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Chapter 217: Her question.

I never expected it to go well. It was a delicate topic that needed to be discussed, so I was ready to be yelled at and called all sorts of things. I never thought she’d run away, though.

I sat on the floor of the rooftop, confused and mentally exhausted.

Noelle said we would talk later, but would we really? If she ran away, it meant she didn’t want to see me, right? I couldn’t get a read on her thoughts. What little I heard was a mix of emotions and ideas that was too hectic to make any sense of.

I let out a loud, frustrated groan as I rubbed my face. Should I have done things differently? Should I have said something else? Maybe if I was more assertive, but that likely would’ve been off putting and made her hate me more. Maybe there was just no way to get a better outcome. It was bound to happen.

When my phone buzzed, I almost didn’t want to check it, but it could be the girls, so I still did. And yeah, it was Sarah, asking me where I was and to stay there.

I was expecting them to come here, but it was Noelle who came through the door, running and gasping for hair.

“H-Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked in a hurry, standing up and going to check on her.

“...Nothing, nothing,” she said, laughing tiredly. “Sorry, I said… we’d talk later today, but… I made up my mind sooner than I thought.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“I went to talk to the girls. Milana, Grace and Sarah. I needed to do that before I asked you this.” Noelle took a couple of deep breaths. She stood up straight, but still had to look up at me. Her expression was serious, resolute. “O-Oliver! I r-r-really l-l-like you! W-W-Will you go out with me?” She almost shouted her question.

I slowly blinked as my jaw fell. I felt so dizzy that I had to believe I was hearing things.

“W-What? But… I thought you… That you didn’t want to…”

“I… I don’t want you to friendzone me!” she said bluntly. “It made me realize that… That I didn’t want to waste an opportunity to be with you! That’s how much I like you. I’ll… I’ll share if I have to, I won’t complain, but I refuse to miss out on this. I’m tired of squandering opportunities just because I was afraid!”

I blinked again. “Friendzone you? I… wasn’t gonna do that.”


“You left before I could tell you. I was going to say that… I want us to remain friends, because I don’t want to give up on you. Even if it took me months or even years, I would eventually convince you to go out with me, to… accept my relationship with other girls.” I scratched the back of my head. “I know it’s insanely selfish, but this is the one thing I can’t compromise on. I want you, Noelle, every bit as much as I want Mila, Grace, Sarah and Alice. So I’ll do everything I can to fulfill that wish, no matter how long it takes me.”

Noelle’s mouth remained half-opened. “So… I jumped to conclusions?”

“I think so?” I offered sheepishly.

Noelle’s blush deepened even more, and then suddenly she burst into laughter.

“Ahahahaha! I can’t believe it! Hahaha! I’m so dumb!”


“I thought… I thought you didn’t want to go out with me anymore, so I rushed. But this…” She snickered. “God, I must look so stupid.”

I chuckled. “Not really. When… When I asked out Mila, Grace and Sarah, I rushed too, because they were going to a party that night and I was afraid they’d hook up with other guys.”

Noelle kept laughing. Her grin was gorgeous. “Are you serious?”

“In my defense, I had no idea what that relationship was for a long time.”

“Yeah, they told me.”

The choice of that specific anecdote was deliberate. I didn’t want to tiptoe around the fact I was seeing other girls. If this had any chance to work, Noelle needed to understand how much those girls meant to me. That said…

“So yeah, I’m not going to give up easily. However, I don’t want you to make a rushed choice,” I told her. “So if you want to take some more time…”

“No.” Noelle shook her head. “If anything, this helped me make up my mind. I’m sure that if I spent more time thinking about it, I’d end up deciding the same.” She smiled at me nervously. “So… What’s your answer? Will you go out with me?”

My smile came to me on its own. “Yeah. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Noelle giggled. “Bold words. That confident?”

I laughed. “I won’t get anywhere if I don’t at least look it, right?”

{Do whatever feels right, huh?}

That reading was strange. It was Noelle’s thought, but I heard hints of Mila’s voice in there. Maybe a memory more than a thought, then.

Noelle started fidgeting in place. She looked down at the floor with burning cheeks. “H-Hey, just so you know, I… I’m not… I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

I smiled at her and nodded. “I’m honored, then.”

She giggled. “What I’m trying to say is that… I’m not… experienced.”

{Will he think less of me if I tell him I’m looking forward to doing naughty things? But I’ve never even kissed a boy before, so I’ll suck at it! But I want it…}

You know, maybe reading minds isn’t such a bad thing.

I stepped closer to Noelle. With my latest, surprise growth sprout, standing so close to her made our height difference more noticeable. I was half a head taller than her.

I gently put my hands on her shoulders. She flinched from surprise, and my own heart was racing as well. Regardless, I pushed through and embraced her. Just a hug, but I wanted to feel her close. Noelle let out a shy chuckle and hugged me back, hiding her face in my shoulder. Just this felt heavenly. The closeness, the contact… But it was clear we both wanted more.

“Can I kiss you?” I asked her softly.

I felt her body tense. She looked up at me, face as red as her hair. She licked her lips and silently nodded.


Chapter 218: The magic of a kiss.

Noelle closed her eyes and waited for me to initiate the kiss. I spent a single second staring at her cute, pink lips. My heart raced, my desire to taste them almost turning my brain to mush. And if that desire almost did it, tasting them finished the job.

I started gently, with soft pecks to build anticipation. Noelle tightened her embrace and slightly pushed her head forward. She wanted more than this.

I pressed my lips against hers, gently caressing her back as I did. Having her in my arms just felt SO right. Her breathing stopped and her body began to relax.

{Ohhh. This is… good. More.}

I probed her lips with my tongue, and Noelle tightly grabbed the back of my jacket as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. When my tongue met hers, the petite redhead melted in my arms.

{Oh God…!}

She wasn’t Mila, or Grace, or Sarah. She wasn’t Alice, either. She was Noelle, a different girl, and I was sharing a deep, passionate kiss with her. Her first, even. I can’t explain to you how much it excited me, how much it turned me on.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her even closer. She got one arm around my neck while she pressed one hand against my chest. Noelle was inexperienced, like Alice, and let me take the lead. The heat in my chest made me increase the intensity of the kiss little by little, exploring every corner of my new girlfriend’s mouth, getting well acquainted with her playful tongue.

{Oh fuck…! I’m getting wet! My… My body’s burning…!}

My dick was also getting hard. It was difficult to fight the temptation of doing it here. As she was now, I even believed Noelle would encourage it, but a part of me felt that was crossing a line before it was right. We only just agreed to go out together, and it was the school rooftop with its door unlocked.

No, I would be patient this time. I would wait until Noelle, with a clear head, told me she was comfortable with the idea. That said… I wasn’t about to leave her wanting. I had to make a case for myself as her boyfriend.

As I kissed her, I put a hand on her cheek and caressed her. I traced the back of my fingers along her neck, her cheek, her ears. I slowly rubbed her back and pulled her closer to me so that her ample chest was pressed against mine.

Noelle reacted by shivering from pleasure, moaning into me and tightly grabbing my shirt as she tried her best to kiss me back. She licked my tongue as if it was the sweetest, most addictive candy she’d ever tasted, and she began to rub her chest on me.

{So good…! So GOOD! Shit, my nipples are hard. I want to pinch them. God, I think I’m close…!}

I kept doing exactly what I was doing for the next five minutes. We made out for a total of 20 minutes before Noelle reached her peak in my arms. Her voice didn’t come out. It was a silent scream, her body stiff as a board and spasming like a firecracker, holding onto me like she’d die if she let me go.

I was genuinely surprised. Making her come was my intent, yes, but I wasn’t sure I could really pull it off so quickly. Maybe I’d gotten even better?

I pulled my face away to look at her. Her cheeks were red, her eyes looked lost and she was absentmindedly licking her grinning lips. She hit that sweet spot of looking both cute and sexy.

Slowly, she began to come to. She blinked, looked up at me and quickly hid her face full of shame in my chest. It made me chuckle.

“What? What happened?” I teased.

“N-N-Nothing!” she claimed.

“Was I that bad?”

“Oh, so you’re the type to tease an embarrassed girl?” she shot back, pouting. “That’s low, Oliver.”

Ouch. I smiled wryly. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

Noelle started giggling uncontrollably. She hugged me close and rested her head on my shoulder. Once she calmed down, she asked me,“Is it… off putting?”

“Why would it be?”

“I don’t know.”

“I liked that a lot. Did you?”


“I’d like to do more than just kiss, eventually. When you’re comfortable with the idea.”

Noelle swallowed. “I… I want it, too. I’m… a virgin, Oliver, but precisely because of that, I… I want to…”

I nodded. “I know that feeling. Whenever you feel ready.”

“After you’ve asked Alice, then,” she said, looking at me. She then giggled again. “I can’t believe I have to share my first boyfriend with four other girls.”

“I told you. You won’t regret it.”

“How are you so sure you can keep that promise?”

“Because I’m not going to take you for granted.”

Noelle smiled and pecked my lips. “And I’m not going to get left behind. I’ll end up being your favorite.”

“Oh? I think I’m pretty good at not playing favorites,” I teased.

“Just wait. You won't be able to get your hands off me!”

“That’s an entirely different matter.”

We both laughed. Call me crazy, but I think that kiss changed the air around us. I don’t know if I can claim that Noelle had fully accepted the arrangement, but she certainly seemed like she was going to give it a fair shot.

I prayed that things would work out, but I wasn’t gonna stop at praying. I made up my mind that I wanted all these girls, so I was going to work my ass for them. They wouldn’t need another man, they wouldn’t want another man. I’d be more than enough.

Noelle said she needed to be home soon, so she left before me. Parting was difficult, but it was made easier by the knowledge that we’d be seeing each other a lot more from now on.

I texted the girls to ask them if they were still in school so I could tell them how it all went. I didn’t expect the response, though.

-Mila: Sorry, we left already.

-Sarah: You were too late, baby.

-Grace: Sorry, love. We got stolen.

Stolen? What the hell?

The next thing they sent was a picture. They were at Maria’s Coffee shop, sitting at a table full of pastries with… Isabelle. The four girls were giving a peace sign at the camera as they grinned.

My sister stole my girlfriends!



Story discussion ahead. So I wanted to play with this a little bit. Oliver was the one to ask out Mila, Grace and Sarah. He'll also be the one to ask Alice, since she already said she's waiting for him to ask. I wanted to have Noelle be the one doing the asking this time, to show that she's really not willing to let this oportunity slip through her hands. Adding to that, the fact that Oliver never even planned on friendzoning Noelle. Remember that little monologue he had about making exucses to not get the things you want? Well, here he realized getting Noelle to accept him was impossible, so he was ready to play the long game. He would work at it little by little if he had to, but he wasn't going to let her go just like that. It was a path I considered but decided against. I want to write these two as a couple already. So yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed!


That was really cute lol. Nice, can't wait for the lewds