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Chapter 195: Clearing things up (Part 1)

I told the girls we needed to have a serious talk. If it weren’t for the fact I was being serious, it would’ve been a funny thing. Seriously, can you imagine me saying the classic ‘We need to talk’ to someone? It did get the girls a little on edge, so I suppose it sounded exactly like they portray it in the shows.

During lunch break, Grace told us to wait for her at the door to the rooftop while she took care of something. Mila, Sarah and I waited, and five minutes later Grace arrived, showing us a key.

I raised an eyebrow.

“You said it was serious,” Grace said, “so we better not let anyone eavesdrop. I called in a favor with our student president, and she let me borrow the keys to the rooftop.”

“They let the student council president have the keys?” I asked, a little shocked.

“They let Alice have the keys,” Grace corrected. “I’ve said it before. Act like a proper student and people are less likely to notice when you break a rule or two. That said, it took some convincing.”

“I’d imagine,” Mila chuckled. “What did you tell her?”

Grace unlocked the door and giggled. “That we’d forgive her for asking our boyfriend on a date.”

Sarah snickered. “Nice.”

There it was. Another one of those. Half a joke, but only half of it. They were too comfortable with the idea of…

We went in… Or out, actually. We went out to the rooftop, shivering as a gentle, but cold gust flew past us. Grace locked the door.

The rooftop was enclosed on all sides by a tall chain linked fence, the top of which bent inwards to prevent people from climbing it. Another fence, this one with a door with a padlock, separated us from the ventilation system. Other than that, the rooftop was flat, gray and empty, almost mirroring the gray, cloudy sky.

“So?” Sarah asked, rubbing her arm. Whether she was cold or nervous, it was hard to tell. “What’s so important that you got all serious?”

I swallowed. Their expectant eyes on me put a lot of pressure on my shoulders, and it made me doubt my words. Thankfully, I’d spent a lot of time since the first recess thinking of how to approach this.

“I remember… that you girls said once or twice that there were times you had an idea of what I was thinking, or if I was lying.”

The girls tensed up and looked at each other. It was Mila who spoke. “Well… Yes. It happens sometimes.”

“It’s… a big reason we’re okay with…” Sarah cleared her throat, “dating you at the same time.”

I swallowed again. The lump in my throat was getting bigger, but I had already started. “I don’t think I ever told you, but… I get the same feeling sometimes.” I don’t like it, but I decided to keep the mind-reading to myself. If someone told me they could read my mind, I’d be really uncomfortable.

“Do you?” Grace asked with a small smile. “Can you tell when we’re lying?”

“...More like I can tell when you’re being honest,” I clarified. “I don’t think you’ve ever lied to me.”

Grace smiled wryly. “Maybe a small, white lie here and there,” she admitted. “Or little things we’ve kept secret.”

“Like Alice’s name,” Sarah said. “When we told you what happened to her.”

“Or talks we’ve had among ourselves,” Mila added shyly.

I nodded. “I don’t mind that. I don’t want to pry into things you don’t want to talk about. However… if it wasn’t for this… ‘sixth sense’ as I’ve come to call it, I would’ve had even more trouble talking to you at first. Does that… bother you?”

They all quickly shook their heads.

“It’s refreshing,” Grace said, chuckling. “A relationship so… open, so full of trusts. I love it, Oliver.”

“It’s strange, for sure,” Sarah said. “But so far things are working great for us, don’t you think?”


Mila laughed. “You always try to be as upfront as you can, so it makes us want to do the same.”

I smiled. “Thanks. This isn’t exactly what I wanted to ask, though.”

“Then what?” Mila asked, tilting her head.

“For a while, now, you’ve been… joking and teasing me with something, but… I think I can tell it’s not all jokes,” I started. The girls seemed to realize what I was talking about and tensed up. “I didn’t want to assume things, so I ignored what this sixth sense was telling me, but it’s getting to the point I can’t really ignore it anymore.” The girls looked at me expectantly. “So… When you ask things like… if I find a girl attractive, or say things like you want me to hang out with Noelle and Alice… What exactly do you mean?”

If this was a normal relationship, and if we hadn't made clear that we could feel things even when they were not said out loud, the answer would be obvious.

“We didn’t mean anything by it,” they could answer. “We just wanted you to make more friends.” Even then, that was the best one could hope for.

But the girls understood, knew what I meant. Their conflicted expressions when they looked at each other said that much without me needing mind reading powers.

“It means…” Mila started. “It means that… not only do we not feel jealous.”

“But we also find it… exciting,” Sarah said, arms crossed and looking down.

“We like the idea of you being with other girls, Oliver,” Grace said.

I couldn’t ask for anything clearer, could I?


Chapter 196: Clearing things up (part 2)

To have these suspicions confirmed was disorienting. Should I be excited or concerned? Happy or worried? I bit my lip to stop my face from twisting due to the conflicting emotions.

“You want it too, don’t you?” Grace asked me, stepping forward with arms crossed. “You’ve thought of being with other girls, right?”


“Don’t lie,” Mila said. “We just made it clear that we can tell when you do.”

“It’s…” I groaned. “It SOUNDS like something any man would love, and I would too, obviously! But that doesn’t mean I would jump at the chance! I’m more than happy with how things are right now. It’s already more than I deserve. I’m not gonna risk hurting you for some cheap thrill!”

“You want to talk about not deserving things?” Sarah said firmly. “Oliver, you don’t understand what it means…” Her cheeks burned red, and she held onto her arms to stop herself from fidgeting. “You don’t understand what it means to be your girlfriend.”


“There’s something odd about you, Oliver,” Mila said. “And I mean that in the best way possible.”

“Since we started dating you,” Grace raised her fist to her face and started counting with her fingers, “We’ve lost weight and look better than ever, we feel physically and mentally better than before, our periods are smoother, we’re having restful sleep, and that’s all on top of the most fulfilling relationship I’ve ever had and sex we’re not physically capable of matching in any way.”

My head spun from the sudden list. That was all news to me, and I didn’t know where to begin asking for clarification. “W-Whaat?” was my very eloquent question.

“We’re burning fat in all the right places,” Sarah started. “It’s like… our skin is getting smoother and our figures more defined.”

“We’re eating more than we normally do. More sweets, too, but we’re not gaining weight,” Grace added. “And I usually get a cold about this time of year, but I haven’t even felt a headache or gotten a runny nose.”

“My period always hits me hard, but you wouldn’t know that,” Mila said. “Drastic mood swings, strong headaches, stuff like that. Yet I barely felt it these last couple months.”

“I can’t remember the last time I woke up tired,” Grace said.

“And this is happening to the three of us,” Mila said, then pointed a finger at me. “And it all started after we started going out with you!”

My eye twitched and my jaw half-hung. “Y-You think it’s because of me?”

“You’re the only thing that’s different,” Grace said. “Even if we only count the last two months, it still qualifies as enough evidence for a qualitative study. And the symptoms repeat in three different people, which also qualifies as evidence for a quantitative study.”

“Okay, don’t go there or you’re gonna confuse me, too,” Mila told her.

Sarah sighed. “The point is that we’ve spent enough time with you to realize there’s something special about you, Oliver. The ‘sixth sense’ as you call it is just one thing. Come on! What human alive can go at it for hours with three girls AND STILL not be fully satisfied?”


“And it’s not just that you last so long,” Grace spoke, cutting me off. “Oliver, you don’t get it, because you can’t get it. You can’t be on the receiving end of… well, yourself!”

My confusion only grew.

“It’s impossible to put into words. Sex with you is not just good, or excellent, or amazing. It’s unreal, out of this world… Transcendental!” Grace groaned and rubbed her face. “Sorry to bring this up, but you already know I had sex with others before you, right? It was sometimes bad, sometimes meh and sometimes really good. But doing it with you? Calling it ‘really good’ doesn’t even begin to describe a five-minute quickie in the restroom, let alone five hours at a hotel!”

Sarah and Mila nodded in fervent agreement.

“And that’s what makes us feel inadequate,” Sarah said. “No matter what we do, we can’t make you feel what we feel. Even with three of us, you still make us feel better than we do you.”


“Don’t say that’s not important or that it doesn’t matter,” Mila told me, scowling. Man, I couldn’t get a word in. “Or are you gonna tell us you like it when we pay for all the food, hotel bills and movie tickets? We don’t mind paying, but you mind when we do. It’s the same here. You may say you’re satisfied with how things are, but we’re not.”

“Not because you’re not doing enough, but because we feel that WE aren’t,” Grace said.

When… When did they turn this around on me? I was the one who asked a question, hoping to clarify things between us, but now I was getting more than I asked, and they even looked kind of pissed. Pissed at themselves, however. Because they felt I was doing more for them than they were for me.

And I knew I couldn’t reassure them with simple words. It was like Mila had said. I didn’t like when the girls paid for my food or my tickets, because I felt it wasn’t fair, like I was taking advantage of them. They felt like that when it came to sex?

Well… These same girls did teach me to ask things when I was unsure of something.

“So what can I… What can WE do about it?”

The girls shared a silent look, then Sarah cleared her throat. “T-The way we see it, if we can’t match you in quality, then… we match you in quantity.”

I swallowed. “Y-You mean…”

“Sleep with more girls,” Mila put it bluntly. Girl didn’t even blush. Even Sarah looked more bashful.

Grace chuckled, the back of two fingers covering her mouth. “She’s trying to put it like we’re trying to even things out, but the truth is we like the idea. Sarah even masturbated thinking of you fucking Alice.”

My heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped. Then that morning in the old music room…

“G-G-Grace, you b-bitch! I’m gonna k-k-kill you!” The threat sounded empty from the mouth of the stammering, fidgeting, blushing blonde.

“You like the idea?” I asked. “The idea of me… sleeping with other girls?”

“Still don’t believe us?” Mila smiled wryly. “We’ve thought about it for a long time. We get turned on when we see you doing it with any of us, and the idea that you’d do it with someone else, too… It’s even hotter.”

I shook my head. “It’s not that I don’t believe you. I asked because I had a feeling that was the case. I’m just… worried. I don’t want to do anything that could ruin this. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Answer this, Oliver,” Grace said. “Can you tell us, with 100% certainty, that you have no interest in trying this?”

I grimaced. Noelle’s face popped into my mind. Alice’s did, too. Trying to deny it was useless.

“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I’m worried,” I told them.

Mila walked up to me, booped my nose and hugged me tightly. “We can be careful, see how everything plays out. If things don’t feel right, we’ll talk it over.”

I took a deep breath and hugged Mila back. For a long moment, we stayed quiet.

“Okay,” I finally answered.

I couldn’t fucking believe it.





Story discussion ahead. Finally, they're throwing things out into the open. They're admiting they know things are strange, and in doing so finding reasurance that, no, they not going crazy. Or maybe they're going ctazy together, which is just as good, if you ask me. Oliver asking the question gave the girls a chance to not only tell him what they want, but tell him everything that they've been keeping inside. I was in the middle of writing the chapter, I was on a roll, just writting as things came to mind, and then I suddenly realized it was just the girls practically screaming their feelings at Oliver and I couldn't help but laugh. Gotta love when your own characters surprise you. Still a bit more work to be done in this area, though. Things are out in the open, but that doesn't mean Oliver can just walk up to Noelle or Alice, make out with them and fuck them silly (though I admit it'd be kinda hot). There's something I need to work on before I even let Oliver and Alice go to the car meet together, and thats's... Alice herself. I'll explain more when her chapters come. I hope you all enjoyed the chapters!