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[Poll] How would you feel about characters in stories that are meant remain sex friends?

  • It could be fun. 24
  • I wouldn't like it. 5
  • Might depend on context. 26
  • 2023-06-06
  • 55 votes
{'title': '[Poll] How would you feel about characters in stories that are meant remain sex friends?', 'choices': [{'text': 'It could be fun.', 'votes': 24}, {'text': "I wouldn't like it.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Might depend on context.', 'votes': 26}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 6, 22, 4, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 55}


Title, though mostly related to Oliver's story.

I've been thinking about it for a while. Having situations where the protagonist and another girl are both happy to remain sex friends. The idea is that these could be recuring characters that don't necesarily have to be a permanent part of the story. Good friends who are happy to hang out and have sex with Oliver every once in a while, but maybe don't like him romantically or have other reasons not to date him like that. Of course, the aim is to keep things on the wholesome side while also trying some new stuff.

Personally, I think it could be fun and lead to interesting dynamics. I also understand that it might feel awkward to some. 

Sometimes I feel like I want to try my hand at concepts that are usually seen as negative and try to make them work in a healthy relationship. One example of this is Thomas. The "best friend" in a lot of erotica/porn is just a guy that the protagonist either cucks or gets cucked by, rarely an actual friend. Sex friends aren't on that level, I suppose.

There's nothing concrete planned yet. I'd just like to see some opinions on the subject.



Yeah, to elaborate a little more: Though there's not concrete plan, if I were to do something like this I would try to make it as respectful as possible. For one, I wouldn't make it so Thomas shares whatever girlfriend he has. I want to write some chapters from his perspective after the Alice and Noelle situation is resolved. From the top of my head, some situations are something like: a lesbian couple wants to try doing it with a guy. A woman who doesn't want the burdens of a relationship just hanging out with the group and having sex with Oliver every once in a while. There are a couple of others that I don't want to elaborate too much on because there's a chance they might be related to other plans I have. And of course, this would always be with the concent of his girlfriends. Let's remember that the more Oliver fulfills his sexual desires, the stronger Frey becomes, and that gives us more posibilities.


Hi, I'm a bit late, but here are my two cents hope you catch this. I wouldn't oppose Oliver having some nonexclusive/exclusive short, mid, and long-term hanky panky, sexy time dalliances under two conditions. 1. He does not become a fuck boy. The pitfalls in this are vast. I won't bore you with an essay on the subject. Just know that it is riveting everything from cheapening his relationships with his girls to completely undermining every other potential male friendship around him because you know he's too busy being balls-deep in every girl that even dares look at him. After all, they are just little cucks that need to make way for the all-mighty OLIVERRRRR!!! Just writing this is making me depressed. The number of times I have started a story with serious potential only to fall into these ridiculous notions is sad. 2. Oliver has a conversation with Lust about setting boundaries with these women. I would not be ok with Lust completely consuming these women through Oliver, "as what's happened in the story so far. Let's face it, there is no going back for any of the girls so far," only to send them on their way to live an unsatisfactory life because the plot calls for it. I would not be comfortable with this outcome, nor would Oliver. Oliver is not the kind of character that would willingly ruin a woman's chances of ever finding happiness in life with or without someone else just for some self-gratification. I believe that Oliver and I would need a dream sequence where it is established that these women will have a great time but won't spend the rest of their lives pining over the potent supernatural drug that is Oliver and his peerless cuck. FYI, I love your work. This story is in my top 5 web series erotica. You and BreaktheBar are killing it. BreaktheBar is another writer I believe you would find enjoyment/inspiration from. Here's hoping for many years of peerless writing ahead of you.


It's sometimes tempting to write certain things just because they're hot, but in a story like this, were most actions have consecuances, I think a lot on whether or not they fit. If I did write one or two sex friends for Oliver, they would be single women (or maybe a lesbian couple looking to experience something new). I would work to make limits and boundries clear. I won't have Oliver cucking other guys. I won't have Oliver ruining anyone's life. Your read on him is pretty on point, and I always try my best to keep everyone in character. Though like I said, I have no immediate plans nor specific ideas. Just giving it some thought for the future.