sarah did the heavy lifting for him in their relationship. Alice and Noelle won't do it, so it's up to him. I think it works nicely to show his growth.